anyone checked WWW.D-NICE.COM?
3,853 Posts
I am sure lots of you are already familiar with it..but in case you arent, check out http://www.d-nice.comhe has a nice little blog going on that a lot of you would enjoy.
20 years later... who's moms are those?
Some like Mc Boo...he's X-Rated
I like to think of myself as a pure rebel
a radial speaker on a musical level
It's really good to see him doing well cause rap doesn't have a retirement plan.
"you brought the sandwiches, right?"
"cocaine is a hell of a drug!"
Biz Monkey
A couple of months back D-nice and Q-tip were both at the same party and got on the mic and started doing each other's songs. That was a raer moment.
that's debatable
ok, let's start the debate
1. he sounds good
2. everyone is dancing