Baby DJ school

meistromocomeistromoco 954 Posts
edited February 2014 in Strut Central
I hope this shit isn't real, but I can't even tell

"drum machines and sequencers are, like, the new folk music"


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Hello Mrs Allen,

    Starting on Tuesday the school is going immerse our participants in the wonders of beat making.
    Please feel free to go online and acquire the first minute of Bongo Rock. Your child will need this resource for the lesson.

    Thank You Very Much,

    DJ Sushi

  • It's very real. I first heard about it on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me a few months back.

    At the core, it's not really anything different than any of the other baby music classes out there, it's just wrapped up in a 'hipper' envelope. I mean, Music for Aardvarks and Audra Rox are doing the same thing but with just more 'traditional' guitar and singing.

  • I've instructed my daughter to whup ass on any DJ School baby, on sight. We're trying to get banned from Park Slope.

  • This is ingenious in as far as it's been plastered all over every corner of the internet for months now. I'm guessing it's already impossible to get your kid enrolled there.

  • also because it is selling something anyone with half a brain could do at home more cheaply and easily.

    With all of the crazy stuff you can enroll a kid in here, DJ School is possibly the most boring/banal I can think of.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    How about a school where babies and toddlers can engage in unstructured play?
    Maybe have some blocks and empty cardboard boxes.

  • LaserWolf said:
    How about a school where babies and toddlers can engage in unstructured play?
    Maybe have some blocks and empty cardboard boxes.

    that is far more exciting and novel in 2014 than sitting a baby in front of a piece of technology.

  • I know I'll catch shit for this, but my son is enrolled.

    It's kind of a cool program. The five elements are really important to me and my wife and we wanted to make sure that he has a strong upbringing in all areas. Plus, we actually get a huge discount for being card carrying members of the Zulu Nation and Wu-Tang. Socially, he's grown by leaps and bounds and I like to think that him developing a more tuned sense of rhythm has something to do with that. Prior to our involvement, his motor skills were rudimentary at best. Now we can say 16th note to him and he has the dexterity to tap out a 16th note hi hat pattern. (Maybe more like 1/8th triplets, haha, i mean let's be real about it...)

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I think we should be teaching our children how to disdainfully turn away requests from the get-go, anyway. Totally on board with this.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Controller_7 said:
    The five elements are really important to me.

  • Controller_7 said:
    Plus, we actually get a huge discount for being card carrying members of the Zulu Nation and Wu-Tang.

    You rule for this line alone.

  • Z's up!!!!!!!

  • Kids of dj's got it real good. My 4yr old informed me ,the other day, that all the little records in the house were his. Lol!!!
    Made the mistake off taking him into a record store the other day. Kid dips around the corner, before I can catch up with him, he's got the Hobbit, Return of the King, a Popeye, & a Seasme Street lps in his hand. Talkin bout "Can we buy these."
    Bought him the Jackson 5 DVD's a while back. So he got it confused one morning waking me up talkin bout "Can I watch the Bambaataa 3".
    The crazy thing is I don't try & make him do any of this. He picks it up just from exposure.
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