Moving records - issue #2343889
3,739 Posts
Ok, I know this gets discussed like once a freakin' week, but someone tell me something.I'm gonna have to move my entire collection to my new place very shortly. Just wanted to ask advice from anyone that's done this. Should I just get boxes? Y'all trust removalists to do this shit or do you transport the precious raers yourself?I don't want no foll dropping my placebo all over the place,
Most milk crates have been changed to be smaller than 12" so records won't fit.
They got tired of having their crates swiped.
i just moved 3 months ago, and i used these "small" moving boxes. perfect size for records. pack 'em tight and tape 'em up completely. all my lps were moved in said boxes in a non-a/c moving truck from north carolina to arizona in july, and they made it here without a scratch and without any bit of heat damage.
your better to get a few crates and use them to move the collection
I suggest trying to hire a mate for the day to help out, offer a hundy buck or something
....and they're cheap and good for a couple moves.