i'm trying to step my soulstrut game up a notch. how do i post images on threads. sorry for the little dudeness. peace and thanks in advance, stein. . .
thanks belson. one more thing. i use a mac laptop and dont know what the command for right click is since macs dont have a right click option. peace, stein. . .
You had spaces between the ... no spaces allowed. Hit quote and see the difference in how your UBB code looks and how mine looks. Mine is correct. You'll get it, young hommie.
Go to properties and highlight the entire line.
Copy it.
Come to the strut, and in your answer type;
img src="
Paste in your link directly after [img] like [img]http:lppppahdgft
end the link with;
" alt="" />
So it should read
No problems.
take the spaces outta the beginning and end of that one. also you can just hit the image link next to the greamelins and paste the image address there
Okay, Stein, this is how it should be done:
You had spaces between the
You can also upload your own images you want to hook up at www.imageshack.us.
Once it is uploaded, copy the line saying direct link[/b] and paste it here.
I'm an idiot.
yay! Thanks guys.
Click quote and have a look at the code, it was just missing an http://[/b] off the start.