watch this DEA piglet squirm in his own offal

kalakala 3,361 Posts
edited January 2014 in Strut Central
grasping at the rapidly diminishing shards of the free and easy ride him and his tyrannical friends have had for the last 8 decades or so.

let's do some math.shall we?
every 18 seconds some one in the US DIES from a prescription drug overdose.
every 30 seconds someone goes into the emergency room from a prescription drug overdose.

source-the CDC

marijuana has yet to kill ANYONE EVER,why is this hack getting excited?

Because his days of collecting an easy erroneous taxpayer funded paycheck putting innocent people in prison for a fucking plant ,and forfeiture are coming to an end. Free ride is up slob,time to do some real work.
bonus points for fraudinklestein's knee jerk comments


hence the screaming diatribe from a desperate tyrant.


  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,461 Posts
    yeah that dude doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

    I am for de-criminalization more so than legalization, making it legal should NEVER have happened in my opinion, its hard to believe that they are still pushing fear uncertainty and doubt, after every bit of research proves them wrong.

    they are talking about some extreme bullshit on every level that I'll never buy into.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    dj_cityboy said:
    ..making it legal should NEVER have happened in my opinion...

    Why do you feel that way?

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    That obese pig is as high as a kite. You know he gets enough pharmaceutical samples to kill a medium sized herd of buffaloes.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    JectWon said:
    dj_cityboy said:
    ..making it legal should NEVER have happened in my opinion...

    Why do you feel that way?

    if it's decriminalized but not legalized it can be consumed without any concern but remains tax free. Fuck legalisation.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    This guy just really passionately talked about nothing at all...

    He said he's not worried abut billy with the bong in the basement, but he's worried about the "traffickers"...umm, making it legal eradicates marijuana traffickers...assuming he is defining a traffic as illegal or improper activity.

    The violence that black-market goods attracts alone is reason enough to legalize weed nation-wide.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Frank said:
    JectWon said:
    dj_cityboy said:
    ..making it legal should NEVER have happened in my opinion...

    Why do you feel that way?

    if it's decriminalized but not legalized it can be consumed without any concern but remains tax free. Fuck legalisation.

    I believe the prices in Colorado shot up after legalization.

    Plus it takes the whole badass outlaw aspect away.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,461 Posts
    Frank said:
    JectWon said:
    dj_cityboy said:
    ..making it legal should NEVER have happened in my opinion...

    Why do you feel that way?

    if it's decriminalized but not legalized it can be consumed without any concern but remains tax free. Fuck legalisation.

    exactly...not only that the cost comparison thus far is fuct, for medical marijuana the average cost to grow is $1 to $3 per gram, they are charging such bullshit prices in Colorado now ($12 to $17 per gram) (going price for an oz. in Colorado is $450/$500 the last I heard) that it is completely driving the total cost up so that patients soon will not be able to afford their medication. taxing it is bullshit and what will happen is more and more people will jump on that "selling weed" bandwagon to make money and if the Tobacco industry does, the price of weed will be so much that people will be looking to the black market again. (there will always be a black market), but imagine $15 joints and/or $300 packs of joints on sale...aint nobody got time fo dat, and NOT letting dirty ass Monsanto get their hands on it..

  • the cost did shoot up in Colorado, but I wouldn't be surprised if it comes right back down. The shit is cheap, if the government doesn't want there to be a substantial black market they'll have to give up some of those taxes and fees.

    I'd rather just have it be decriminalized and allow people to pay into co-ops or buy from whoever, including commercial options. But nothing gets left well enough alone and everything eventually gets fucked into oblivion, so too with weed I guess,

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    In CO demand went way up, supply did not.
    Not sure how CO is regulating growers, but if they increase the quantity grown, and demand slacks, the price will come down.
    I doubt black market will be cheaper than legit.

    I have a family member in CO. Not messing with retail. Has MMC and MM is not taxed, retail is.

  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    this 'gateway drug' bullshit has got to stop.
    we all know alcohol is the real gateway drug.

  • cove said:
    this 'gateway drug' bullshit has got to stop.
    we all know sugar is the real gateway drug.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    dj_cityboy said:
    Frank said:
    JectWon said:
    dj_cityboy said:
    ..making it legal should NEVER have happened in my opinion...

    Why do you feel that way?

    if it's decriminalized but not legalized it can be consumed without any concern but remains tax free. Fuck legalisation.

    exactly...not only that the cost comparison thus far is fuct, for medical marijuana the average cost to grow is $1 to $3 per gram, they are charging such bullshit prices in Colorado now ($12 to $17 per gram) (going price for an oz. in Colorado is $450/$500 the last I heard) that it is completely driving the total cost up so that patients soon will not be able to afford their medication. taxing it is bullshit and what will happen is more and more people will jump on that "selling weed" bandwagon to make money and if the Tobacco industry does, the price of weed will be so much that people will be looking to the black market again. (there will always be a black market), but imagine $15 joints and/or $300 packs of joints on sale...aint nobody got time fo dat, and NOT letting dirty ass Monsanto get their hands on it..

    I hear you, but anytime something is illegal, it makes it harder for people to enjoy it and it creates a black market for it, which leads to violence....every time, no exceptions. The threat of jail time or being robbed all can be eliminated if the law recognizes marijuana for what it really is.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,461 Posts
    I hear you, but I am not sure if I buy your comment about violence every time, I believe it has more to do with "the company you keep" I trust my pot growing hippy friend more so than I would some dude off the street and I trust my hippy friend to give me the best prices he can and not charge me $10 gram (going street value in Halifax, N.S), i have purchased from shady sketch bag dudes in the past only when i am totally down and out and those are the dudes i prefer to stay away from, they only care about money, money, money, when my hippy friend doesn't give a shit about money at all...(well he does, its just not his main agenda)

    the threat of jail time or being robbed is definitely a worry for some but its not sumthin I think about at all (even rarely), I buy my shit from the same people who I have been buying from for years and I trust those people, street level dude doesn't know what the fuck he's selling but ensures me "oh its the bomb" while my hippy friend shows up at my house with a duffel bag full of mason jars filled with various strains of weed, he knows them by names and the THC/CBD levels...and if i have a headache or a hard time sleeping, he recommends strains to me...

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    maybe a stupid question but if it's legalized, you can just grow it yourself anyway, no?

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,239 Posts
    Frank said:
    maybe a stupid question but if it's legalized, you can just grow it yourself anyway, no?

    I think it depends on the type of legalization. I'm not sure if you're allowed to grow your own in CO with the new law, I think the state regulates sales in this case. In Uruguay, their new law allows you to grow up to 6 plants for personal consumption, or join a co-op where you can grow up to 100 plants. Uruguay also set the price of their state-grown weed to be the same as the current black market so as to compete directly with the traffickers, since that's what they want to get rid of.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    dj_cityboy said:
    I hear you, but I am not sure if I buy your comment about violence every time, I believe it has more to do with "the company you keep" I trust my pot growing hippy friend more so than I would some dude off the street and I trust my hippy friend to give me the best prices he can and not charge me $10 gram (going street value in Halifax, N.S), i have purchased from shady sketch bag dudes in the past only when i am totally down and out and those are the dudes i prefer to stay away from, they only care about money, money, money, when my hippy friend doesn't give a shit about money at all...(well he does, its just not his main agenda)

    the threat of jail time or being robbed is definitely a worry for some but its not sumthin I think about at all (even rarely), I buy my shit from the same people who I have been buying from for years and I trust those people...

    Yeah, I'm with you...end users don't have to worry about their safety if they keep good company and common sense.

    I'm talking about the cultivation and/or distribution dude who is running a grow in his house or holds a sizable amount of product in his house and has his family's safety to worry about. All it takes is 1 or 2 nefarious opportunists to hear about what someone holds or produces out of their house and they are a target. It happens all the don't see it as a simple end user who isn't involved in the riskier parts of the biz...but if you hold weight you are a target...and that will weigh on you, on your quality of life and on your ability to feel like you can provide a safe environment for the loved ones in your life.

    That is a cold hard fact of dealing with an illegal substance. I personally don't feel comfortable saying 'well, fuck the fact that the people who provide this stuff are at risk..I want it to stay illegal because it's cheaper for me'. I feel that it can be both legal and affordable.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,461 Posts
    ^^totally picking up what your laying down fo sho! and sometimes its your own fuckin government not keep you protected also...

    A Halifax law firm has filed a proposed class-action lawsuit against Health Canada, accusing the federal department of violating the privacy of medical marijuana users. Last week, the federal government began sending letters to all those in the medical marijuana access program, explaining upcoming changes that roll out April 1.

    The problem is the return address on the outside of the envelope was clearly marked with 'Marijuana Medical Access Program,' and included the user's name and address.

    That has some medical marijuana users crying foul, saying Health Canada has jeopardized their privacy, even their safety and job security.

    One Nova Scotia man who is allowed to grow his own marijuana said many of his friends and family don't even know he's part of the program.
    He's one of 40,000 Canadians across the country who can legally possess medical marijuana. Now, he's not sure who has learned he uses the drug."It said medical marijuana access program, right on the letter that was sticking right out of the mailbox for anyone who walked up on my step to see," he said. "Could have been a neighbourhood kid knock on my door, trying to sell tickets to a raffle, that seen that sticking out of there."

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Excellent article on the many complications of legalization. For example:
    When legal marijuana goes on sale, sometime next spring, the black market will not simply vanish; over-the-counter pot will have to compete with illicit pot. To support the legal market, Kleiman argued, the state must intensify law-enforcement pressure on people who refuse to play by the new rules. A street dealer will have to be arrested in the hope that ???you will migrate that dealer???s customers into the taxed-and-regulated market.???

    Officials in Washington had been expecting a peace dividend, yet Kleiman was calling for a crackdown. It was the kind of logical argument that nobody wants to hear.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    DJ_Enki said:
    Excellent article on the many complications of legalization. For example:
    When legal marijuana goes on sale, sometime next spring, the black market will not simply vanish; over-the-counter pot will have to compete with illicit pot. To support the legal market, Kleiman argued, the state must intensify law-enforcement pressure on people who refuse to play by the new rules. A street dealer will have to be arrested in the hope that ???you will migrate that dealer???s customers into the taxed-and-regulated market.???

    Officials in Washington had been expecting a peace dividend, yet Kleiman was calling for a crackdown. It was the kind of logical argument that nobody wants to hear.

    Oh wow, this article is awesome. I wouldn't think that the black market would vanish but it gives normal law abiding citizens a safe and legal alternative. If people want to continue a shady illegal grow and reap the benefits of a tax free product, so be it...if people want to risk buying from those dudes to save money, so be it...there will always be people who don't play by the rules (bootleggers, people selling alcohol without a licensee to do so, people selling loosies.

    However, providing a legal alternative for the normal dude with a job and two kids who enjoys weed but has no desire to risk what has been illustrated above is really important, imo. Even more so for the normal family who happens to be really good at growing killer weeb and wants a safe and legal route to do so.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    dj_cityboy said:
    ^^totally picking up what your laying down fo sho! and sometimes its your own fuckin government not keep you protected also...

    Damn, thats cold. Speaking of the government not keeping you protected....

    In a previous life, I used to live in a college town in the middle of nowhere...and cops would stage break ins so that they could see if you were holding something worth busting. It happened all the time...people who were selling weed would get broken into with very little taken...a playstation, etc...then 48 hours later boom, they get raided. Typically, they already had someone who ratted them out and the cops just wanted to make sure there was a bit of weight there to be worth raiding.

    Hell, one time they staged a break in and then a cop let himself in because he "noticed a broken window" which was considered probable cause to check out the establishment.

    This is the kind of shit that I would be looking forward to avoiding if I was an honest dude who just wanted a legal route to practicing my craft...

  • i have a pretty low feeling of NEED or PRIORITY on the subject of marijuana controls and freedoms, but if i were to line up all the countries beside each other and decide which one could stand to become a bit more docile......

    .... conversely, the yankee proclivity for taking their "freedom" to the Nth degree [read also: gun control] has me worried about seeing half the population exercise their right to get stoned literally ALL day. call it personal bias of expectation, but you lot haven't exactly proven the ability for moderation.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    i have a pretty low feeling of NEED or PRIORITY on the subject of marijuana controls and freedoms, but if i were to line up all the countries beside each other and decide which one could stand to become a bit more docile......

    .... conversely, the yankee proclivity for taking their "freedom" to the Nth degree [read also: gun control] has me worried about seeing half the population exercise their right to get stoned literally ALL day. call it personal bias of expectation, but you lot haven't exactly proven the ability for moderation.

    Don't let the loud mouthes make you think that the US is gun crazy...

    Besides, you're comparing two different groups of people (Gun fanatics vs Pro-Pot folks); dudes that demonstrate their right to bear arms by shooting guns 'literally ALL day' are not going to be the same people who take advantage of legal weed. Sure, there will be dumb asses who smoke 'literally ALL day'...they are called fuck ups and they are as old as the human race. Laws do not get rid of them or their propensity to do nothing with their lives.

    Lastly, yeah...legalizing weed should be pretty low on everyone's moral-obligation-to-change-things priority list. But, it has much broader implications to economy, prison systems and basic it's on the table now (right or wrong) so might as well address it.

  • i admitted that it was personal bias. which is probably just as faulty or accurate as statistics in most cases

    btw. i'm also not a socialist drunk living in an igloo in "america's hat"

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    i admitted that it was personal bias. which is probably just as faulty or accurate as statistics in most cases

    btw. i'm also not a socialist drunk living in an igloo in "america's hat"

    Ehh, personal biases can be changed...when informed. It's possible.
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