Raj Appreciation Post

I don't think this has ever been done.
This is one of the longest running communities on all of the internet.
Reason enough to appreciate.
It would be nice if everyone posted up one thing in their life that came out of this community.
Night Owl Record Show.
Started by 4 strutters. The nations first night time record show. Ten years old this October.
Thanks Raj.
This is one of the longest running communities on all of the internet.
Reason enough to appreciate.
It would be nice if everyone posted up one thing in their life that came out of this community.
Night Owl Record Show.
Started by 4 strutters. The nations first night time record show. Ten years old this October.
Thanks Raj.
Thanks Raj.
There's way too much to mention.
Being into the DeBarge/Switch.
I learned here that they participated in the Barry White "produced" White Heat and the Smash album.
I hunted and copped both records after being put on here at Soulstrut. And never ran across that info in any book or website.
Thanx Raj.
and met so many good folks
It used to be I wanted to go to New York for the records and the experience of it all. Now I want to go to see people I miss, the majority of whom are (former and current) posters. It used to be I wanted to go to Texas for records and the heat and SF for the records and the view - now I want to go to get lit with Harvey and SIRUS and to meet Ross and his beautiful family.
The music I've learned about, the records I've bought and been sent out of the blue by people here are mementos of a bigger thing, which is this community. That may be no thing to most, but it's a lot to me. We have lost people here. That is how long it has been here. I have shed tears over Aaron Anderson's passing, someone who I have never met and have had less than a dozen internet and mail package exchanges.
None of this is to say the Board should keep going (though I SO want it to), but it is definitely to say Thank You, RAJ, for making it so all these things could and did happen.
Much Love
I think I took the plunge and signed up around 2005 - I spent the majority of that time posting random images and Jessica Alba gifs. then of course there were the porn clerk posts and now, thanks to this place and the people who frequent it, I ended up writing a book.
I have also had the pleasure of meeting some great people through this site too, and gotten to dig for records with a bunch of you. Plus there has been drinking, lots and lots of drinking.
Raj Mahal, you bloody legend.
(that battered ornaments is amazing!)
Thanks Raj!
Hey, that came from me! Leo, at least. I feel so important now!
We love ya, bud! So many things would not have happened without you or this site, and so many relationships have been made because of this place. I'm here 'til the end, my friend.
I believe you are part of the strut, which Raj started, so yeah! Go Herm! Go Raj!
I posted an mp3 of a blend I had casually done and then it got pressed up as a 45 and an EP. It was played by a bunch of DJs that I really respect.
I became friends with some really great people, even though I may not really see anyone anymore. Dudes had me come out and dj, one gave me wedding cake tips and got me a job interview. Traded records with some people who were "famous" to me.
Soulstrut is the only site I check everyday. Its my information funnel. It sucked up a big chunk of my unemployed life at one point, but it was worth it.
Thanks Raj.