steveo on carolla

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
I was flipping channels and saw that Steve-o was on Carrollas show...holy fuck this was uncomfortable to watch, dude was really fuckin drunk, tackled carolla, busted a table and had to be restrained, dudes isnt a good enough actor to fake this, had to be real...have to give it up to Carrolla for keeping his cool and at least trying to make light of it all....


  • Adam Carolla is a

  • yeah man I caught that shit. totally awkward and uncomfortable...what a terrible show.

  • Adam Carolla is a

    hahaha, this was the actually the only funny thing I've ever seen on his show. Did you Steve-o smash the glass coffee table? They should have just let him go godzilla on the rest of the set.

  • wasnt steve-o on some drunken frat boy screaming racial slurs(N bombs) when he first came out on the set? dude is a joke...

    chris pontinus is actually funny imo

  • Didn't catch the slurs, if any, but seeing a drunken idiot terrorize Carolla's godawful show was fucking hilarious to me.
    I was hoping for Daily Show repeats, instead I got this.

  • The most uncomfortable shit i have ever seen on tv was this time Steve-O was a guest on a Dutch talkshow. Over here you can say and do pretty much anything without getting bleeped or censored on tv. Steve-O asked if this was true when the talkshow host told him it was, he dropped his pants and got a stapler and started to staple his nutsack to his leg.

  • I knew this was going to be on the net somewhere..he starts smoking a joint then he staples his nuts
    i doubt anbody wants to see this but anyways it's some funny shit i'm warnig you there is a lot of blood involved

    STEVE-O on Dutch TV
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