Harriet E. Miers has sh*t on her nose!

CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
edited October 2005 in Strut Central
Mr. President your cool. She sounds like she is on fucking TRL.October 11, 2005Documents Show Supreme Court Nominee's Close Ties to Bush By RALPH BLUMENTHAL and SIMON ROMEROAUSTIN, Tex., Oct. 10 - "You are the best governor ever - deserving of great respect," Harriet E. Miers wrote to George W. Bush days after his 51st birthday in July 1997. She also found him "cool," said he and his wife, Laura, were "the greatest!" and told him: "Keep up the great work. Texas is blessed."Ms. Miers, President Bush's personal lawyer and his selection for a Supreme Court seat, emerges as an unabashed fan in more than 2,000 pages of official correspondence and personal notes made public on Monday by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in response to open-records requests.Mr. Bush returned the admiration, the files show. After Ms. Miers's birthday wishes, he wrote thanks and a "happy 52nd to you." He added, "I appreciate your friendship and candor - never hold back your sage advice."The documents, including many minutes of meetings of the Texas Lottery Commission, which Ms. Miers headed, shed little light on her legal thinking, but underscore her ties to Mr. Bush. Because of their closeness and her lack of a judicial record, some critics have dismissed Ms. Miers as a crony unworthy of nomination to the court but for her confidential service as the president's lawyer. Others question whether their bond could undermine the separation of powers of the executive and judicial branches.More than a year into Mr. Bush's first term as governor, Ms. Miers drew on their friendship by asking the Bushes to serve as "honorary chairs" at an Anti-Defamation League dinner in 1996 honoring Ms. Miers with the Jurisprudence Award for devotion to constitutional principles and democratic values. Mr. and Ms. Bush agreed, and the governor delivered one of the two keynote tributes, saying: "A desire to see justice done is what drives my friend Harriet Miers. And believe me, when Harriet is out for justice, she is a formidable character." Mr. Bush added: "When it comes to cross-examination, Harriet can fillet better than Mrs. Paul. I know first-hand. She is my lawyer."A few days later, Ms. Miers wrote to thank the Bushes, saying, "Texas has a very popular governor and first lady!" She recalled a little girl who collected Mr. Bush's autograph and said, "I was struck by the tremendous impact you have on the children whose lives you touch." The notes to Mr. Bush date from at least March 1995, around the time he named her to the lottery commission, the files show. On March 25, on the letterhead of her Dallas law firm, Locke Purnell Rain Harrell, Ms. Miers wrote to thank him "for taking the time to visit in the office and on the plane back - cool!" "Keep up all the great work," she wrote. "The state is in great hands. Thanks also for yours and your family's personal sacrifice."In October 1997, Ms. Miers sent Mr. Bush a flowery greeting card in thanks for a letter that he had written on her behalf. In it, she said of his daughters: "Hopefully Jenna and Barbara recognize that their parents are 'cool' - as do the rest of us." She added, "All I hear is how great you and Laura are doing," and ended, "Texas is blessed." A spokesman for the White House, Allen Abney, said he did not have enough information on the exchanges to comment in detail. "We've said all along they are close," Mr. Abney said. "The president nominated Ms. Miers because of her qualifications and because he knows her and they share the same conservative judicial philosophy."The documents, released on Monday at the archives and covering 1995 to 2000, did not touch on her views on sensitive social issues. They also were not related to Mr. Bush's campaigns for governor and president. Those files are held with his father's papers at Texas A&M and are not public. Before the release, the papers were reviewed by the office of Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, which made no objections. The lottery commission blocked the release of two confidential memorandums with appeals to the state attorney general's office.The search produced more than 2,000 pages from the 2,000 cubic feet of documents from Mr. Bush's files as governor and more than 20 square feet of records from the commission. Some papers from Ms. Miers's time at the commission , a position to which she was named by Mr. Bush, depicted her as a bureaucrat with a keen eye for procedure. They also showed she sailed through her confirmation hearing. Minutes of commission meetings showed Ms. Miers in command, questioning employees and other commissioners on topics like advertising, charitable bingo operations and bids to help manage the lotteries. One lawmaker asked what groups could run bingo, saying, "Could the Ku Klux Klan?"Ms. Miers responded, "Well, I would certainly hope not."Nathan Levy contributed reporting from Austin for this article.


  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    shit on your nose, cum on your dress

    what's the difference.

  • shit on your nose, cum on your dress

    what's the difference.

    One's an intern, one's a nominee for supreme court justice.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    shit on your nose, cum on your dress

    what's the difference.

    One's an intern, one's a nominee for supreme court justice.


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Bob Loblaw

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Bob Loblaw


  • yo really need to dead that "you people" bullshit.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    shit on your nose, cum on your dress

    what's the difference.

    One's an intern, one's a nominee for supreme court justice.


    sorry to derail this thread so early, but seriously, AI's avatar is

    "One dog's looking this way, the other one's looking that way, and you got this guy in the back saying "Whadya want from me?"

    hahahahahah. Best avatar EVAR!!!

  • u pople are so foolish,


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    shit on your nose, cum on your dress

    what's the difference.

    One's an intern, one's a nominee for supreme court justice.


    sorry to derail this thread so early, but seriously, AI's avatar is

    "One dog's looking this way, the other one's looking that way, and you got this guy in the back saying "Whadya want from me?"

    hahahahahah. Best avatar EVAR!!!

    Saying man, "The guy's got a nice head of white hair."

  • sorry, im not an american.

    well I don't know where the fuck you're from but "us people" don't need your help figuring this out, thank you very much. Maybe you are as stupid as all the fundamentalist fuckwads from this country, and all you do is watch Fox News, but most Americans on this board have never been down with Bush or his cronies and your attitude is crazy condescending.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    sorry, im not an american.

    well I don't know where the fuck you're from but "us people" don't need your help figuring this out, thank you very much. Maybe you are as stupid as all the fundamentalist fuckwads from this country, and all you do is watch Fox News, but most Americans on this board have never been down with Bush or his cronies and your attitude is crazy condescending.

    Seriously dude. Sit on it.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    well I don't know where the fuck you're from but "us people" don't need your help figuring this out, thank you very much. Maybe you are as stupid as all the fundamentalist fuckwads from this country, and all you do is watch Fox News, but most Americans on this board have never been down with Bush or his cronies and your attitude is crazy condescending.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    sorry my condesention insulted you,
    if its any compensation the american people's foolishness & blindsidedness insults me.

    You're a fucking jerkoff. I bet you're a closet racist.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    sorry my condesention insulted you,
    if its any compensation the american people's foolishness & blindsidedness insults me.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    sorry, im not an american.

    well I don't know where the fuck you're from but "us people" don't need your help figuring this out, thank you very much. Maybe you are as stupid as all the fundamentalist fuckwads from this country, and all you do is watch Fox News, but most Americans on this board have never been down with Bush or his cronies and your attitude is crazy condescending.

    Seriously dude. Sit on it.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    sorry, im not an american.

    well I don't know where the fuck you're from but "us people" don't need your help figuring this out, thank you very much. Maybe you are as stupid as all the fundamentalist fuckwads from this country, and all you do is watch Fox News, but most Americans on this board have never been down with Bush or his cronies and your attitude is crazy condescending.

    Seriously dude. Sit on it.

    Seriously, we're on the same wavelength today.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    sorry my condesention insulted you,
    if its any compensation the american people's foolishness & blindsidedness insults me.

    Why the fuck are bringing this shit to SoulStrut? There are a bazillion politically oriented blogs and message boards out there that would make much better receptacles for your anti-American drivel.

  • sorry my condesention insulted you,
    if its any compensation the american people's foolishness & blindsidedness insults me.

    Seriously, come with something constructive or play the sideline.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    sorry my condesention insulted you,

    if its any compensation the american people's foolishness & blindsidedness insults me.




    You are now banned, you fakeass batch. I don't tolerate imaginary records, finds, or fakeass nicknames.[/b]

    Your fakeass posts remind me of one of my favorite raer 12" vinyl singles by the Strut Clampdown Moderhators on Politico Records:



    Side b: "WHO RUN IT '05"

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    sorry my condesention insulted you,
    if its any compensation the american people's foolishness & blindsidedness insults me.


    Banned, you fakeass batch. I don't tolerate imaginary records, finds, or fakeass nicknames.

    this reminds me of one of my favorite 12" vinyl singles:

    Side b: "WHO RUN IT"

    wow! power to the people. if only the govt worked like that.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Shit like that fucking blows. Swear to god dudes like that are the worst.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    u pople are so foolish,
    you want to kno wwhy she was nominated
    she'll vote however the bush administration wants her to vote,
    & she has no paper trail for the democrats to trace like the other nominee,

    how are you people really so overlooking of translucent motviations?
    it's as clear as day,

    republicans arent complex creatures, just shifty, dishonest & slimy..
    god bless capitalism & god save america

    From my understanding, it was a Dem. that brought her name up a long time back to Georgie and alot of Reps don't want her.

    I wouldn't want her either. Seriously... Anyone see Judge Judy talk about her? Thats who should be on the bench!!!

    republicans arent complex creatures, just shifty, dishonest & slimy..
    god bless capitalism & god save america

    I'm sorry to let you into a little secret, but alot of people are just like this. From capitalist to communist to even your own damn family.

    But there are alot of really good people out there as well. Never judge a book from its cover. Take them all on an individual basis.

    That said, I'm really looking forward to 08... I don't care who gets in right now. As long as there's a change.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    sorry, im not an american.

    well I don't know where the fuck you're from but "us people" don't need your help figuring this out, thank you very much. Maybe you are as stupid as all the fundamentalist fuckwads from this country, and all you do is watch Fox News, but most Americans on this board have never been down with Bush or his cronies and your attitude is crazy condescending.

    Seriously dude. Sit on it.

    Seriously, we're on the same wavelength today.

    are we ever. fueling up for when we won't see each other in NYC in October?

    I heard the voice of America
    calling on my wavelength
    singing come back baby
    come back come back

  • That said, I'm really looking forward to 08... I don't care who gets in right now. As long as there's a change.

    want to rethink that

  • Woah, did you really just ban that dude?

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Yes, dude is clearly an alias and was not contributing shite to any discussion. His/her ruffling of feathers was just a bit much.

    To quote Pastor Troy:

    "WE AIN'T PLAYIN'!!!!!!"[/b]

    ok off to the Post office now

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    I heard the voice of America
    calling on my wavelength
    singing come back baby
    come back come back

    As long as it's not being sung in Lil Markie's voice. FUCK!

    I'm all fucked up now, man... damn.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    That said, I'm really looking forward to 08... I don't care who gets in right now. As long as there's a change.

    want to rethink that

    He ain't going anywhere... I predict it...

    Would people reconize the realness

    Fukk Hillary. I would vote Judy even if she was against everything I was for.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    sorry my condesention insulted you,
    if its any compensation the american people's foolishness & blindsidedness insults me.

    U're welcome.

  • That said, I'm really looking forward to 08... I don't care who gets in right now. As long as there's a change.

    want to rethink that

    man if that fuck tard becomes president i'm moving to europe.

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