Check out our new production

I produced together with a friend of mine a discoish midtempo House track. Any feedback would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Tonight from Motor Horst on Vimeo.
its been a while since I have enjoyed some good house, that was refreshing.
Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like it.
It would be great if somebody can comment on the mix down of that Track. Does it sound crisp and clear on your speakers? So far we could only listen to it on our own stereo and monitor speakers, so we arn't sure if everything is fine.
Hi Parallax, great that you like it, this means a lot to us! We will produce some more more tracks and if they are any good we will maybe release them on a 12".
I'd buy a 12" of this. Honestly, I listen to a lot of house, and I think you're onto something with this, fwiw.
Cheers and congrats!
House & Disco makes me wanna dance. This was too restrained/cool to get me moving.
There is no build up. Its even straight through, if u get my drift.
A fair comment, but FLW does label it as "mid tempo" house. Like Kon's Cerrone edit, it's not going to ignite the dancefloor, but it's a good warm up/cool off track, imo.
Reactions have been pretty good so far. Even a record label showed interest in releasing it.
Thanks for all the good feedback on here, it made us much more confident and it has motivated us to keep on producing.
I would chill a bit with the Gwen Guthrie-sample though, I think you are over-using it a little bit!
Keep doing what you're doing!
on Compost Records. Thanks to all, who encouraged us.
what doesn't? :shit_yeah:
Finally this has been released today. Our track can be found on the vinyl version of the compilation:
a great compilation overall, imho. check it out.
Some bonus beats from the studio: