Yahoo Auctions are fee free now?

GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
edited October 2005 in Strut Central
I know Ebay Rules Everything Around Me (EREAM) but this is interesting: Changes to Yahoo! AuctionsYahoo! Auctions has changed its pricing to create a model that is free for all consumers listing items on our Auctions platform. We have eliminated all fees associated with Auctions listings, including listing fees and final value fees.Many users have been asking for this type of structure, and we are happy to provide it as a way to strengthen our partnership with the seller community and clearly demonstrate our commitment to our sellers' success. The new pricing model will go into effect Monday, June 6, 2005.This move to free listings was designed with the consumer in mind, as we are continually looking to offer the most relevant and useful products and services to our users. Over the years, we've achieved our objective of improving the quality of the site, making it easier for buyer and sellers to connect. This most recent move will make auctions more cost effective for both large and small sellers who wish to list items on Yahoo!, ultimately improving their margins.


  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    it's been free in Japan for a good minute. That's why ebay is not very popular over there, pretty much everything goes on yahoo auctions.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    Yahoo pretty much gave up on the Auction game a long time ago. The only company that could really give Ebay a run for their money would be Google if they integrated the regular search function with the auction listings. It's bound to happen soon.

  • I pay 350 yen a month or so to have an Yahoo Auction Japan account.

    Maybe its free for Yahoo BB subscribers though? Costs even more if you want to sell.

    And eBay japan has been dead and burned for a few years I believe.
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