Smashed (car window edition)

Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
edited January 2015 in Strut Central
Had my car window smashed this weekend in SF and the bandits made away with the huge score of a diaper bag, wipes, and 3 diapers. Now I'm stuck with the Bill and Ive got to wait it out until the window order comes in.

They even removed my daughters water bottle and left it on the curb, perhaps feeling guilty when they saw her name on it.

Now all I can think about are the other things that money could have bought.

Why must I cry. I want to keel that person!

First time for me, but I assume it's a common right of passage that many of you have gone through.


  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    I feal your pain.

    Had the door-handles screwdrivered twice on my old '89 Golf (known weak-point, it was easier than smashing the windows). No belongings gone except the banging "System" skanked both times. Nowadays you get free car stereos in cereal boxes.

    I did replace the handles by welding in Audi 80 rear handles but that's another story.

    Never leave a bag or anything that looks like it might contain valuables in sight.

  • i was the victim of a smash and grab while i was getting a burger in broad daylight. they got my laptop (that had thankfully been backed up) and some other valuables. i was furious. i sprinted around the streets looking for the dude but i'm glad i didn't find him in retrospect. it would have either ended up with me dead, bloodied or in jail for taking it too far.

    I know this sounds kinda lame and it's hardly comforting but it's just money. the window can be replaced and in time the memory will just be part of your SF story. it sucks, but perhaps file it under "shit happens",m don;t let it consume you.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    My Jeep had its back window smashed out while I was at Cat's Alley back in like 2001. All they took was a jacket and an old camera.

    Had a side window smashed out of the same vehicle a few years later in Austin. That time nothing was taken.


  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    I lived in the East Village with a car in the mid 80's - early 90's so I've dealt with this a bit.

    You'll be finding little bits of glass for years no matter how thoroughly you vacuum.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,471 Posts
    I have honestly never experienced this.....yet!

    *in time though, I am sure "they" are watching my car as I

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Wasn't it Ross Hogg who told us about how the crack-heads at Civic Center used to steal the spark plugs from his motorcycle to use as pipes?

    A number of years ago, I had an ancient Mac computer that I was trying to get rid of. I wiped the drive and shoved it in the trunk of my car with the intention of eventually taking it to the e-waste station. But given my penchant for procrastination I hauled it around for months. Needless to say, when that car was broken into, the thief or thieves relieved me of that Apple albatross along with a cheap tire-pressure gauge from the glove compartment and the loose change accumulated in the ashtray.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    That's shitty news, T****

    Never had anything happen to my cars over the years.

    Other than being held up by gunpoint as a teen for the $5 in my wallet, I've been very lucky.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    I lived in the East Village with a car in the mid 80's - early 90's so I've dealt with this a bit.

    You'll be finding little bits of glass for years no matter how thoroughly you vacuum.

    which is why i always left my car unlocked with nothing in it worth stealing after the first few times....worked like a charm

  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts
    had the back-window of the compagnies 911 (mercedes truck) broken out. thank god they only took the akai boombox and not my two curvers of 45's.

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    I used to keep a paint ball gun by my front door when I had a civic SI a long time ago. People used to try to steal the engine parts all the time. When the car alarm would go off at 2am I would grab the paintball gun and light the kids up. It was pretty fun and I didn't lose much from the car. I would mostly have to re-tighten the cold air filter.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    kala said:
    Horseleech said:
    I lived in the East Village with a car in the mid 80's - early 90's so I've dealt with this a bit.

    You'll be finding little bits of glass for years no matter how thoroughly you vacuum.

    which is why i always left my car unlocked with nothing in it worth stealing after the first few times....worked like a charm

    My friend does this. He has found people sleeping in his car a couple times but I suppose it's better than a broken window.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    When I was a yout stuff like this seemed a semi regular occurrence. I remember my mum's car being broken into a couple of times even though she never left anything of value in there, this was pre everybody walking around with hundreds of £/$s worth of electrical devices all the time. Then when I was old enough to borrow it, some kids smashed the small window by the rear seats. I think they were messing about and accidentally hit my car but that doesn't make any less of a pain. I've also had various bikes and a moped stolen by toerags over the years. But where I live now s like bubble land and people leave cars unlocked and front doors open cause the crime rate is so low.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    Controller_7 said:
    Had my car window smashed this weekend in SF and the bandits made away with the huge score of a diaper bag, wipes, and 3 diapers. Now I'm stuck with the Bill and Ive got to wait it out until the window order comes in.

    They even removed my daughters water bottle and left it on the curb, perhaps feeling guilty when they saw her name on it.

    Now all I can think about are the other things that money could have bought.

    Why must I cry. I want to keel that person!

    First time for me, but I assume it's a common right of passage that many of you have gone through.

    It was he diaper bag my dude. Those things look like the hold a camera or laptop to a desperate fiend.

    About 10 years ago I was in Windsor Terrace at the Church Ave F station, waiting patiently for the train, when the random dude comes up to me,
    "yo... I bet there's a million dollars in the bag."
    Pointing to a faux leather bag sitting on the tracks.
    I said, "hop down there and grab it"
    The dude looked at me like I was crazy. I assured him it was easy, and that he should just stay alert for an approaching train. He just sat there shaking his head. Then pride, greed, and graffiti training all kicked in at once. I jumped off the platform and grabbed the bag putting it up on the platform as I hoisted myself up. Dude grabbed the bag, and ran laughing. When I finally got on my feet to give chase, he dropped the bag and kept going. I got up to it to see it open with disgusting yellow baby shit smeared on the top and handle.

    He must have reached in to see what it was while running only to end up with a fistful of doodoo.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Delay said:
    Controller_7 said:
    Had my car window smashed this weekend in SF and the bandits made away with the huge score of a diaper bag, wipes, and 3 diapers. Now I'm stuck with the Bill and Ive got to wait it out until the window order comes in.

    They even removed my daughters water bottle and left it on the curb, perhaps feeling guilty when they saw her name on it.

    Now all I can think about are the other things that money could have bought.

    Why must I cry. I want to keel that person!

    First time for me, but I assume it's a common right of passage that many of you have gone through.

    It was he diaper bag my dude. Those things look like the hold a camera or laptop to a desperate fiend.

    About 10 years ago I was in Windsor Terrace at the Church Ave F station, waiting patiently for the train, when the random dude comes up to me,
    "yo... I bet there's a million dollars in the bag."
    Pointing to a faux leather bag sitting on the tracks.
    I said, "hop down there and grab it"
    The dude looked at me like I was crazy. I assured him it was easy, and that he should just stay alert for an approaching train. He just sat there shaking his head. Then pride, greed, and graffiti training all kicked in at once. I jumped off the platform and grabbed the bag putting it up on the platform as I hoisted myself up. Dude grabbed the bag, and ran laughing. When I finally got on my feet to give chase, he dropped the bag and kept going. I got up to it to see it open with disgusting yellow baby shit smeared on the top and handle.

    He must have reached in to see what it was while running only to end up with a fistful of doodoo.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    kala said:
    Horseleech said:
    I lived in the East Village with a car in the mid 80's - early 90's so I've dealt with this a bit.

    You'll be finding little bits of glass for years no matter how thoroughly you vacuum.

    which is why i always left my car unlocked with nothing in it worth stealing after the first few times....worked like a charm

    I used to leave my car unlocked all day while parked at the LIRR for the same reason. My Dad used to ride the LIRR an hour earlier and get home an hour earlier and he told me I was an idiot for leaving the door unlocked. One day I got off the train and the radio was missing from my car. I wasn't going to admit to the old man that he was right so I just kept quiet about it. About a week later my dad said "Hey, I noticed the radio is missing from your car, what happened". I told him some asshole must have stolen it while it was parked at the LIRR......He said, "Yeah, I'm that asshole. Here's your radio. Have you learned your lesson?" I said "Yeah, my father is a thief"

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    Controller_7 said:
    Had my car window smashed this weekend in SF and the bandits made away with the huge score of a diaper bag, wipes, and 3 diapers. Now I'm stuck with the Bill and Ive got to wait it out until the window order comes in.

    They even removed my daughters water bottle and left it on the curb, perhaps feeling guilty when they saw her name on it.

    Now all I can think about are the other things that money could have bought.

    Why must I cry. I want to keel that person!

    First time for me, but I assume it's a common right of passage that many of you have gone through.

    Ah man. That sucks! Pampers are expensive! I learned that when I was H.I. McDunnough for halloween. I thought I was getting away with one of the all time cheapest costumes until it came time to buy those fucking huggies.

    My wife and I had a honda accord ( ) broken into via some schmuck crowbaring the entire top portion of the door back far enough to hit the unlock button with his/her arm. They took an ancient laptop with absolutely nothing that mattered on it and a CD book that we were literally about to take to goodwill. The fool also rubbed dirt on everything he/she touched...we think it was some shitty attempt to get rid of fingerprints.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts
    My coworker told me about his experience just last week; in a gated community where everyone leaves their doors unlocked, supposedly. I've never had the pleasure. I'm more vigilant of L.A. meter maid extortionists.

    By the way, I vaguely remember someone (here?) telling a story several years back about having his motorcycle vandalized. Crackheads would routinely saw the porcelain spark plugs off for a smoke piece until he started responding with strongly worded Post-It notes on a cheap glass dildo, telling them to fuck off.

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,243 Posts
    my wife used to have a cheap Renault compact something or other that had one of those small triangular windows right by the rear-views and the inside handle conveniently placed within arm's reach of that window, so break-ins were a monthly occurrence for her. There was no radio in the car for that reason, just a 1/8" jack to hook up the ipod. The only time she got upset was when they took a bag of clothes she had forgotten to take to the dry cleaners and happened to contain a couple of her favorite dresses.

    On a having shit jacked from you note, I had jackets stolen from NYC bars on 2 occasions. Once someone took my old pea coat while I was playing pool at Sophie's, which I didn't mind that much except it was around january and there was still a lot of winter left. The other was at Otto's Shrunken Head, when someone took a leather jacket that was a favorite of mine. According to the bartender whoever took it had gone around asking whose jacket it was before making off with it. I was slightly pissed until the bartender called me back and handed me my brazilian passport, which I had renewed that day and forgot was in the inside pocket, and I was moving back to Brazil two days later. The thief was nice enough to leave it with the bartender before leaving.
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