Ferguson Grand Jury Says A Badge Is A License To Kill Unarmed Black Guys



  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I saw who started this thread and therefore am not interested to see the shit starting stuff I presume has been written already.

    I did find this interview in Ebony with Pharrell in which he raises the question of Michael Brown's actions. Now I'm sure most if not all of the posts talk about the murder and most probably have brought up the obvious racism, Pharrell's interview brings up the idea of personal responsibility for ones actions. Perhaps this can be something different to add to the usual conversation.


    EBONY: Did you see the video allegedly showing Michael Brown stealing from a convenience store minutes before his death?

    WILLIAMS: It looked very bully-ish; that in itself I had a problem with. Not with the kid, but with whatever happened in his life for him to arrive at a place where that behavior is OK. Why aren’t we talking about that?

  • Guzzo said:
    the idea of personal responsibility for ones actions.

    Not a very popular idea 'round here

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    Wait a sec, let's go back...
    why shouldn't I believe the Grand Jury result again?
    I missed that.

    The only result any grand jury is asked for is to indict (or in very very rare cases like this one) not to indict.
    Grand juries do not assign guilt or innocence.
    That is the job of a jury that gets to hear both the prosecution and the defense.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts

    The cop got 2 APBs that there had been a theft in the area and got descriptions of the suspect both times.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I believe that Michael Brown has taken full responsibility for his actions.
    The ultimate responsibility.
    Why should Darren Wilson not have to take responsibility for his?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    According to Wilson's testimony he was able to receive radio calls, but was unable to send them because he was on the wrong frequency.
    Apparently as a good an officer as he was, he did not know how to use his is radio.
    He was not able to access his his pepper spray, flash light or baton.
    He was not able to roll up his window or wait in his vehicle for back up.

    But he is exceedingly polite.

  • Fred_GarvinFred_Garvin The land of wind and ghosts 337 Posts
    Thank you. I've noticed that discussions of personal responsibility never seem to include the notion of police taking responsibility for their actions.

  • Fred_GarvinFred_Garvin The land of wind and ghosts 337 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    According to Wilson's testimony he was able to receive radio calls, but was unable to send them because he was on the wrong frequency.
    Apparently as a good an officer as he was, he did not know how to use his is radio.
    He was not able to access his his pepper spray, flash light or baton.
    He was not able to roll up his window or wait in his vehicle for back up.

    But he is exceedingly polite.

    And let's not forget that despite being roughly the size of an NBA point guard and in presumably good physical shape, having police training (including hand-to-hand combat) and an array of weaponry, he was somehow completely helpless against the ferocity of a large adolescent, who at one point had him (again, a person trained to handle exactly these kinds of situations) subdued through a car window with one hand, according to the testimony... because black kids are super angry karate magic death machines (who can kill a man with one punch).

    My 6-year-old makes up more believable stories than this.

    Still no answers to:

    -Why he didn't call the incident in at the time;
    -Why no ambulance was called;
    -Why his vehicle left the scene prior to a report being filed;
    -Why a report wasn't filed until long after the incident occurred

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    funny watching everyone trying to work out this situation in a logical internet fashion.
    in the end we have another unarmed dead black man at the hands of a cop with a gun.
    if the situation was reversed M brown would be on death row right now and or locked away for life.
    fuck this racist shit and your bullshit justifications
    yea you can always count on me to LCD and gut react to murder of an unarmed minority in this fashion

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    FG, I am in reading through the transcript now.

    He says he called for back up as soon as he KNEW he had the person involved in the quick market shoplifting. And again after he was attacked. But the calls did not go through because he was on the wrong frequency. But he twice heard radio reports about the shoplifting and the description.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Fred_Garvin said:

    Still no answers to:

    -Why a report wasn't filed until long after the incident occurred

    Questions about if he ever wrote down what happened

    My statement had been written for my attorney ... The department has not asked me for anything ...

  • From the outside world this Grand Jury thing looks ridiculous ( I even with agree with Frank, god...)

    Oh wait, you don't care anyway because you're the greatest country on the planet with the best Judicial system, etc, etc.....

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,216 Posts
    Guzzo said:

    I did find this interview in Ebony with Pharrell in which he raises the question of Michael Brown's actions. Now I'm sure most if not all of the posts talk about the murder and most probably have brought up the obvious racism, Pharrell's interview brings up the idea of personal responsibility for ones actions. Perhaps this can be something different to add to the usual conversation.

    They're both real and important topics to address. Structure and agency are both a part of the causal system. And by way of agency, personal responsibility of adults, kids and cops has to be considered. All of these things has to be examined to prevent these things in the future.

    But make no mistake, corrupt institutions needs to be fixed for there to ever be justice in this world. I normally like the influence that unions have had to strengthen worker rights, but doctors and cops have the worst unions evar, sometimes.

    Related: anyone got those 2CD issues of It Takes A Nation... and FOABP? (And where is Ice Cube in all of this in 2014?)

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,216 Posts
    ketan said:
    but doctors ... have the worst unions evar, sometimes.

    Sorry, that was apropos of nothing!

  • white_tea said:
    LazarusOblong said:
    BallzDeep said:
    Love how some of you never fail to mention Brown was "unarmed",
    as if that has any bearing whatsoever.
    Unless cops are supposed to see through clothes?

    Of course it has bearing. Even Wilson doesn't say he feared Brown was armed. Take your head out of your ass. It's chinzdeep.

    Wilson alluded to the Hulk Hogan demon reaching for his waistband simultaneously as he grunted and charged at him as his left hand closed into a fist. Really, we should all commend him on his amazing recall and promote him to detective.

    Mark Fuhrman's getting old. Fox News will need a new Super Cop Hero to explain the ins and outs of the War On Swarthy.

  • BallzDeep said:
    Wait a sec, let's go back...
    why shouldn't I believe the Grand Jury result again?
    I missed that.

    I could spend an hour discussing the Ramones with a bucket of shit, but at the end of the hour the bucket of shit wouldn't know "Beat On The Brat" from "I Wanna Be Sedated."

    So why waste an hour? It's easier to just put a lid on the bucket.

  • motown67 said:

    The cop got 2 APBs that there had been a theft in the area and got descriptions of the suspect both times.

    That's not what the cops were saying in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. They said Wilson did NOT know about that so-called theft.

    And we don't know what Wilson's immediate claims were because he never made a statement. Meanwhile the "prosecution" and his fellow cops were leaking bogus information every chance they got, such as the complete lie about his "blown-out orbital socket." Take a look at the photos of Wilson's "injuries" - you could hurt yourself worse shaving.

    If what you're saying is true Wilson got TWO descriptions of Brown, then ordered him out of the road minutes later, then had an OH SNAP moment and figured maybe THIS was the gi-normous suspect he'd heard about and slammed his car into reverse. Yeah, sure.

  • Fred_Garvin said:
    Thank you. I've noticed that discussions of personal responsibility never seem to include the notion of police taking responsibility for their actions.

    Without exception the "personal responsibility" crowd has a list of rules they are exempt from following themselves.

  • LazarusOblong said:

    Without exception the "personal responsibility" crowd has a list of rules they are exempt from following themselves.
    Let's hear some, bright one.

  • kala said:
    funny watching everyone trying to work out this situation in a logical internet fashion.
    in the end we have another unarmed dead black man at the hands of a cop with a gun.
    if the situation was reversed M brown would be on death row right now and or locked away for life.
    fuck this racist shit and your bullshit justifications
    yea you can always count on me to LCD and gut react to murder of an unarmed minority in this fashion

    That's what crappy calls "impotent rage." Apparently he thinks anger is something you should reserve for serious matters, like being sent a VG record when the description said VG+.

  • ketan said:

    LOL who supported these riots? Certainly not me.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,216 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    ketan said:

    LOL who supported these riots? Certainly not me.

    careless, drunk people with an overblown sense of entitlement? not people dealing with injustice?

  • BallzDeep said:
    LazarusOblong said:

    Without exception the "personal responsibility" crowd has a list of rules they are exempt from following themselves.

    Let's hear some, bright one.
    You mean you can't think of any, Chinz?

    Start with "personal responsibility" Saint Ayn Rand going on welfare when she got old and sick. Advance to all the pot-smoking, whore-fucking, actress-doping-and-raping-Jello-pudding-pop pricks, the daily pot smokers who who support Drug Warriors, the farm subsidy leeches who denounce welfare moms...

    How many examples do you need and why couldn't you think of any yourself?

  • Rules, bub. Not examples.
    Let's see em.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,216 Posts

    this is the worst. no wait, the comments are the worst. i can't tell anymore.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,216 Posts
    Have all four of these eyewitnesses been shown to be conspiring against the truth or is this not probable cause?

  • Screw this thread, not sure why I even entered.
    Respect to everyone's opinion. Even Laz's.
    You're all real people out there, all of whom I would get along with in person I'm sure.
    This bickering and smart-assery is unproductive and not healthy.

    I'm not celebrating the death of a young black kid.
    Tased, sprayed, etc. all better outcomes for sure,
    but unfortunately it didn't go down that way.

    Peace out (even Laz).

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    Wait a sec, let's go back...
    why shouldn't I believe the Grand Jury result again?
    I missed that.

    All of the evidence and testimony they received has been released to the public. You can decide for yourself.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    Wait a sec, let's go back...
    why shouldn't I believe the Grand Jury result again?
    I missed that.

    Take a box of blunts, get shot at 12 times and killed?

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