Bumping a thread you want to go away (Catch 22-R)
(@_@) 1,654 Posts
Anyone here think it's kind of interesting/funny that a certain thread is being bumped by people who want it to go away? It's a valid problem. Kind of like trying to figure out how to voice your stance on being anti-protest.
At any rate, maybe this thread can be a place for someone to say "Please make (enter nagl-thread-title) go the FUCK away". Which will allow for people to voice how much they hate something without keeping that something up on the front page.
I'll just see myself out...
At any rate, maybe this thread can be a place for someone to say "Please make (enter nagl-thread-title) go the FUCK away". Which will allow for people to voice how much they hate something without keeping that something up on the front page.
I'll just see myself out...
On a slightly unrelated note, I've always been slightly freaked out by those telephone polls they have on daytime TV asking a topical question of the day. In general they usually have a "Yes", "No" or "Don't know" option. Without fail the "Don't know" option will always have at least a few percent of the overall phone vote which means people are phoning up to register the fact that they don't have a clear opinion on the question posed; their need to be involved holding greater weight than the desire to have a considered (or any) opinion on the subject at hand.
Glad to know I'm not the only one. I swear I feel like I'M the crazy one when I suggest a common sense approach. I realized a long time ago that that majority of dudes on here plain and simply LOVE the drama. They like to fan the flames while complaining about the heat. Doesn't keep me from trying though. Oh well.
this isn't slightly unrelated, this is up to its fucking eyeballs related. i know exactly what you're talking about and it's always rubbed my rhubarb.
'i want my voice to be HEARD goddammit, but i haven't put together a salient thought yet so ill throw my hat in the middle to provide me the opportunitt to bitch and moan and point fingers once we've established who the stronger/righter side is'