Original source of "Firing" written by Akihiko Takashima たかしまあきひこ
Can anyone help me please and identify the actual artist performing a track supposedly called "Firing".
Can anyone help me please and identify the actual artist performing a track supposedly called "Firing".
I have this on a 1999 compilation called "Samurai-Era", compiled by Kaoru Inoue 井上薫 and released by Bonjour Recording in Japan. https://www.discogs.com/release/3171847
It is listed with the artist name as "Unknown" but has writer credits given as Akihiko Takashima たかしまあきひこ and states (P) 1980 Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd.
Is it from this soundtrack? https://www.discogs.com/release/4734349
If so, which track is it as I can not see anything called "Firing" on here.
If so, which track is it as I can not see anything called "Firing" on here.
(Gosh, seventh edit. Finally figured out how to embed a Youtube video...!!!)