Scottsdale, AZ Tips

yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
edited July 2012 in Strut Central
Any heads out there that live or have visited this area? My bro's having part one of two bachelor parties down here and so I was wondering where is the place where it's poppin'. I don't need gourmet food nor quaint lounges with dope 70s tunes or whatever.

Just need your typical bar/club where all the hoties kick it on a weekend and all the meatheadz surround them sort of scene. Let me know!

edit: I could do without the meatheadz...


  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I can't offer much other than to tell you that it's super douchey. They don't call it Snobbsdale for nothing!

    If you can make it to downtown Phx, there's some good dining options. Also, just south of Scottsdale there's a vegan restaurant called Green that makes excellent soy ice cream treats called "tsoynamis." (Their food is good too and I'm faaaar from vegan.)

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Hit up High Point across from Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall for a nice sneaker selection.

  • Old Town Scottsdale is where you wanna be.
    Camelback and Scottsdale Rd area, lots of bars/clubs/hotties.
    It's very posh and cosmopolitan and whatnot, not where I hang out normally, but it's probably what your looking for due to the extreme babe factor in the vicinity.
    It's pretty much a wannabe LA.
    But nice trim is nice trim anywhere you go.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    i would go to old scottsdale as well
    I'm a fan RnR, Jimmy V's, Bandera

    I didn't go to many clubs, but if you're looking hotties just walk around ASU Yuki
    check out Revolver records, nice shop, great jazz and rock selection
    good luck!

    I'm guessing your bro is doing Scottsdale so you guys can golf? some amazing golfing for cheap out there

  • Revolver is nice. Steve who runs the place is a super guy (and used to be roommates with Claude Coleman, Ween's drummer! :beerbang: )
    But I wouldn't waste time here digging. You will be disappointed.
    Scottsdale, while completely devoid of any culture and vibe, is quite beautiful and has it's own charms.

    Anywyay, have fun.

    Oh yeah, ASU girls... good lord.

  • bachelor party in scottsdale your bro sounds awesome

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    Old Town Scottsdale is where you wanna be.
    Camelback and Scottsdale Rd area, lots of bars/clubs/hotties.
    It's very posh and cosmopolitan and whatnot, not where I hang out normally, but it's probably what your looking for due to the extreme babe factor in the vicinity.
    It's pretty much a wannabe LA.
    But nice trim is nice trim anywhere you go.

    This is what I was looking for. Thanks man! This would be downtown Scottsdale right?

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    I can't offer much other than to tell you that it's super douchey.

    Got that vibe just reading Yelp reviews and club photos...I'll be more excited about chillin' by the pool and eating some BBQ...

  • check out "the palace" @ the filmbar downtown phoenix on sat. night. which is a world party spun with all vinyl.
    also,the blunt club @ yucca tap room in tempe on thursday is cool.
    digging @ revolver is cool and soul food @ ms. white's golden rule is the best.
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