Boston...whats good record-wise?

fountain16fountain16 93 Posts
edited June 2013 in Strut Central
Going to boston with my GF tomorrow then up to to NH then back to boston.I will have friday and tuesday to hit the city.What record shops should I hit up with the limited time I have?




  • I went to Portsmouth, NH last week. It's nothing great but Skeletone records and Bull Moose Records had a couple of decent records. I hit up a big Salvation Army too and found some cool sealed newer hip hop records. It was better than I thought but I had real low expectations.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,490 Posts
    I also recommend Bull Moose, I haven't the pleasure of going yet, but the wife just got back from a trip to the states and brought back quite a stash of wax from Bull Moose, great selections and prices..

  • caicai spacecho 362 Posts
    From the city guide:

    1686 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA

    Added by axefoley
    Monday, May 31, 2010

    One of the few record stores left in the boston area, jacks is one of my favorites. Chances are you???re not gonna find a $500 record for $5, but the prices are very fair. They dont put everything that comes through the door on ebay so you can find quality titles for good prices. Definetly worth checking out if you???re in the area.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Fountain16,

    I suggest you hit up Nuggets near the Commonwealth. I came up big in there last year when visited.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • well, back from boston. Only hit up Nuggets, and it was a waste of time.Shitty selection high prices.Left when i found an early 80's reissue of Astral Weeks with a bar code for $41.99 that i had just got for my GF for $5.00 at a record store here in STL. Had a lot of fun spinning a 3 hour all 45s set at River Gods that my boy Marco hooked me up with.New Hampshire was nice..Lake Sunapee is gorgeous.
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