Cheapest Ebay 'Holy Grail' Brags?

jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts
edited May 2013 in Strut Central
Ok, one man's 'holy grail' is anothers Liberace, but what are YOUR most memorable cheap ebay or online finds over the years?

Hell's Belles OST - NM $2

That springs to mind. Continue....


  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    $10 NM BIN:

  • Zion Dub (Carl's) for 25 euros, maybe in 2005... I thought I overpaid because it's kind of short, but turns out it's pretty rare. Was going for like $500 a few years ago

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Scored this off Gemm for $33.00

    Was so hyped I poasted about it here at the time.

  • doisndoisn baleadas&pupuzas 303 Posts
    Experiencia - Passo a Passo 7" on Luso

    10$ Buy Now some time ago, never seen this one before as well as again ever since.

  • got this 1st pressing NM for $1.00 on ebay about 6 years ago because I misspelled his last name in the search...and so did the seller. Nobody else bid.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    Part of a 3 records for ??10 eBay snap - not the record that got me bidding which turned up rinked...

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    NM Charmells 45 for $17 B.I.N.

  • Marc Capanni - I believe in miracles Capiltol promo 7" from Gemm for 4 bucks ( before the Jazzman reissue)

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    countdown at kusini soundtrack 63.00

  • tabiratabira 856 Posts
    sealed copy of the 2nd Beginning of the End Lp for 9$ on buy it now.

  • Bought Lee Moses - Reach out I'll be there on Musicor for $2.99 back in 2005

  • Money wise it has to be this:

    Came in a $50 ebay lot of 25 chud pieces and another Warhol 45.

    Music wise these would have to be my favorites:

    Clean copy for $30 on Discogs

    and a nice copy of this for $40 on Gemm

  • KadinkKadink Mainstream hip-hop is losing its street edge 98 Posts
    About ten years ago I bought a lot of 600 8 and 4-track tapes because the seller mentioned Velvet Underground and Velvet Underground and Nico in the list of artists. I ended up winning and they were all unsold store stock and along with the first 2 VU tapes on 4 track, it included an 8-track of God Bless the Red Crayola, and multiples of 60's crust classics like Buffalo Springfield, Love, Cream, etc. along with a bunch of soul and jazz titles. I ended up selling a bunch to for $300 (he offered $150 for the 1st VU tape, but I declined). If anyone out there needs complete runs of Herb Alpert or the Baja Marimba Band, let me know.

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    kala said:
    countdown at kusini soundtrack 63.00

    sweet kala

    The one that comes to mind is this one:

    Got a dg og in ex shape a while back for 0 $$. Dude listed it without knowing anything about the record, offered no specifics. I won it for 30$, thinking to myself what a score if it's an og!!! I waited and waited, nothing came, feared the guy had gotten cold feet realizing what he had. Then he sent me an e-mail saying that by accident he'd mailed it to someone else and was refunding me my $, grudgingly I gave him the benifit of the doubt and forgot all about it. 2 months later the LP arrived in the mail free of charge with a note explaining that the LP had been returned to the seller and he was sending it on to me. :beerbang:

  • Last year I saw this going for $90 or so from a well-known euroman dealer, but found a copy for about $20 ppd. on Musicstack. Dunno what it typically goes for, but it sure ain't easy to find a copy, period!

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    $15 for:

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    maru said:
    $15 for:

    What dreams are made of!

    So many over the years. Multiple copies of the Tortilla Factory S/T LP, the SOL LP on GCP for $8, the rare Menique LP in a $10 salsa LP lot, walias band for $3, Los Silvertones on RCA for $30, etc.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    $24.99 on eBay about 8 years ago, nobody else bid on it. I didn't even know what it was, but it looked cool and I was bidding on some other things from the same seller.

  • Not a record, but kinda related...

    Like new with brand new Ortofon dj cart $155 BIN with free shipping, might have been listed a full 20 minutes.
    Dude didn't ship correctly, so it arrived with scratched dust cover caused by platter.
    Ended up getting full insurance back somehow,
    then later sold the cart for $60.

    So in the end it's like I was paid $60 to have a brand new 1200.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Nice to see that some of these are recent. Not sure if it's that I just don't have as much time to scour the innerwebs for bargains or that fewer records are under-the-radar now, but digging seems expensive these days.

  • most memorable would be the chappell library lee mason with "shady blues" for 99cents on ebay.

    peace, stein. . .

  • MoogManMoogMan Sao Paulo, Brazil 1,173 Posts
    A couple of months ago I bought these 3 brazilian raers out of Mercado Livre (brazilian "ebay").
    There are some sellers at Mercado Livre that know nothing about what they have for sale, so some times I grab some nice stuff for cheap, like these 3 LPs.




  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    MoogMan said:
    A couple of months ago I bought these 3 brazilian raers out of Mercado Livre

    Man, I never saw any of those.


    MoogMan said:

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Got Hank Ballard "Junkie for My Baby's Love" for the $5 opening bid when nobody else bid after 7 days.

    Got a nm copy of the Albert Washington LP on Eastbound $7 b.i.n.

    Got a really clean us OG (1st cover) of Odessey & Oracle for $8 b.i.n.

  • Bought one of my all time fave 45s, Sherman Willis - "Darling I Love You" , on eBay for ??62 back in 2007

  • MoogManMoogMan Sao Paulo, Brazil 1,173 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    MoogMan said:
    A couple of months ago I bought these 3 brazilian raers out of Mercado Livre

    Man, I never saw any of those.


    MoogMan said:

    I knew about Apolo 11 and Bruno Solis' albums, but never saw any of them for sale.
    Pra quem sabe das coisas LP is the "easier" one to find. I found 3 copies, because it was totally under the radar.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    MoogMan said:
    A couple of months ago I bought these 3 brazilian raers out of Mercado Livre (brazilian "ebay").
    There are some sellers at Mercado Livre that know nothing about what they have for sale, so some times I grab some nice stuff for cheap, like these 3 LPs.

    man, all I ever see on Mercado Livre are the sellers who know nothing about what they're selling and charge $300 for a $10 record...

  • MoogManMoogMan Sao Paulo, Brazil 1,173 Posts
    ppadilha said:
    MoogMan said:
    A couple of months ago I bought these 3 brazilian raers out of Mercado Livre (brazilian "ebay").
    There are some sellers at Mercado Livre that know nothing about what they have for sale, so some times I grab some nice stuff for cheap, like these 3 LPs.

    man, all I ever see on Mercado Livre are the sellers who know nothing about what they're selling and charge $300 for a $10 record...

    Yeah, this is the case for 99% of the sellers, but a few of them sleep on what they have and price their stuff cheap.
    The Apolo 11 I bought from a seller/store from Porto Alegre that prices their records according to the market prices.
    I couldn't believe when I found it and the price was R$40. :holygrail:

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    G minus Thriller for ten grand a few years back

  • Afrosound carruselles for I think 25? Cover is pretty beat but ill take it!
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