Primer (the movie)
2,532 Posts
OK Move talk has got me going.Just saw Primer and I'm a little confused. Which seems to be the case with everyone who see's it.1. The "narrative voice mail". Was this being left from the future into the past?2. What was the point of Abe killing "himself". So his double couldn't screw his plan up? His double seemed to come back to life and come out of the attic ....was he the one leaveing the message?
Had some good dialogue, but most was confusing gobblydegook.
I just ended up watching & not taking anything in. Hurted my brain to even try & unravel it then, let alone a month later.
The fact it cost $7000 to make should have nothing to do with making a coherent storyline.
And it won 2 awards at your Sundance festival makes me wonder.
PRIMER website[/b]