Congrats to the USA
4,154 Posts
on your new health care law being affirmed by the supremes. it sure seem like "a big fucking deal".
the politics of this don't interest me that much. i see this as a major improvement over the staus quo. it may not be perfect, it may not go as far as i or others might like but it's a step in the right diretion and long overdue.
They yet again twisted a good intention into a quagmire that only a slight few will ever benefit design.
Business as usual.
It is. mean this doesn't mean free health care and medical marijuana for everyone!!
Which healthcare provider is set to benefit most?
I was looking for a hot new investment idea...
yeah, canada is in complete shambles because of that.
you're welcome for the bailout money by the way.
the most important aspect of this is allowing kids to stay on their parents insurance because they either sure as fuck dont have it because they can't find a job or will need to save as much money as possible to pay for their parents elected offciials spending
In other words, he didn't play the Martin Luther King gambit of telling the Republicans, "look you can deal with me or you can deal with Malcolm X (single payer) over there." He would have had more room to maneuver. Yeah, I am being pragmatic/cynical here but Obama gave away a lot early on in his presidency that today he probably wouldn't.
As for how I feel about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), AKA Obamacare, its a step in the right direction. Its flawed but it gets us closer to some sanity. It does away with pre-existing conditions, will prevent insurers from dropping policy holders that get sick, and expand the pool to mitigate costs. However, it keeps private insurers at the primary means of delivery healthcare coverage in America and that is supremely inefficient. For profit companies in charge of a public good (and a human right in my view) is never a good thing.
The fight for universal healthcare continues here in the USA. But we can build upon this and it will be very hard to get rid of the gains made with the ACA.
As for the politics, you will see a symbolic vote in the House repealing the ACA but the Senate will not play ball, well there is no way to get 60 votes to kill it and not even the house will get 2/3rds to override Obama's veto if the repubs could squeak a vote out in the senate. Unless the republicans walflestomp the democrats and take complete control of both chambers of congress and win the whitehouse in 2012, the ACA is here to stay.
In short, I will take my gains (and declare victory) and be happy about that and hope that like the turning tide in favor gay civil rights in this country, American views on healthcare will start to shift as the old guard start dying off.
My two pennies...
Strange. i thought the most important aspect was 86ing the insurance companies power to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditiond, thereby prohibiting them from discriminating against those that get sick (sometimes gravely) through no fault of their own.
Is this some weird reference to medicinal marijuana, or did you mean dragged?
American right is far too good at name-calling. Orwellian almost. They managed to get everyone calling this "Obamacare". "Global Warming" - Republicans decide that's too scary and move to change it to "Climate Change" and undermine the seriousness. Politicise healthcare and already they have split some of the support away just on the basis of spite. It seems they understand their electorate will gladly cut off their own noses if they're told something in their own interests is actually an Obama trick.
Same with banks, the rich, taxes etc. over here and most places really.
Come the revolution...
Y'all been co-opting American music for so long you think you can make meaningful political comments about the U.S. too.....what next, opinions on American Football?.
Take care of all your Queens, Bliars and Dumbo eared future kings and you won't have time to worry about our healthcare.
And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Wow.....I'm impressed..... you know even more about our Football than our Politics.
Tebow is to Football what Ringo is to Rock.
A country where there's a publicly funded healthcare system, free at the point of delivery.
Green budzz too
Well in this case this is / is not / is a tax.