Real Relief BBQ Austin, TX - Sunday Sept. 18th

billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
edited September 2005 in Announcements Palm Park Sunday, September 18th 2005 8am Volunteer Check-in1pm ??? 6pm Food Service What: Our mission is to provide a day of relief and fellowship for disaster evacuees now living at the Convention Center in downtown Austin. We would like to offer a chance for those now living there to get outside to enjoy a hand cooked, hand served meal at Palm Park, directly across the street from the convention center. Through a network of volunteers and donors we are planning to provide a hot New Orleans style meal, iced tea and entertainment from a local New Orleans style Zydeco band. So far our menu includes:??? Red Beans ??? Rice??? BBQ & Fried Chicken??? Iced Tea??? DesertWe are seeking donations and volunteers at this time. Thank you for your support and consideration.
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