Joe Bataan rocks S.F.

mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
I've been neck-deep in the social, political issues raised by the Hurriance Katrina in New Orleans. I admit, it's been emotionally and intellectually exhausting, and at times, a little despairing. That's why I'm really glad Joe Bataan came to town this weekend to play what was really and amazing, amazing show at Herbst Theater in S.F. It wasn't sold out but it felt like a capacity show and it wasn't just that the music was soul-satisfying and rousing (which it was). It was also that Bataan has incredible presence as a performer and as Justin, who went with me, put it: "he's like your uncle. He just makes you feel like family," and the rest of the audience clearly agreed. I'm used to hip-hop shows where everyone is mad stand-offish at times, including the performer, but here, Bataan went into the audience to hand out photos, to lead a conga line, to bring up a 12 year old girl, to kiss women and shake hands, etc. It's not that he reinvented a stage show but rather, he knew exactly how to connect to the audience and brought it to us in a way that felt real, you know? That's rare these days but at 62, with 40 years in the music business, Bataan knows how to make that real for you. It was, without doubt, one of the best live shows I've been to in years and I hope, as Bataan is back on the touring circuit, others go out and see him.


  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Who backed him and did he do any of his new material?

    It sounds like you guys had a great time.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Joe was backed by this outfit from San Jose called the "Cool Cats" (or maybe it's spelled Kool Kats, I don't know). They only just met up yesterday - I sat in on rehersals, snapped some awesome shots - and they performed really well but weren't perfect just because they hadn't worked prior to yesterday. I didn't catch the mistakes but Justin noted there were a few slip-ups in timing and what not but seriously, they could work it out pretty well. I was feelin' 'em.

    No new material however except for one song off his upcoming The Message album on JoBa Records (winter, maybe?) but it sounds like more traditional Latin vs. the Vampi Soul album material.

  • Joe's new album is quite simply my favorite new shit out!Begining to end-INCREDIBLE.Very good to see him back on the scene.Do yourself a favor and pick up the new LP.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts
    Great read O - reminds me of the Compay Segundo (RIP) show I caught a couple years back - he was a master @ lendin' the audience an air of communal friendship - no pretentious airs whatsoever...

  • I REALLY wanted to go to this & had planned to.
    Oh well, next time (I hope).

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I REALLY wanted to go to this & had planned to.
    Oh well, next time (I hope).

    He'll be back. He plays LA more often I think but based on the turnout last night, there's definitely a following to be found here. They just need to book it in a venue where:
    1) tickets don't start at $35
    2) people can dance.

  • co-sign on that! i went to dudes show a few months ago and i can honestly say that this was the beginning of my current love of los angeles. it was at this public venue but i swear i felt like i was peeking over the fence at someone's backyard party. dude made dedications and gave bday wishes, had grown women swooning and 80 year old veteranos slow dancing. me and my new friend jeffie hid in the back somewhere's cuz we were like the only 2 non-latinos up in that joint, but the music was beyond spiritual and the vibe was beautiful. plaese to go see him and support this fine musician.
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