Saafir the Saucee Nomad
Man, I ran into Saafir at SXSW a few years back and he told me pretty much most of this story Shock G recounts. Gotta take good care of your bodies, people. So sad to know this has happened to such a talented dude.

Man, I ran into Saafir at SXSW a few years back and he told me pretty much most of this story Shock G recounts. Gotta take good care of your bodies, people. So sad to know this has happened to such a talented dude.

i just read this as well...pretty shitty deal..
Boxcar Sessions was a seminal backpacker album.
i've always stood behind my opinion that 'Boxcar Sessions' is the greatest rap record ever made, and that's coming from a die-hard east coast rap fan. pounds of respect to this dude for being true to him and his town when everyone else was on New York's dick.
I wouldn't go that far, but major knock for thinking and saying so.
He gave us one of the best rap records ever made, certainly the most unique, visionary, and advanced (fuck an anticon). Also several great 12"s and EPs. It's a crying shame that he never really got credit for it, to the point where even KMEL refused to declare him the winner of his battle with Casual (a conclusion that was obvious then, and still is); not to mention that it's pretty clear who won in life as far as having viable careers and the stability that comes with them. The lot of us typing away into internetsland doesn't really compare to being certified by your own folks and street audience and ultimately that was what the dude wanted. Tragic.
Folks were talking about Nick Drake on That Other Website About Records and the debate fell to whether or not artists could continue to toil away without critical acclaim, let alone financial reward. That they could desire simple artistic success, without an accompanying thirst for fame and fortune. And in these two cases the answer is clearly that even the most grizzled underground artist wants some level of acceptance and reinforcement. It just sucks that Saafir never got that, and really continues not to get it despite the occasional corner of the internet that understands his brilliance.
I think you posted it on Facebook though.
Here's hoping that others who are struggling with addictive substances, behaviors, and poor diet take something away from his story and hoping that Saafir gets some relief and peace.
i found the promo 2lp around 10 years ago and being young and stupid, didn't really appreciate it at the time. listened to it again after reading this and it's a great rediscovery. love it when that happens. i think it's a beautiful piece of vinyl too, label design, fonts
what do you mean
Big Stacks from Kakalak
"you probably own no microphones at your home. your blood has no bones" type ridiculousness. at the beginning of one verse, he lets out a sigh/grumble sounding like its a chore destorying hiero crew members, like taking out the garbage
he must still be pretty young, i hope he can turn shit around, live without pain and have a decent livelihood in his art or with something else.
knew something was fishy
Somebody gaffled my Ridin 12" but then, one time in '96, I was all fucked up in the Mission (SF), when i came across a copy in this little Latin music shop. Kinda random. To this day I've only listened to it once or twice. That's how important it is to me, haa I thought it was only me.
Of course I thought Saafir killed Casual, but i was already favored Hobo Junction.