


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Not sure what you're Obummed about.

    The country is in the best shape it's been in for 40-50 years

    More people have Health Insurance than ever before.

    So many people are employed that we have to import workers to fill all the jobs.

    We finally have a transparent government.

    We are finally respected and loved by the rest of the world.

    So what is there to bitch about?

    That NSA bullshit? That's totally meaningless.

    Benghazi? Even more meaningless.

    That IRS thing? Meaningless

    Stop ya bitchin and enjoy the good times!

    The country is in the best shape it's been in for 40-50 years
    (In many ways that's true. The Forces of Stupid are getting desperate.)

    More people have Health Insurance than ever before.
    (Why do you care? You live in the state with the highest percentage of uninsured children and you still say it's the best place to raise a child. Meanwhile the ACA is steadily chipping away at the national uninsured rate. It would be doing the same in your own state if you people could get your act together and elect a Governor with a human brain.)

    So many people are employed that we have to import workers to fill all the jobs.
    (In fact we do import workers to fill jobs. I don't think you have a grasp of the real problems here.)

    We finally have a transparent government.
    (Says the man who thinks Nixon was the best President in his lifetime.)

    We are finally respected and loved by the rest of the world.
    (This is mostly true.)

    So what is there to bitch about?
    (For you? Rachel Maddow and people who are concerned about climate change.)

    That NSA bullshit? That's totally meaningless.
    (Mostly. You had it right when you started that "No One Is Listening To Your Phone Calls" thread.)

    Benghazi? Even more meaningless.
    (Completely so.)

    That IRS thing? Meaningless
    (Meaningless to the Nth degree. Anyone who fell for that is waiting for checks from Nigeria.)

    Stop ya bitchin and enjoy the good times!

    Looks like I nailed it!

  • Rockadelic said:

    Looks like I nailed it!

    I'd give you a list of Obama's genuine mistakes but you seem happy in your IRS! Benghazi! coma.

  • toby.dtoby.d 254 Posts
    My sarcasm detector is failing on the 'We're finally loved by the rest of the world' point. Is that a real perception you guys have? I don't have (much) beef with American politics in that it doesn't seem much more damaging than any other country's and most of it doesn't affect me; however, in Euroland, and I assume across the globe, people are under no illusion that Obama has changed anything on a foreign policy level.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    toby.d said:
    My sarcasm detector is failing on the 'We're finally loved by the rest of the world' point. Is that a real perception you guys have? I don't have (much) beef with American politics in that it doesn't seem much more damaging than any other country's and most of it doesn't affect me; however, in Euroland, and I assume across the globe, people are under no illusion that Obama has changed anything on a foreign policy level.
    no way everything is fixed, soulstrut said so

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    "Was Obamacare responsible for the breakup of Captain and Tennille? Known for their seventies hits Love Will Keep Us Together and Muskrat Love, Toni Tennille, 73, filed for divorce from musical mate Daryl Dragon, 71, in their home state of Arizona after 39 years of marriage. Among the legal documents pertaining to the pending divorce was a notice dealing with health care. In 2009, Tennille blogged that her husband had been diagnosed with Parkinson???s disease. In 2011, she said that her husband???s condition had worsened to the point that he could not go out in public, which has some people speculating that his health-insurance coverage would be better if they split. Despite the divorce announcement, Tennille and Dragon still live together in the same house."

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    Man's name is DRAGON.

    Dragons live forever, stat.

    She's conning the system.

  • Obama Rules.
    Christie Drools.


  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Seems an opportune time for...

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,461 Posts
    img src="

    ^^ this here...true story, I have a 5 month old and our bill from the hospital was for just my food alone (regrettably I am one of those gluten free buggers) and our benefits didn't fully cover a private room so we paid an extra $20 a day for a private room, so the total bill for 4 days was a bit over $100 and some change..

    I don't/cant understand how the hell you'se American's do it...I have asthma as well so I think I would be poor as fuck living under a bridge right now if I lived in the states..

    our Health care here is fucked though...long ass wait times in the E.R. one year on new years eve, I ran out of my puffer and had the FLU I had to go to the E.R. as I was pretty sure I was dying, I waited for 9 hours in the waiting room and got so tired of waiting that I passed out, by the time I made it in to see the Dr he saw me for 20 minutes or less and told me I had the FLU and sent me home.

    2 years ago now I had Kidney Stones I went to the hospital, pissed blood and they told me right there I had em, they gave me some pain meds and told me to come back in the morning for a CATSCAN for 8am, I arrived at 7:30 did the CATSCAN and they sent me to the E.R to wait for the results...6 hours later they call my name, lead me to a bed and they told me the DR would be around to see me...he shows up over an hour later (its friggin supper time now starting to get dark out, I haven't eaten all day pain meds are at home as I only expected to be there for a short period of time) college dick Dr shows and says "well I have bad news for you, you have Kidneys Stone" I looked at him like he was on crack and told him I was aware of that and cursed him out for wasting my fuckin day away while I sat there in deadly pain at that point...

    I have hospital horror stories for days...unfortunately

    I cant even be bothered to go to the Hospital anymore and a lot of people don't have any faith in the health care system or the hospitals here, so I hope you are getting the top, TOP, service with bills like that..

    most of my colleagues work in Kansas/Missouri one of them had surgery for a hernia not to long ago and although he didn't tell me the cost of his procedure, he told me he would be paying for it...for years. my partner at work had Hernia surgery ironically last June and it never cost her a dime and was on short term disability during the time she was off and was fully paid for the time...

  • 2 years ago now I had Kidney Stones I went to the hospital, pissed blood and they told me right there I had em, they gave me some pain meds and told me to come back in the morning for a CATSCAN for 8am, I arrived at 7:30 did the CATSCAN and they sent me to the E.R to wait for the results...6 hours later they call my name, lead me to a bed and they told me the DR would be around to see me...he shows up over an hour later (its friggin supper time now starting to get dark out, I haven't eaten all day pain meds are at home as I only expected to be there for a short period of time) college dick Dr shows and says "well I have bad news for you, you have Kidneys Stone" I looked at him like he was on crack and told him I was aware of that and cursed him out for wasting my fuckin day away while I sat there in deadly pain at that point...

    when i was at the triage nurse checking in with west nile virus, a dude about my age was pushed into the waiting room in a wheelchair, absolutely writhing in pain and making some of the most agonizing noises i've ever heard. they whisked us both through together with the swiftness and hooked us up to drips; me saline, him morphine... he went from last rites to knock knock jokes in a matter of single digit minutes. and this was in the middle of a day in a major metropolitan city.

    i find the best way of getting my way is to tell them how they'd like to help me. agreeable and solution driven. sales. it's the necessary evil of universal health care.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    rape kit : $4,500+
    insult on top of injury: priceless

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