bonzaisk8bonzaisk8 946 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
...from one of the 300,000+ perspectives.

Sept. 24, 2005 - Washington DC Anti-War Rally. "DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC"[/b]

A serious bigs ups to everyone who participated yesterday. This was huge!!!

There's really no way to express or to articulate how incredible yesterday was. The closest I can get to convey this, however, is to show some photos of the days events.

Make Levee's not War bitches!

Code Pink Squad

Billionaires for Bush

Cindy Sheehan from afar

up close







Sponsored by esl music, Mintwood media collective, [/b]

from the stage tower

veterans speaking out

Jello Biafra speaking. Eurok getting ready

Head Roc and Eurok


Noyek The Grizzly Bear

another mom on with the Gold Star Mothers who lost her son.

Thievery getting started

From the left: Rob Myers, Roots, Zeebo, and Sleepy Wonder and the percussionist which I'll find the name of....

Zeebo speaking to the crowd.

Eric Hilton holding it down.

thats what the fuck i'm talking about!

The full Thievery Corporation band with Rob and Eric holding it steady.

Please let me know if anyone has more pictures to pass on. I'm looking for some Fort Knox Five pictures especially. [/b]

feel free to caption as many as you recognize. I did the best I could do in the hour that it took me to post this.

also, if there's anyone that wants to help host these photos to ease the bandwidth strain on the truegrooves site will be more than welcomed..... please let me know, if you're interested.

oh, and in case you missed this photo, here it is again!!

hell yeah!


  • Nice to see that folls turned up for the concert.

    'Cause from what I saw of the coverage of the rally/march earlier that day, it looked pitifully underattended.

  • Nice to see that folls turned up for the concert.

    'Cause from what I saw of the coverage of the rally/march earlier that day, it looked pitifully underattended.

    haha. turn that tv off

    kid...thanks for the pics. my ma and pa went down (and forgot the camera). they were blown away by the energy and the size of the crowd. they had stories to tell. wish i could have gone. i'll be at the next one.

  • yeah fuck the mainstream media. Don't believe the hype! If it's not in their interest, they won't speak about it correctly. The only time events like this will get some real airplay is when some serious trouble occurs like the WTO protests in Seattle.

    I gotta say though, the Washington Post and the New York Times did cover this rally properly.

    By the way. There were only 3 arrests made the whole day.

    What an absolute success!

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    yeah fuck the mainstream media. Don't believe the hype! If it's not in their interest, they won't speak about it correctly. The only time events like this will get some real airplay is when some serious trouble occurs like the WTO protests in Seattle.

    I gotta say though, the Washington Post and the New York Times did cover this rally properly.

    By the way. There were only 3 arrests made the whole day.

    What an absolute success!

    I am putting the best of mine up on my blog....I should have it done within the night.

    Ran into Neville C during Thievery Corp set...The Coup really killed it, and the Bell Rays and Wayne Kramer did the MC5's "Human Being Lawnmower" which was really the highlight of their set. Lisa Ray was also in fine voice.

    Check back soon....

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    Pics and everything from the concert and rally.

    oh, and check this from CNN (file under LOL[/b]):

    Smaller-than-expected gathering follows anti-war protest

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Support for U.S. troops fighting abroad mixed with anger toward anti-war demonstrators at home as hundreds of people, far fewer than organizers had expected, rallied Sunday on the National Mall just a day after tens of thousands protested against the war in Iraq.

    "No matter what your ideals are, our sons and daughters are fighting for our freedom," said Marilyn Faatz, who drove from New Jersey to attend the rally. "We are making a mockery out of this. And we need to stand united, but we are not."

    About 400 people gathered near a stage on an eastern segment of the mall, a large patchwork American flag serving as a backdrop. Amid banners and signs proclaiming support for U.S. troops, several speakers hailed the effort to bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan and denounced those who protest it.

    Many demonstrators focused their ire at Cindy Sheehan, the California woman whose protest near President Bush's Texas home last summer galvanized the anti-war movement.

    Sheehan was among the speakers at Saturday's rally near the Washington Monument on the western part of the mall, an event that attracted an estimated 100,000 people. (Full story)

    "The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world," Sen. Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Republican, told the crowd. "I frankly don't know what they represent, other than to blame America first."

    One sign on the mall read "Cindy Sheehan doesn't speak for me" and another "Arrest the traitors"; it listed Sheehan's name first among several people who have spoken against the war.

    Melody Vigna, 44, of Linden, California, said she wants nothing to do with Sheehan and others at nearby Camp Casey, an anti-war site set up to honor her son, Casey, who was killed in Iraq.

    "Our troops are over there fighting for our rights, and if she was in one of those countries she would not be able to do that," Vigna said.

    The husband of Sherri Francescon, 24, of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, serves in the Marine Corps in Iraq. One of the many military wives who spoke during the rally, Francescon said that the anti-war demonstration had left her frustrated.

    "I know how much my husband does and how hard he works, and I feel like they don't even recognize that and give him the respect he deserves," Francescon said. "I want him to know and I want his unit to know that America is behind them; Cindy doesn't speak for us, and that we believe in what they are doing."

    Organizers of Sunday's demonstration acknowledged that their rally would be much smaller than the anti-war protest but had hoped that as many as 20,000 people would turn out.

    On Saturday, demonstrators opposed to the war in Iraq surged past the White House in the largest anti-war protest in the nation's capital since the U.S. invasion in March 2003. The rally stretched through the night, a marathon of music, speechmaking and dissent on the mall.

    National polls have found steadily declining support for the war in Iraq, with a majority of Americans now believing the war was a mistake.

    In an AP-Ipsos poll this month, only 37 percent approved or leaned toward approval of how Bush has handled the situation in Iraq; strong disapproval outweighed strong approval by 2-1, 46 percent to 22 percent.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    People who are so strongly against people who voice dissent about the war amaze me.



    I feel as though the people who are ANTI anti-war-protesters need to go back to school and get some of that edjamacation, learn some of the tenents of which this country was founded upon.

    Seriously, it's their RIGHT to be against anti-war protesters, and I'll resepct that to the fullest, but I just don't get it.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    People who are so strongly against people who voice dissent about the war amaze me.



    I feel as though the people who are ANTI anti-war-protesters need to go back to school and get some of that edjamacation, learn some of the tenents of which this country was founded upon.

    Seriously, it's their RIGHT to be against anti-war protesters, and I'll resepct that to the fullest, but I just don't get it.

    Actually, you could argue full on that it's completly UNAMERICAN to be AGAINST protest, because that's what those idiots in the above story were doing.

    You can support the Administration, you can go to their anti-war rallies with signs supporting Bush, you can tell the protesters to their face they are wrong for their stance. I have no problem with any of the above.

    I DO have a big problem with people who have so little faith in America and Americans that they think that if we are not of one mind the system collapses or is dysfunctional. They can't stand dialogue and they can't stand oppositional views and debate. They just want you to get in line and stop asking so many cynical questions. Fuck them, they are the traitors.

  • slavinslavin 577 Posts

    I DO have a big problem with people who have so little faith in America and Americans that they think that if we are not of one mind the system collapses or is dysfunctional. They can't stand dialogue and they can't stand oppositional views and debate. They just want you to get in line and stop asking so many cynical questions. Fuck them, they are the traitors.

    huge co-sign.


  • People who are so strongly against people who voice dissent about the war amaze me.



    I feel as though the people who are ANTI anti-war-protesters need to go back to school and get some of that edjamacation, learn some of the tenents of which this country was founded upon.

    Seriously, it's their RIGHT to be against anti-war protesters, and I'll resepct that to the fullest, but I just don't get it.

    Actually, you could argue full on that it's completly UNAMERICAN to be AGAINST protest, because that's what those idiots in the above story were doing.

    You can support the Administration, you can go to their anti-war rallies with signs supporting Bush, you can tell the protesters to their face they are wrong for their stance. I have no problem with any of the above.

    I DO have a big problem with people who have so little faith in America and Americans that they think that if we are not of one mind the system collapses or is dysfunctional. They can't stand dialogue and they can't stand oppositional views and debate. They just want you to get in line and stop asking so many cynical questions. Fuck them, they are the traitors.

    I think it shows you how much faith they really have in their system...

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    yeah fuck the mainstream media. Don't believe the hype! If it's not in their interest, they won't speak about it correctly. The only time events like this will get some real airplay is when some serious trouble occurs.

    Damn, this sounds real familiar. Remember about 10 years ago in D.C, they had something called the Million Man March? The media reported half a million in attendance, if I recall correctly. I know the media was pissed not to report rampant violence at that march and at yesterday's protest. Yes, fuck the media[/b] ! I want to speak on the way of thinking in which I've been forced to deal with on daily basis ever since 9/11. The train of thought that all Americans must bow down to King Bush, I mean President Bush and support him to the death. You guys are on point. This country was based on things like dissent and revolution. To hell with blind devotion. But I guess when the majority of this country are living in fear, they need something to rely on....

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    yeah fuck the mainstream media. Don't believe the hype! If it's not in their interest, they won't speak about it correctly. The only time events like this will get some real airplay is when some serious trouble occurs.

    Damn, this sounds real familiar. Remember about 10 years ago in D.C, they had something called the Million Man March? The media reported half a million in attendance, if I recall correctly. I know the media was pissed not to report rampant violence at that march and at yesterday's protest. Yes,
    fuck the media[/b] ! I want to speak on the way of thinking in which I've been forced to deal with on daily basis ever since 9/11. The train of thought that all Americans must bow down to King Bush, I mean President Bush and support him to the death. You guys are on point. This country was based on things like dissent and revolution. To hell with blind devotion. But I guess when the majority of this country are living in fear, they need something to rely on....

    I wasn't at the march, but the concert was super mellow...no weirdness, no crazy behavior and NO SECURITY at all. That kind of shocked me, but it was pretty well self-policed, at one point someone near us fainted or something, and everyone around went for help and medics were right there. So the whole event was the farthest thing from what a lot of people want these to be: law abiding and reasonable.

    I just wish they had gotten some Go Go band to play at the concert. GO GO IS THE LOCAL MUSIC in DC. Might have gotten some more local folks out.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    yeah fuck the mainstream media. Don't believe the hype! If it's not in their interest, they won't speak about it correctly. The only time events like this will get some real airplay is when some serious trouble occurs.

    Damn, this sounds real familiar. Remember about 10 years ago in D.C, they had something called the Million Man March? The media reported half a million in attendance, if I recall correctly. I know the media was pissed not to report rampant violence at that march and at yesterday's protest. Yes,
    fuck the media[/b] ! I want to speak on the way of thinking in which I've been forced to deal with on daily basis ever since 9/11. The train of thought that all Americans must bow down to King Bush, I mean President Bush and support him to the death. You guys are on point. This country was based on things like dissent and revolution. To hell with blind devotion. But I guess when the majority of this country are living in fear, they need something to rely on....

    I wasn't at the march, but the concert was super mellow...no weirdness, no crazy behavior and NO SECURITY at all. That kind of shocked me, but it was pretty well self-policed, at one point someone near us fainted or something, and everyone around went for help and medics were right there. So the whole event was the farthest thing from what a lot of people want these to be: law abiding and reasonable.

    I just wish they had gotten some Go Go band to play at the concert. GO GO IS THE LOCAL MUSIC in DC. Might have gotten some more local folks out.
    That sounds lovely. But that's strange that there wasn't any Go-Go there. Definitely something that needs to be added, if they have on next year.

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    People who are so strongly against people who voice dissent about the war amaze me.



    I feel as though the people who are ANTI anti-war-protesters need to go back to school and get some of that edjamacation, learn some of the tenents of which this country was founded upon.

    Seriously, it's their RIGHT to be against anti-war protesters, and I'll resepct that to the fullest, but I just don't get it.

    They definately have that right to oppose the protestors, but in reality those people just don't want the status quo or their every day life interrupted in any way... Its that whole: Just don't make a big deal about it and it will goa way... Why do you always have to make things difficult type attitude.
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