Monday August 29th, Montreal.
765 Posts
Monday August 29thBully Records and Freinds DJ night / Launch Party for S&N 'homages' Double 7" @Casa Del Popolo. The record is a sparse mix of drums, bass and electronics, and goes very nice with a drink on a Monday night. [S&N is the band consisting of Sixtoo (1200hoboNinjaTone) and Norsola (GodspeedYouBlackEmporer/Mollases/etc.)]. There will be some video action by our freind Jo(s)e and lots of Bully stuff for sale. Come hang out,?? It is free and there will be lots of good music of all genres.
Will M.A.R.C.O be in attendance?
If I can't make it out, give him a kiss from me.
Should be a fun night.