


  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    i also don't feel the need to participate in the syphillitic tangentia of the politics/religion/whatever threads because i already KNOW im the best at everything, I don't need to see it on a computer screen to make it truer.

    Ain't that the truth

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    One of the biggest burdens of being right all the time is pointing out how wrong everybody else is.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Wow, I'm genuinely proud of you guys. 4 pages in and no tit-for-tat, petty, bickering boolshit.

  • Wow, I'm genuinely proud of you guys. 4 pages in and no tit-for-tat, petty, bickering boolshit.]

    yeah, i think a lot of the old-timers here seem to be, more or less, on the same page with this one. something needs to be done to preserve the integrity of this site and community.

    So.... VI and Skel for mods? i have complete confidence they will be able to take care of the riff raff on a daily basis, my only fear is that the trolls will wear them down and drive them away as well...

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I cram to understand why it is so hard to remain civil on the 'Strut. Hell, it is a record site after all. Can't people simply be bigger people and leave their baggage at the door? We're all grown folks so let's stop projecting our faults onto others. Just sayin'.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • stacks:

    i appreciate your point of view and i think there is a lot of merit in it, however, i also think that the reality of soulstrut in 2013 is that a loud minority of bad actors have taken center stage who simply refuse to adjust to the temperature here or stay gone once the owner has decided they are no longer welcome. i believe that this morass has driven away many long-time and valuable posters.

    i have learned so much here not only about music but myself, met so many great people, copped so many amazing records, hooked others up, etc... a real community. i think i am a better person for having been here but this argumentative, contentious, petty, ugly shit is really making me question the whole thing.

    i mean, i work a pretty intense, competitive job where i have to argue and fight for every inch and put up with a lot of attitude, ignorance and rudeness and, in part, i come here to get away from all of that bullshit. this is the only website i post on and when its over that's it for me.

    i just want this place to thrive again and i think that the reality is that we need someone who is on here daily to help raj moderate. just my 2 cents.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Do it RAJ, VI n self will moderate shit out of the sore thumb assholes up in here


  • why haven't you all as a collective decided to close this community and make it a members only private forum? that way you all (Mods or Raj) have control over who joins and who doesn't? you fill out a form with your username and a password and a small Bio about yourself before being approved and if you/mods/raj don't like said Bio...the person doesn't get in, sure it will take a lot of policing and will require everyone to be on the same page, but isn't that what you want anyways? um not sure of the size of the member database, but you might want to go through that as well to weed out the people you don't want here.

    some dudes might fill in fake shit on the form, just to make themselves look good so they can get in...but if they are fakin the funk, you can show them the door, I was an admin of a site with 30,000 members and its not like it would be difficult to set up such a system and people who want to see the forums/classifieds/mixes/city guide/reviews/blog/shop will need a username and password, without that you cant access anything and you don't have to worry about people lurking as well, but for those of you who want the "herbs to kick it to the curbs" means you'll have to work as well. it will save threads like these from popping up in the future and then there will be little to no "moder-hating" for anyone to do and you can have your private forum and you can carry on without anyone new coming in and fuckin up your steez. if any of you were part of Demonoid-the file sharing website- all the members there could only join if you had an invite from someone who was already a member (no access) seems like that is what this places needs/wants.. plus it would eliminate spammers/advertisers from bombarding the site as well.. and only the people you want to join.. can join!

    better yet, why not have a warn system so you can keep people in check, (3 strikes and your outta here type shit) that is controlled by the mods and Raj, after 6 months the warn level can reset itself, but if you fuck up twice in 6 months it doubles (33%, 66% 99%) once at 99% the member can be tossed out when ever you like.. you may be able to automate that as well and once it hits 99% they are automatically booted out.

    you all seem to have known each other for a very long time or have been members here long enough to consider some people really good if not great friends and when new people join a lot of you make it a point to "haze" newbs. with no rules and no knowledge of anyone here, it can be quite intimidating when you join a site and people jump all over you, people you don't know especially. its hard to tell if you're mind- fuckin with people, playing a joke, or being a true salty bunch of bully arseholes...and when people try to defend only gets worse (as seen time and time again on this site, by new and old members)

    there will be no other way to stop people (that most of you seem to not like) from joining the site unless you screen them all when they try to walk through the front door.

    *personally speaking I don't think I have ever felt welcome here, in posts where I contributed, and from the people I have bought records from, and the people whom I have talked to via PM...awww muffin :( (I aint mad atcha, fuck it) I learned a lot from this place though, good and bad and bought some dope fuckin records from a bunch of you...including the t-shirt, ha!

    I am sure this post will get my name added to the "throw this dick the hell out of here list" quote it if you like, lol...boot me out at anytime cause I am sure at least one of you would love for that to happen, lets go!

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts
    This place is fine with or without the predictable trolling in the political threads, which are few and far between anyway.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,243 Posts
    I was going to suggest something along the lines of what Cityboy is saying, but I ran into this place via searching google for info on Les McCann's Layers, and I've learned a lot about music I wouldn't have known about otherwise since joining. I'm glad this place is open to strangers, and I don't think the problem is one of random newbies coming in, it's just the same old trolls who keep coming back. Just get some mods to boot out the repeat offenders.

  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    skel said:
    Do it RAJ, VI n self will moderate shit out of the sore thumb assholes up in here


    Srs doe, why tf not?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    skel said:
    Do it RAJ, VI n self will moderate shit out of the sore thumb assholes up in here


    Srs doe, why tf not?

    He doesn't have the temperament for it.

  • I'm all for it.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    J i m s t e r said:
    skel said:
    Do it RAJ, VI n self will moderate shit out of the sore thumb assholes up in here


    Srs doe, why tf not?

    He doesn't have the temperament for it.



  • GibboGibbo 124 Posts
    SP 1200 said:
    Maybe more newcomers should talk politics to encourage traffic.

    Not a hope. Like someone said those threads start out okay but by the end of the first page descend into complete clusterfucks. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.

    I've been lurking for years but I'll generally only chime in on the topics I feel I'd have some knowledge of i.e. music. Politics is too multifarious and divisive to be worth my time on here. Sure I have my opinions but I wouldn't foist them on anyone...

  • Gibbo said:
    SP 1200 said:
    Maybe more newcomers should talk politics to encourage traffic.

    Sure I have my opinions but I wouldn't foist them on anyone...

    That's the problem. trolls children too immature to shut the fuck up in the quest of out-witting the other. A lot of solutions, some pretty complicated, have been proposed to treat the problem and there has been a lot of turning around and around the subject of banning etc. Take a little distance on the problem

    You can't ban them cos they just come back. It even plays into their fetish for incessantly finding a way of pissing you off like a fly you can't swat.

    So what's the essence of trolling? IMO it's the unlimited capability to incessantly, relentlessly impose your opinion on others without consequence. In other words their oxygen is that fact that they're not limited.

    So take that oxygen away. Instead of banning or moderating, I suggest that the "moderator" has a simple and singular role: fix a post limit per page per troll. The worst trolls could have a limit of 1 post per page or even per 3 pages. The moderator increases or decreases it as they see fit. If they try to side step it with a new alias they just get the limit taken even further down. The frustration of not be able to immediately return fire in petty point-scoring style and the boredom in being forced to reflect properly and thoroughly before publishing will hurt far more than the perverted drama and twisted satisfaction of being "exiled" only to return a day later and start all over again. They'll either grow up in order to get the post limit lifted, or get bored and fly off to inhabit a real shit pile.

    I think that someone else has suggested this in a past thread and it appears to me to be the most implementable, simple and potentially effective solution. Worth a try.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    This question of moderators is almost as old as soul strut itself. As is the complaint about old timers hazing newbs. Adds to the charm...? No...?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    New bodies who claim to have lurked for years and then clearly demonstrate they haven't....smfh.

    And as for not foisting opinions, that's what this and any other forum is all about.
    Just make it entertaining, lose the sense that you're an instant expert on everything ever, have a sandwich after two consecutive posts in which you insult soneone, that's all that's required.

    Now lets all chill, put on the 2-CD Paul Hardcastle best of I scored yesterday, and groove out to Moon Hopper, King Tut, Fly By Night and them.

  • GibboGibbo 124 Posts
    skel said:
    New bodies who claim to have lurked for years and then clearly demonstrate they haven't....smfh.

    And as for not foisting opinions, that's what this and any other forum is all about.

    Sorry I meant to clarify that this is only in the political threads. Music, sure... I'll spout opinions all day, that's what I come here for. If I wanted to keyboard joust with arseholes I'd go to

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Apologies gibbo, that first one wasn't aimed at you, rather at several dudes giving it I lurked for years, what's this dope ass breakz yo and then wondering why they get battered.

    And sticking to the music is fine, but generally that doesn't allow the wider population know what that poster's personality is like.
    Maybe that doesn't matter though.
    I can't call it.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Everything matters.

    Nothing really matters.

  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    skel said:

    And as for not foisting opinions, that's what this and any other forum is all about.
    Just make it entertaining, lose the sense that you're an instant expert on everything ever, have a sandwich after two consecutive posts in which you insult soneone, that's all that's required.


  • GibboGibbo 124 Posts
    skel said:
    Apologies gibbo, that first one wasn't aimed at you, rather at several dudes giving it I lurked for years, what's this dope ass breakz yo and then wondering why they get battered.

    And sticking to the music is fine, but generally that doesn't allow the wider population know what that poster's personality is like.
    Maybe that doesn't matter though.
    I can't call it.

    Yeah man, I knew it wasn't a dig at me or anything. I guess I just stay out of the really divisive threads. These tend to be the political ones, which I guess sort of mirror real life politics in a way. Within a few posts people start tearing each other to shreds. It's generally all down to a few trolls taking pot shots at people. It's crap when it descends to mud slinging instead of reasoned debate.

  • cove said:
    skel said:

    And as for not foisting opinions, that's what this and any other forum is all about.
    Just make it entertaining, lose the sense that you're an instant expert on everything ever, have a sandwich after two consecutive posts in which you insult soneone, that's all that's required.


    But this is the point: who, other than a troll, wouldn't agree with that sentiment?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Ergo, lets bring the ban hammer out.
    I was once against this, but have changed my mind.
    Something a troll cannot do, it seems.

  • The trolls and Facebook caused a brain drain. Not that there aren't cool, knowledgable people still on here, but a lot of the famous dudes/dudettes bounced. I don't really blame them because there are some mega herbs in here that harsh the collective mellow. Knownots that pipe off with disregard and just lower the bar.

    One of the really cool things about soul strut was that there were big time dudes posting right along joe shmoes like me and it was sort of a level playing field. And there were insane amounts of knowledge. It used to be an effort to keep up with all the posts on page 1 AND 2! Now page two is like from a month ago. I'd be interested in reading some Insightful posts in the politics threads, but they're mostly just 3 legit pages ad then like 10 pages of the same people quoting and replying nonsense.


    There's hardly any fun around here. Something like 1,2,3 would have been wildfire back in the day. The inside jokes of the past are gone and I think that's sorely missed.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Controller_7 said:
    There's hardly any fun around here.
    Speaking of which, this beatoff appears to have crashed and burned unless we can resuscitate it pfq. From 25 beats to (possibly) 4 is bumming me out.
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