Ferguson Grand Jury Says A Badge Is A License To Kill Unarmed Black Guys



  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    "Ferguson Grand Jury Says A Badge Is A License To Kill Unarmed Black Guys"

    That was establish several hundred years ago. Nothing to see here.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    parallax said:
    LazarusOblong said:

    Why is the US the only advanced industrial nation that has a problem like this?

    Guns are too easy to get in the US and its citizens are among the most frustrated, entitled, angry, and paranoid people on the planet.

    Well, yeah, but I mean the problem of amped-up bacon killing unarmed citizens and witless citizens accepting it as "normal." Which it shouldn't be in a civil society.

    Fair enough.

    Not to be contrarian, but I don't think people ever accept the death of young black men at the hands of white law enforcement officals as "normal". If anything, it's always sensational and/or sensationalized.

    Reactions to real and perceived systemic racism comes to the fore in a variety of lenses informed by people's various realities, engendered by media, personal bias, and layered accounts.

    In the end, the families and loved ones of the dead AND the shooter suffer immeasurably. It's heartbreaking to think of how many people will break because of this, and further, how avoidable it all could've been.

    So yeah, I think I might have derailed and rambled on here, but I get what you're saying.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    I like the paranoia that some of you have thinking that we live in a police state. Unless you are planning on burning buildings down or attacking people/police in the street you will not encounter the "police state." The is same hippie protester / vigilante police force shit has been happening since the 60's it has not increased in scale.

    I hate getting tickets as much as the next guy but I am cool enough not to reach for a cops piece and get my self shot. Too bad liberals have turned this incident into a racial issue to mask the real tragedy of black on black crime in America. Let's see a slate piece by jamelle Bouie counting all of the black on black murders that have happened since the grand jury decision was reached....

    LOL. Are you sure you didn't mean to post this on the FOX news discussion board? The amount of black on black crime, black on white crime etc is totally irrelevant. Humans will always fight each other , the job of the police and courts is to fairly enforce the laws of the country. Which they don't. White adult freaking out with a gun gets a 5 hours stand off while they try to talk him down. 12 year old black kids playing with an air soft in a park gets shot with in 2 seconds of the cops arriving. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.

  • please don't quote that fucking piece of garbage. seeing his idiotic scrawlings even once is too much for me.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    please don't quote that fucking piece of garbage. seeing his idiotic scrawlings even once is too much for me.

    I agree. Couldn't resist his amazing 4th post. Creating an account just to argue race relations with record nerds is pretty funny.

  • Dickwidth said:
    I like the paranoia that some of you have thinking that we live in a police state. Unless you are planning on burning buildings down or attacking people/police in the street you will not encounter the "police state." The is same hippie protester / vigilante police force shit has been happening since the 60's it has not increased in scale.

    Give me your address. I want to come over and beat you into a coma with a copy of Radley Balko's "Rise Of The Warrior Cop."

  • trollstrut

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    JonnyPaycheck said:

    Michael Brown was half a football field away from Darren Wilson when he was killed.

    Were you there to witness this or are you repeating shit you read in the internet (while high on marijuana) You do realize that it is quite unlikely that Darren Wilson could have shot Michael Brown at 60 yards with a pistol. And obviously the physical evidence of the autopsy supports a close range engagement.

    All of the evidence the GJ considered is available to the public.

    You can see see it, too.

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts

  • www.nope.com

  • .

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    The irony of it all is that some black communities are complaining about cops patrolling there neighborhood, stop and frisk etc., whereas a decade or so back at the peak of the American crime peak blacks where complaining that police were not patrolling their neighborhoods.

    Most at fault are the liberal policies that have failed to rectify the achievement gap between blacks and whites.

    Most racist are the liberals that blame incidents like this on the white cop as opposed to the larger structural issues that lead to incidents like this e.g. lack of non violent black role models and dismissal of the importance of public authority in black neighborhoods. Creating a false narrative for why these things happen while ignoring the root of the issue is disenfranchising blacks even further. Has anyone watched a rap music video before and please don't pull that bullshit verse that the portrayal of violence in media does not encourage violent actions.

    Disclaimer: I am not racist and do not condone any racist activity. Anyone who is quick to dismiss me as racist is actually more intolerant of people with different viewpoints and is therefore close minded and bigoted. The great fallacy of the liberal mindset is to enforce militant tolerance of everyone except those that do not wish to tolerate others. If you believe in gay marriage than you must also support polygamy.

    Are you paying attention.

    Hey Dickwidth,

    The opinion you hold is not at all uncommon irrespective of race-ethnicity. The problem in situations like Michael Brown's is unconscious racial biases which color perceptual processing of information. Simply put, Darren Wilson saw a large, Black man who he perceived as a aggressive. This will likely lead to a use of force versus say reason and/or less violent responses like tasering, take-down holds, etc. Also, the pattern of events speak to a higher likelihood of Black assailants being killed versus apprehended. No one shot down and killed James Holmes despite the fact that he killed multiple, innocent people in a movie theater. Whereas, the brother in NYC who was breaking up a fight, because he got indignant about being accused of a criminal act, was put in a choke hold and killed. In other words, it's not merely the Ferguson incident, but instead, this pattern of events wherein the Black individual ends up dead versus being arrested and not having his day in court. White assailants, by contrast, appear more likely to be given this opportunity. But then again, Whites are not presumed, unconsciously, as violent and dangerous (in general) as Black males. This is a fact that has existed in both criminology and social psychology for decades. If you don't believe me, then look up some of Gordon Allport's or Erving Goffman's work from the 1950s and 60s.

    Allport, G. W. (1954). The Nature of Prejudice. Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing.

    Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    The irony of it all is that some black communities are complaining about cops patrolling there neighborhood, stop and frisk etc., whereas a decade or so back at the peak of the American crime peak blacks where complaining that police were not patrolling their neighborhoods.

    The irony is that these people's tax dollars should be funding something in between not one extreme or another. Treating entire neighborhoods like criminals and using force as the first option is not patrolling it's racism.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    Big Stacks,

    Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown because he was reaching into his car and not backing down and probably reaching for his gun not because he prejudiced him as being dangerous based in his skin color. To think otherwise is hypocrisy.

    James Holmes shot a bunch of people unmercilessley but was apprehended alive because the police caught him off guard while he was trying to escape.

    Whatever point you are trying to make is moot because of false equivalence. People want to assign racial blame when incidents like this happen even if the result was due to the actions of the minority they are trying to defend. Michael Brown obviously did not deserve to die due to the robbery he committed but his actions caught on video speak to a kid who was less of a gentle giant and more of a sinister individual who did not respect authority and law. He deserved to die because he physically started fucking with a cop.

    Hey Dickwidth,

    You missed my point, obviously, as I acknowledged the wrongfulness of Michael Brown's actions. The 'he reached for Officer Wilson's gun' statement is wholly assumptive as no one but Michael Brown can know his own intentions. Your statement speaks to the very assumption about Black guys being dangerous mentioned in my earlier post. James Holmes was OBVIOUSLY dangerous as he had shot and killed several people, yet he wasn't murdered. So, I see deadly force as a last resort once tasing, choke-holds, take-down tactics, etc. fail to work because human life is precious. Clearly, this value on life does not apply to Black people ASSUMED to be dangerous, particularly those without a weapon in hand. We can surely agree to disagree here, as unconscious biases are nearly impossible to eradicate (again, as years of research has shown). You will find a way to cognitively distort the meaning I am conveying so that your interpretation of my statements fits with your preconceptions. Social psychologists call this 'confirmation bias' and it is very effective in maintaining one's stereotypes. Below, I provide a definition and some references.

    "Confirmation bias, also called myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, or remember information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses.[Note 1][1] It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or recall information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. People also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations)."

    Baron, Jonathan (2000), Thinking and deciding (3rd ed.), New York: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-65030-5, OCLC 316403966

    Darley, John M.; Gross, Paget H. (2000), "A Hypothesis-Confirming Bias in Labelling Effects", in Stangor, Charles, Stereotypes and prejudice: essential readings, Psychology Press, p. 212, ISBN 978-0-86377-589-5, OCLC 42823720


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Dickwidth said:

    James Holmes shot a bunch of people unmercilessley but was apprehended alive because the police caught him off guard while he was trying to escape.

    So basically Michael Brown didn't kill enough people to be a high-value arrest.

    Racist cops routinely kill black men... and it's the liberal's fault.


    Time to re-deploy George:

    You are a scared, rightwing, racist WASP. I don't know what sort of music your demographic is into (Country & Western?*), but you're definitely on the wrong forum.

    *sorry country fans, I'm sure there's lots of well-adjusted people who listen to Billy Ray Cyrus etc
    ** sorry WASPs, you didn't deserve that either

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    Wait a minute - you're not Dolo?

  • Dickwidth said:
    That poor cop's career is ruined and he will probably need to change his name and move far away.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    It is especially ridiculous that someone would compare what happened in ferguson to the James Holmes shooting. It is quite alarming that someone would think that there is some nationwide plot to keep white criminals alive while deliberately murdering black men.

    It sounds quite reasonable to me that Mike Brown (who moments before brazenly robbed a store and physically intimidated the store owner) reached into the cop car /closed door on cop / reached for cops gun and got shot because of it. That poor cop's career is ruined and he will probably need to change his name and move far away.

    I did not say this and you totally ignored my actual points as I used prior social psychological research to predict that you would do. You are a classic case of a person with high social dominance orientation, those who support and justify social inequalities as just. They also tend to be high in right-wing authoritarianism, racist ideology, homophobia, etc., a real treasure trove of repugnant qualities. Your views are based upon beliefs whereas mine are formed from study. Go read a book!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    At this point my philosophy is this:

    Fuck the police
    Fuck most white people (myself excluded of course)
    Fuck everything
    Go listen to Malcolm X.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Everything Big Stacks Said.

    Despite the events leading up to Browns shooting he was shot multie times in the street with the final shot in the top of his head. The officer made a desision to get out of his car and empty the clip. reaching for a cops gun does not warrant the death penalty.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    Stacks, thank you for your comments but you are still not making a point. I did not feel compelled to comment on your trivial research because you are only providing qualitative liberal commentary on social psychology as opposed to any actual data that can be taken as factual.

    Yes I could go out and find definitions that are critical to liberal viewpoints on social psychology but you would just ignore it (as I am doing to your research anyways). Confirmation bias....ha ha pretty much everyone is guilty of that one.

    Yes, I took a college course on social psychology slash urban studies and the professor had us read all of the accepted liberal viewpoints on the subject. Unfortunately we just got that one angle and more unfortunately a lot of people in the class took it as fact.

    Of course if you continue to read your liberally tainted social psychology texts you will never have a well rounded viewpoint on the subject and then you would be guilty of confirmation bias.

    Still cannot believe you are bringing up James Holmes in comparison to Michael Brown. You seem to think that "dangerous perpetrators" should be shot but generally when people surrender to the police force they get arrested not shot. Michael Brown instigated a physically altercation with a police officer and got shit to death.

    Had Michael Brown killed dozens of people on a movie theatre and surrendered to cops (or got apprehended in a way in which the cops knew they he wasn't capable of harming them) than he would still be alive.

    Yeah, silly me for relying on study and science to arrive at an opinion versus good-ole, uninformed armchair dogmatism. Facts are lost on the ignorant, so I'll cease debating with a fool.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    Big_Stacks said:
    Dickwidth said:
    Stacks, thank you for your comments but you are still not making a point. I did not feel compelled to comment on your trivial research because you are only providing qualitative liberal commentary on social psychology as opposed to any actual data that can be taken as factual.

    Yes I could go out and find definitions that are critical to liberal viewpoints on social psychology but you would just ignore it (as I am doing to your research anyways). Confirmation bias....ha ha pretty much everyone is guilty of that one.

    Yes, I took a college course on social psychology slash urban studies and the professor had us read all of the accepted liberal viewpoints on the subject. Unfortunately we just got that one angle and more unfortunately a lot of people in the class took it as fact.

    Of course if you continue to read your liberally tainted social psychology texts you will never have a well rounded viewpoint on the subject and then you would be guilty of confirmation bias.

    Still cannot believe you are bringing up James Holmes in comparison to Michael Brown. You seem to think that "dangerous perpetrators" should be shot but generally when people surrender to the police force they get arrested not shot. Michael Brown instigated a physically altercation with a police officer and got shit to death.

    Had Michael Brown killed dozens of people on a movie theatre and surrendered to cops (or got apprehended in a way in which the cops knew they he wasn't capable of harming them) than he would still be alive.

    Yeah, silly me for relying on study and science to arrive at an opinion versus good-ole, uninformed armchair dogmatism. Facts are lost on the ignorant, so I'll cease debating with a fool.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    Facts are lost on the ignorant? GTFOOHWTBS. You throw out a couple sentences of left leaning qualitative social commentary and you masquerade under the guise if informed science and study. You are just drinking the kool aide of the liberal agenda.

    When you earn your PhD and become a research award-winning Full Professor at a major, Research 1 institution, holler at me!!! Research and facts are my business, what about yours? You're just an armchair theorist who doesn't know what he's talking about. In contrast, I study the topic I'm discussing, do you? So, you can GTFOOHWTBS!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    I keep thinking I accedetally logged on to Fox News or Above Top Secret.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    I would not have guessed that you are a professor and that you study & teach social psychology - which is sad.

    You seem to be regurgitating all of the liberal trite that gets cycled through the university system so this all seems to make sense now.

    I am in a completely different line of work but I feel that I crushed your comments as ineffective. Can you please back it up with some data as opposed to trivial social commentary that any undergrad could reiterate. You are probably faculty at a lesser tier school like Rutgers or something?

    You're funny, but if devaluing education and learning makes you feel better about yourself, great! You made no factually sound arguments at all. Instead, you just spewed uninformed platitudes like most ignorant, right-wing authoritarian, dogmatic types do.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    Not sure why you think I am a wasp, I am actually half Hispanic and was raised a catholic. You are exposing your own racist tendencies by trying to label who I am as opposed to the merit of my message.

    Liberals are at fault for the disparity between blacks and whites in America. None of the liberal policies that have been implemented for decades such as affirmative action have worked. Is welfare working? All I am trying to point out is that everyone is automatically assuming the ferguson incident is a narrative of racist pig cop vs innocent black teenager but the issue has more to do with the cultural differences that encourage anti-authoritarian sentiment in black neighborhoods.

    Despite what you may think based on sensationalist books about the "rise of a militarized police force" cops in general do not want to shoot and kill people. Furthermore cops in predominately black neighborhoods are aware that they are in a hairy situation and obviously try to avoid any situation where they are going to shoot someone because they know that it will explode in the media.

    Yes, Blacks were happy under Jim Crow before the liberals came along and ruined everything.
    It was better when they had to live in segregated parts of town, were denied work, education, loans and access to public places because of their skin color. Then liberals came along and all the sudden the Blacks are all angry. Why? Liberal policies don't work. They need to be told what to do, where to live and when to speak.
    You didn't see kids like Michael Brown attacking cops back in the good old days.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Dickwidth said:
    I made the argument that James Holmes is alive because of the circumstances surrounding his capture whereas Michael Brown is dead because he physically intruded on the police offices personal space / firearm.

    The above is a sound argument I made that somehow you failed to figure out. You seemed to think that James Holmes was captured alive solely because of his skin color. Considering you are a professor I am alarmed that your own logical thinking could be inhibited by a need to assign everything a racial bias.

    Do you work at Rutgers? I was right - ha ha.

    It's hilarious to me that this is your dedicated field of work and that I am teaching you things.

    My previous post says it all. I think my point was made. I'm done with this rather ignorant discussion. Yes, you've taught me well, don't debate with a fool.

  • Right-wingers believe it is legal for cops to shoot at suspects who are running away from them.

    It is, in fact, unconstitutional to do that.

    But the Ferguson grand jurors were told otherwise by the prosecutors, who wanted Darren Wilson to avoid the consequences of his illegal actions. There is no excuse for this.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Remember when this place used to attract random music fans and record nerds?
    Now there's mouse droppings in the rice.

  • Questions for the Brown defenders (all minus Dickwidth I guess lol),

    Are you guys disputing the details of exactly how this unfolded, or do you agree with the details - Brown reaching for gun, charging Wilson, etc. - but feel the solution should have been non-fatal?

    If the latter,

    What exactly, if anything, would Brown have had to do to justify Wilson putting him down?
    I.e. what possible alternate series of decisions made by Brown would warrant this tragic outcome?

    What I can't figure out is why Wilson, who apparently had never fired his gun in his 5 year career, just all of the sudden decides to gun down an UNARMED black kid. In broad daylight. With people watching.

    Yeah I know I said I was ducking out of this thread... sue me.

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