Who likes records with cue burn?

Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
edited October 2005 in Strut Central
I love to hear that shit right before the braek.


  • I do not[/b] love to hear that shit right before the braek.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Cue burn is grown n sexy.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I do not[/b] love to hear that shit right before the braek.

    I do not[/b] love to hear that shit right before the braek.

    I do not[/b] love to hear that shit right before the braek.

    I do not[/b] love to hear that shit right before the braek.

    I do not[/b] love to hear that shit right before the braek.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    How can one scratch cue a record and not burn it? Is there a secret? I just accepted it as an inevtible occurance...
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