Ebay and New Orleans

NiteKrawler45NiteKrawler45 1,062 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
Man, I had this one on watch (yeah yeah, I still need one) and then it abruptly ended. When I realized why, I felt depressed. I feel so bad for the guy, this hurricane/flood business is just jaw dropping.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4761867708&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1


  • ugh... its effects are going to be long felt.

    One thing that is annoying me are the newscasters not doing their research.

    I was watching a news channel tonight on the hurricane and they started talking about how the Delta birthed the blues...

    wrong delta.

  • ugh... its effects are going to be long felt.

    One thing that is annoying me are the newscasters not doing their research.

    I was watching a news channel tonight on the hurricane and they started talking about how the Delta birthed the blues...

    wrong delta.

    That's really ashame. It seems that more often than not lately, post disaster, reporters are focused on "saying a catch phrase" that has some kind of obvious drama behind it, then elaborating on nothing in particular rather than getting the facts right. ie: "...this is our tsunami...(cue discussion)" and "....my god. this is hell on earth...(overdramatic music, reporter shaking head and acting)" Gimme a break. We can see this ourselves, stop trying to win awards and wasting time. Report things we need to know and make sure to get facts straight.

    The next step is a reporter breaking into a somber-impromtu singing solo about how bad things are, and then ending his piece with a zoom-in of his own face with a single tear rolling down. Uughh.

  • Beyond the humanitarian side, the scale of impact on local culture will be ridiculous. Forget the fact that probably 3/4 of the records stored in the city are gone. Music, art, literature...

    My mother works in book conservation and she hasn't seen any information on the state of the museums and libraries, which probably means that nobody can get to them. The flood waters are killer, but the humidity is as well.

    So sad.....

  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
    The next step is a reporter breaking into a somber-impromtu singing solo about how bad things are, and then ending his piece with a zoom-in of his own face with a single tear rolling down. Uughh.
    I'd kinda like to see that.

    but yeh. reporters suck.
    floods are scary.

  • The next step is a reporter breaking into a somber-impromtu singing solo about how bad things are, and then ending his piece with a zoom-in of his own face with a single tear rolling down. Uughh.
    I'd kinda like to see that.

    but yeh. reporters suck.
    floods are scary.

    I think 'wade in the water' would be a good song for them to sing. What I hate are the names the news shows give to their special coverage.

    Katrinas Wrath

    In the path of Disaster

    Katrinas Fury

    Like it needs a crazy name to get our attention. They need a little less time in the creative development stages and a little more time fact checking.

  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
    The next step is a reporter breaking into a somber-impromtu singing solo about how bad things are, and then ending his piece with a zoom-in of his own face with a single tear rolling down. Uughh.
    I'd kinda like to see that.

    but yeh. reporters suck.
    floods are scary.

    I think 'wade in the water' would be a good song for them to sing. What I hate are the names the news shows give to their special coverage.

    Katrinas Wrath

    In the path of Disaster

    Katrinas Fury

    yeh. they are always SUPER dramatic. like when the war was just starting they'd have 3-D eagles swooping in with planes dropping the words as flags crossed.

  • I wonder how long before waterlogged sneaks start showing up for bargain prices.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Correspondace from a New Orleans ebay seller:

    Hi J******n - I have survived and escaped the tragedy.

    I am in Monroe, La with my eBay friend. You can send

    the payment here and Lps will be shipped from here. I

    will not have a job or a home for a while, so this may be

    my only income. Thanks for your concern, S***e/V********o.

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