LAGHONIA - Glue (Raer Peruvian Psych Related)
664 Posts
I downloaded this off of dCasteelo a while back and finially got around to listening to it recently and, I must say, this is that heat. Been playin' it over and over pretty much all day. Some captivating schitt. Any of you freaks own this?more info
Weird how all those high dollar ones are the same dude selling what looks like the same copy 4 times over a year...
Still, it sounds pretty ill. I wouldn't mind copping that boot that went for $35.
You can cop reissue CD from my man George. There are 2 CDs he reissued, dunno if he pressed it to vinyl or not.
Peep for mas science:
George is a good dude who sells in SoCal, many of you probably know him....