Marvin Question b/w 45 Question

so i finally picked up a copy of the "You're The Man" 45 yesterday and did a google search and this site - - seems to imply that an entire album was recorded and unreleased. if this is the case how the hell did this happen and why hasn't it seen a release yet? and on that note, what are some other 45 only tracks from the big dudes as far as soul and funk acts go? i'll be the first to admit my negligence in examining 45s from artists who's lp collections i have on lock and wondered if there are any gems i'm missing out on.
some james brown ones definitely. like "the drunk" on bethlehem. and i think "shhh for a little while" on king. check essential funk 45 thread.
Edit: i was just corrected in the other thread. "shhh for a little while" is definitely on an LP, and "the drunk" might be.
It's possible that there's an unreleased album because Motown kept a lot of stuff in the can. There have been a couple posthumous Gaye albums with unreleased stuff, but mostly from earlier or later periods. A couple of them have some really great material on them, like Love Starved Heart and Motown Remembers Marvin Gaye.
Okay, last night I coincidentally reached the portion of the David Ritz book where he deals with the release of "You're the Man" and he makes no mention of an album. Sounds like Marvin was disappointed with the single's failure to catch on and decided to move away from explicit social commentary, scrapping whatever plans he had to follow it up with an album. Ritz seems to be pretty up on Marvin's unreleased work, so if there was something out there, I figure he would be aware of it.
there's some really good unreleased material on the "let's get it on" deluxe edition. no hint at a whole album though. along with "you're the man", it has "the world is rated x" (which is on some of the later compilations mentioned above), sessions produced by willie hutch: "i'm gonna give you respect", "try it, you'll love it", "you are that special one", and "we can make it baby". and the highlight on the deluxe edition, in my opinion, are the instrumental sessions with hamilton bohannon: "running from love" (2 versions) and "mandota". those tracks are fucking unbelievable and warrant the purchase of this 2cd by themselves.