Where's my Albums?

Kanye WestKanye West 10 Posts
edited September 2012 in The Soul Strut 100
One of my albums better make this list or I'm gonna have a problem. It will just take away from the integrity of the list is all I'm sayin.


  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts

    Now THIS is what the Strut has been missing lately--proper comedy.

  • parallax said:

    Now THIS is what the Strut has been missing lately--proper comedy.

    What the hell you talkin bout? I ain't no comedian I'm a fuckin rapper! A hip hop artist. An international super-star! Just yell my name out anywhere on Earth, in fuckin Kahzakstan, it dont matter and motherfuckers be grabbin cameras and pens for my autograph. Shit what rock you been livin under? Did you know I'm a Genius?

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Kanye West said:
    parallax said:

    Now THIS is what the Strut has been missing lately--proper comedy.

    What the hell you talkin bout? I ain't no comedian I'm a fuckin rapper! A hip hop artist. An international super-star! Just yell my name out anywhere on Earth, in fuckin Kahzakstan, it dont matter and motherfuckers be grabbin cameras and pens for my autograph. Shit what rock you been livin under? Did you know I'm a Genius?

    I asked a girl at work about you and she mentioned something about you being Kim Kardashian's boyfriend or something--is that true? I think it's false.

    Hey, if you had to pick one, would it be Off The Wall, or Thriller?

    Also, who is the greatest rapper of all time: Tupac; or Biggie?

  • parallax said:
    Kanye West said:
    parallax said:

    Now THIS is what the Strut has been missing lately--proper comedy.

    What the hell you talkin bout? I ain't no comedian I'm a fuckin rapper! A hip hop artist. An international super-star! Just yell my name out anywhere on Earth, in fuckin Kahzakstan, it dont matter and motherfuckers be grabbin cameras and pens for my autograph. Shit what rock you been livin under? Did you know I'm a Genius?

    I asked a girl at work about you and she mentioned something about you being Kim Kardashian's boyfriend or something--is that true? I think it's false.

    Hey, if you had to pick one, would it be Off The Wall, or Thriller?

    Also, who is the greatest rapper of all time: Tupac; or Biggie?

    Yeah yeah Kim Kardashian is one of my hoes. So many sluts sometimes I lose count, so I started to pay someone to keep track (Genius). Now to your next question it would have to be neither but can I suggest some better records like 808s and Heartbreak. Oh and the last question, hmmm, let me see, I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I have to go with Kanye West. Yep best rapper ever! Anymore questions for me Mr. Parallel?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Sorry Kayne but Frank Ocean is the new you here at SS.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Kanye, apologies for my earlier remarks--I did not mean any disrespct. I simply forgot who you were because you haven't done anything memorable in a very long time. I wanted to ask: Looking back, do you have any remorse for ruining Taylor Swift's VMA moment? Or did the bitch have it coming? Also, where can an ordinary guy get a nice pocket square?


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Hey Kanye, do you like fish-sticks?

  • batmon said:
    Sorry Kayne but Frank Ocean is the new you here at SS.

    Where is Frank Ocean? You've got the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, and the Arcdic and Antarcdic Oceans. You tryin to play a trick question on me to test my intelligence and school days memory. Shit, you barkin up the wrong tree, mf. Mega-stars like me don't get where we are at being D students. Genius! How many times do I got to prove it?

  • parallax said:
    Kanye, apologies for my earlier remarks--I did not mean any disrespct.

    Apology excepted.
    parallax said:
    I simply forgot who you were because you haven't done anything memorable in a very long time.
    What you talkin 'bout man? I mean how many albums must one sell, how wide a berth of satisfied pussy must a man blaze through of super-hotties before some dude named Parallel gonna say he forgot MY NAME! You like the only one on the planet who could say that.
    parallax said:
    I wanted to ask: Looking back, do you have any remorse for ruining Taylor Swift's VMA moment? Or did the bitch have it coming?
    Bitch had it coming. But between us, she thanked me later 'cause her career sky-rocketed after that. I mean I can take someone mildly famous and then make them a superstar, just by interrupting them in public on a stage to receive an award for all their hard work. Who else can do that. Hint: Bill Clinton. Clinton's so famous that some unknown intern can give him a blowjob, and next thing you know she's famous. Everybody knows her name. It's an elite club.
    parallax said:
    Also, where can an ordinary guy get a nice pocket square?
    Well since I'm not an ordinary guy, I simply can't help you out on that one. All I can tell you is where guys like me get our pocket squares. Louis Vuitton. Yep I just picked one up today with KW in gold Calligraphy embroidered on Purple Cheetah Silk. You didn't know cheetahs produce silk, you say? Yeah that's inside shit known only to super-stars. And geniuses. See it got me twice there.

  • Duderonomy said:
    Hey Kanye, do you like fish-sticks?

    Hell yes, I love fish-sticks! I love puttin 'em in my mouth. Who doesn't! That's like sayin you don't like fresh air and clean water. Shit get me some fish-sticks right now. Man, I also love hot sausage. Stuffin that warm meat down my throat. So plump and tasty. I love sausage and fish-sticks!!!

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Kanye, you are a very clever man. In fact, according to you, you are a genius.

    So I ask: given the opportunity, how would you settle the constant conflict in the middle east?

    Also, have you ever nearly choked when taking warm meat down your throat? It is alleged that Russian chess legend Alexander Alekhine died when he choked on a piece of Portuguese meat.

    And lastly, what is the rarest record you own?

  • parallax said:
    Kanye, you are a very clever man. In fact, according to you, you are a genius.
    Is it me or do I detect a touch of sarcasm in this comment. Shit, I get it, Mr Parallel, you MUST be living in a parallel universe. That explains it! You don't know me cause in your parallel universe I haven't yet hit it big or sold quadruple platinum. Understood. Just give it time. Kanye West's dark energy will pervade the hyper-verse till it is detectable by all. Now back to the fabric of our Earth's reality, motherfucker I'm a genius not cause I told ya but because it's obvious. I'm the Voice of this Generation!!! Shit I just wrote that so it must be TRUE!!! You Just read that shit off the Internet therefore it is true. Simple Cause & Effect here Mr Parallel.

    parallax said:
    So I ask: given the opportunity, how would you settle the constant conflict in the middle east?

    Thought you would never inquire about my foreign policy, but happy you did. Now if I understand this correctly you got them Jews and them Muslims both laying claim to the same holy land, right? So much tension, so many deaths. So much Conflict!. Well when you have everlasting conflicts and tension, people just ain't relaxing and gettin their share of entertainment. The gulf between self-expression and Pop-culture concerts in the Middle East is as wide as ever, but herein lies the situation. I mean shit they just ain't never got the Kanye Experience, YouknowwhatiMean!!! Twin concerts in Palestine and Jerusalem will unite these people and end the hatred and conflict. Problem Solved. With Rap! Hip Hop started in NY only to quell the quarrel in the HOLY LAND Bitches! But, you know, if that shit should fail, just NUKE them batches!!. Shit that can be the world's parking lot / airplane hangar / vacation resort/ desert enrichment knowledge camp / shit i don't know just fuckin blow that shit up and divide it among the peaceful among us, I mean shit ain't they the ones causes all the world's problems as of late???

    parallax said:

    Also, have you ever nearly choked when taking warm meat down your throat?

    Yeah, I mean like all the time, Shit. If it ain't warm and fat then what is doing down your throat, I mean shit, really? That's just how we roll on my corner of the Universe. That fuckin hot warm tube-steak just fills me up, knowwhatimsayin, shit I choke on that shit while spittin verses on upcoming joints. I mean it's just creative, if you're like gay or like sausage in your throat. Choke on it, it's good for ya mind, bitches!!!!

    parallax said:

    And lastly, what is the rarest record you own?

    James Brown summoned me to his death bed in a hospital in Georgia in Dec of 2006, there he gave me a one-off acetate of a practice session that later became the infamous funky drummer! This rehearsal is however different and distinctive from the "funky drummer' 45. James explained to me that I was to keep this in check until the world was ready for the "proper funk", that is for the later hip hop and pop movements to sample from this record as this break-beat was beyond human evolution at the time and should only be introduced once man had evolved to the point that society and politics could handle the super-funk as he said. No timeline was given, he just said that you "would know", and there we left it open. After enormous speculation, among a panel of brilliant minds, its been decided to put this matter to rest; the Funk has been established, it has been, numerously, resurrected, sustained and has prospered, but that particular beat has not been sampled, it is the heartbeat of a new generation of FUNK that will persist as long as there are people reading posts like this............

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    [ in fuckin Kahzakstan,

    I mistakenly thought this said "I'm fuckin' Kardashian"
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