Ferguson Grand Jury Says A Badge Is A License To Kill Unarmed Black Guys

LazarusOblongLazarusOblong 896 Posts
edited November 2014 in Strut Central
And all over the country cracker ass crackers are mystified as to why anyone has a problem with it.

May they all choke on their own vomit ASAP.


  • No-one is mystified when idiots act like idiots, its because they're idiots. The cracker ass cracker community is not only unmystified but uninterested and if a few of us choke on our vomit it will only be due to drinking too much champagne in celebration of this great victory for our justice system.

    You would have liked Wilson to have underwent trial by the media and been sentenced by the mob. Unfortunately for you our institutions though seriously degraded still retain enough strength to shrug off such sickening attempts to circumvent and pervert them.

    The Grand Jury, functioning in its proper manner, judging in accordance with fact and not narrative, evaluating individuals on the basis of conduct and not race, has found an indictment unwarranted as anyone who troubled themselves to investigate the events could have easily predicted. I'm sorry you are so troubled by the exoneration of an obviously innocent man and that the 'justice' you're looking for has eluded you. I would only advise you not to give up looking as your cohorts in fergusson haven't. Going by their current activities it seems that they have some good intel that it's located in the shoe section of a foot lockers.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Waiting for Brian to come justify this shit in 5...4...3...2...

  • Ex-Boyfriend said:
    The Grand Jury, functioning in its proper manner, judging in accordance with fact and not narrative, evaluating individuals on the basis of conduct and not race, has found an indictment unwarranted as anyone who troubled themselves to investigate the events could have easily predicted. I'm sorry you are so troubled by the exoneration of an obviously innocent man and that the 'justice' you're looking for has eluded you. I would only advise you not to give up looking as your cohorts in fergusson haven't. Going by their current activities it seems that they have some good intel that it's located in the shoe section of a foot lockers.

    Dude I think you're in the wrong forum.
    Logical posts aren't really welcome here.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Gary said:
    Waiting for Brian to come justify this shit in 5...4...3...2...
    go fuck yourself

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    And all over the country cracker ass crackers are mystified as to why anyone has a problem with it.

    May they all choke on their own vomit ASAP.

    Hey LazarusOblong,

    I am not surprised by the verdict in the least. This explains why I will never live in the South again, much to my mother's chagrin. Racist attitudes in the South are beyond logic, and knee-jerk reactions to Black suspects are par for the course. While I cannot condone Michael Brown's behavior (i.e., stealing is a crime), the killing of an unarmed man for stealing Swisher Sweets, irrespective of race-ethnicity, is just ridiculous. Big, Black dudes (like me) must watch how they conduct themselves as benefit of the doubt will never be extended. We're dangerous on sight which, in turn, puts us in danger. Black parents must racially socialize their male children on how deal with police to ensure their safety.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Big_Stacks said:

    Hey LazarusOblong,

    I am not surprised by the verdict in the least. This explains why I will never live in the South again, much to my mother's chagrin. Racist attitudes in the South are beyond logic, and knee-jerk reactions to Black suspects are par for the course. While I cannot condone Michael Brown's behavior (i.e., stealing is a crime), the killing of an unarmed man for stealing Swisher Sweets, irrespective of race-ethnicity, is just ridiculous. Big, Black dudes (like me) must watch how they conduct themselves as benefit of the doubt will never be extended. We're dangerous on sight which, in turn, puts us in danger. Black parents must racially socialize their male children on how deal with police to ensure their safety.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak


    I'm going to attempt to have a rational discussion about this which I know you and I can do but as soon as the assholes with their insults and name calling appear I'm out.

    Do you really consider Missouri as part of the South? It seems like a good number of recent similar incidents have happened in the North(Cleveland, New York, Chicago).

    I think it's the responsibility of all parents to teach their children how to respond to authority to minimize the possibility of confrontation. I know I made sure my kids understood this, as they witnessed instances where the Police (black and white) treated me with less respect than they thought I deserved. Big white dudes that resemble a "biker" don't get the benefit of doubt either.

    From everything I have read about this case Michael Brown was not "killed for stealing Swisher Sweets" as the officer didn't even know of this incident. If the store owner had killed Michael Brown during the commission of that crime I am sure he would have been indicted, but not necessarily convicted.

    What the Grand Jury apparently determined is that Mr. Brown confronted the officer in what was determined to be a theatening manner. "IF" this is true I think we can all agree that 1) It was not a smart thing to do and 2) It should have been handled in such a way that would not have resulted in death.

    I do believe that as citizens, up until the release of the evidence last night, we were not privvy to all the facts, witness statements, etc. and were only hearing part of the story. Not being a believer in conspiracy theories I don't believe that medical examiners, independent autopsies, federal and state investigators and a 12 person jury conspired to hide the truth. You can call me naive on that count and once the evidence is reviewed I may change my opinion.

    We give our Police the authority to use deadly force to protect citizens and themselves when they feel it's warranted. Giving this authority to half a million people is going to result in both good and bad decisions. I am a full supporter of, as Michael Brown's parents have called for, all police wearing cameras to document their every move. This won't solve all the problems, but is a step in the right direction.

    Society should learn from tragedies like this and that is not a one sided lesson. Destroying innocent people's property is in no way part of that lesson.

    The one thing I am certain of is if given the chance both Michael Brown and Officer Wilson would have done things differently.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    No matter how long you talk about it, if a confrontation between an armed police officer and an unarmed civilian ends with the civilian on the ground and with two bullets in his head you have a situation where charges HAVE TO be brought no matter what the circumstances. Any officer who can not handle a situation like this without shooting the opponent in the head, twice, is not only unfit for duty but a danger to himself and others. Maybe he could still sit behind a desk and staple parking tickets or do whatever it is that cops do when sitting behind a desk but he should definitely not be cruising around all armed and dangerous. Face the facts, you are living in a police state where cops behave like an occupying militia and not like the public servants that they're supposed to be.

    Oh and the whole concept of a jury to me is unbelievably retarded, who in the hell came up with the idea to let some randomly selected idiots make decisions like that?

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    double whammy...

  • Rock -

    I didn't say anything about the South. I said "all over the country." It may be worse in some places than others but cracker ass crackers are everywhere.

    I keep thinking about that poor guy in the Ohio Walmart who was gunned down on sight by a couple of dumb cops who never even gave him a chance. And his reported last words, "It isn't real," referring to the toy gun he had harmlessly picked up off of a shelf while he was talking on the phone.

    Before his body was cold the Police Machine had determined those cops had done nothing wrong.

    Michael Brown's body was left in the street for 4 hours while the Police Machine decided that no matter how many witnesses said otherwise Darren Wilson had done nothing wrong.

    Body cameras? The Walmart incident is on tape. Cops don't care. They know their badges are licenses to kill unarmed black guys on sight with or without provocation. And that flat-out useless racist cretins like Ballz and Ex-Crement will applaud them when they do. And that well-meaning authority supporters like you will just shrug your shoulders and accept a certain amount of such police murders as, I don't know, inevitable or something.

    But please don't pretend that Michael Brown or his family got "justice" out of that orchestrated clown ballet that the St. Louis prosecutor put on. He had absolutely every intention of letting Darren Wilson go, from the very beginning. His office does not prosecute cops. Especially not for killing "demons." And do you really think Darren Wilson thinks he did anything wrong by killing that "demon"? Where does your certainty on that point come from? Because from all I can see Darren Wilson is now a hero to the cracker ass community. They donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to his (now unneeded) defense fund and he has the full support of the Police Machine. It will be years before he has to pay for a drink in a cop bar. Every sane, educated, decent adult thinks he fucked up and that Michael Brown should still be alive, but the cops and the cracker ass cracker community have given him a collective Atta Boy for doing an exorcism.

    Even though demons aren't real.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    Rock -

    I didn't say anything about the South. I said "all over the country."

    My post was not directed at you.

  • Big_Stacks said:
    Big, Black dudes (like me) must watch how they conduct themselves as benefit of the doubt will never be extended. We're dangerous on sight which, in turn, puts us in danger. Black parents must racially socialize their male children on how deal with police to ensure their safety.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    I know. And those children can grow up and follow that instruction to the letter and still get gunned down by some undertrained, racist or just plain frightened weasel.

  • Rockadelic said:
    LazarusOblong said:
    Rock -

    I didn't say anything about the South. I said "all over the country."

    My post was not directed at you.

    I know. But I wanted to make that part clear before moving on to the rest of it.

  • Right now the KKK is marching in Ferguson.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that no KKK members will be gassed, beaten, threatened or arrested, since they're not protesting for justice and they're not journalists. The cops of Ferguson know who their friends are.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Rock (and others),

    Regarding my previous post, I can fully admit that I lack trust in Southern police authorities (and courts) to treat Black folks justly. Call it a bias or whatever, but my views are steeped in many not-so-friendly interactions with the police in the South. By the way, according to most folks I know from Missouri (even a White colleague down the hall), they consider the state 'Southern' given its culture. All this aside, I cannot comprehend what an unarmed person can do to deserve being gunned down when the police have so many tactics at their disposal to subdue suspects (e.g., tasers, night-sticks, take-down maneuvers, etc.). Bear in mind, I used to conduct police physical ability testing (and other assessments) in my former life, so I'm very informed about said tactics. I think a grave miscarriage of justice occurred in this case, and surely, it will not be the last until police are trained to deal effectively with their unconscious, perceptual biases against Black males.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    The grand jury returned the verdict that the DA asked for after mounting a robust defense of Wilson.

    From the other thread, days after.
    LaserWolf said:

    It is always the same.
    Vilify the victim.
    Protect the officer.
    If there is enough public out cry the next steps will be:
    Discipline the officer (loss of pay, rank).
    Followed by an appeal which will overturn the discipline.
    All of this takes years.

    I never expected enough of an outcry to force a grand jury. Too bad it was not enough for the DA to ask for an indictment.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    In this case I don't think the officer was even disciplined.

  • Big_Stacks said:
    Hey Rock (and others),

    Regarding my previous post, I can fully admit that I lack trust in Southern police authorities (and courts) to treat Black folks justly. Call it a bias or whatever, but my views are steeped in many not-so-friendly interactions with the police in the South. By the way, according to most folks I know from Missouri (even a White colleague down the hall), they consider the state 'Southern' given its culture. All this aside, I cannot comprehend what an unarmed person can do to deserve being gunned down when the police have so many tactics at their disposal to subdue suspects (e.g., tasers, night-sticks, take-down maneuvers, etc.). Bear in mind, I used to conduct police physical ability testing (and other assessments) in my former life, so I'm very informed about said tactics. I think a grave miscarriage of justice occurred in this case, and surely, it will not be the last until police are trained to deal effectively with their unconscious, perceptual biases against Black males.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    In this case a trained 6' 4", 230 pound cop with the protection of a cruiser, a gun, a stick, probably a taser, and the ability to call in lots of backup insists that a 6' 5" inch, 300 pound teenager was like "Hulk Hogan" and a "demon" and so he had no choice but to shoot at him 12 times and execute him from a distance of at least 25 feet. Nothing else he could do. Right.

    He may resign. But he won't be charged, demoted, suspended, docked any pay, sent for retraining, or shunned by his fellow cop for being ineffective. There has not been a single statement from any one of his superiors that even suggests that the homicide of Michael Brown was not the optimal result.

  • Love how some of you never fail to mention Brown was "unarmed",
    as if that has any bearing whatsoever.
    Unless cops are supposed to see through clothes?

  • Darren Wilson testified under oath that Brown grabbed for his gun right after saying, "You are too much of a pussy to shoot me."

    Who wrote that shit? Someone who thinks "Death Wish IV" was a documentary?

  • BallzDeep said:
    Love how some of you never fail to mention Brown was "unarmed",
    as if that has any bearing whatsoever.
    Unless cops are supposed to see through clothes?

    Of course it has bearing. Even Wilson doesn't say he feared Brown was armed. Take your head out of your ass. It's chinzdeep.

  • moelarryandjesus elevating the conversation once more with self-righteous indignation and impotent rage.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    moelarryandjesus elevating the conversation once more with self-righteous indignation and impotent rage.

    For once, he's not the worst problem in a thread.

    Some of y'all have seriously bought the Darren Wilson story as truth?

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    BallzDeep said:
    Love how some of you never fail to mention Brown was "unarmed",
    as if that has any bearing whatsoever.
    Unless cops are supposed to see through clothes?

    Of course it has bearing. Even Wilson doesn't say he feared Brown was armed. Take your head out of your ass. It's chinzdeep.

    Wilson alluded to the Hulk Hogan demon reaching for his waistband simultaneously as he grunted and charged at him as his left hand closed into a fist. Really, we should all commend him on his amazing recall and promote him to detective.

  • white_tea said:
    LazarusOblong said:
    BallzDeep said:
    Love how some of you never fail to mention Brown was "unarmed",
    as if that has any bearing whatsoever.
    Unless cops are supposed to see through clothes?

    Of course it has bearing. Even Wilson doesn't say he feared Brown was armed. Take your head out of your ass. It's chinzdeep.

    Wilson alluded to the Hulk Hogan demon reaching for his waistband simultaneously as he grunted and charged at him as his left hand closed into a fist. Really, we should all commend him on his amazing recall and promote him to detective.

    you forgot to mention the part where he continued to charge menacingly after being shot multiple times.

  • and the other time where the medical examiner didnt photograph mike brown's body because his camera ran out of batteries.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    19 Portland police officers (that we know of) have posted facebook photos of a police badge with I Am Darren Wilson written over the name.
    This is reminiscent of the time hundreds of Portland police officers marched through the city wearing t-shirts that said I Am Chris Humphries, a know killer.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Ex-Boyfriend said:
    No-one is mystified when idiots act like idiots, its because they're idiots. The cracker ass cracker community is not only unmystified but uninterested and if a few of us choke on our vomit it will only be due to drinking too much champagne in celebration of this great victory for our justice system.

    You would have liked Wilson to have underwent trial by the media and been sentenced by the mob. Unfortunately for you our institutions though seriously degraded still retain enough strength to shrug off such sickening attempts to circumvent and pervert them.

    The Grand Jury, functioning in its proper manner, judging in accordance with fact and not narrative, evaluating individuals on the basis of conduct and not race, has found an indictment unwarranted as anyone who troubled themselves to investigate the events could have easily predicted. I'm sorry you are so troubled by the exoneration of an obviously innocent man and that the 'justice' you're looking for has eluded you. I would only advise you not to give up looking as your cohorts in fergusson haven't. Going by their current activities it seems that they have some good intel that it's located in the shoe section of a foot lockers.

    The grand jury's job is to determine if probable cause existed to file a charge. That's it, end of story. It's not their job to find innocence, or guilt. That's for the jury.

    Probable cause is a very, very low standard.

    The prosecutor has carte blanche to shape what the grand jury sees, because they control what evidence the grand jury sees. The prosecutor also has a duty to seek an indictment. The prosecutor didn't want charges filed. He didn't want an indictment. That's apparent, and so was his bias.

    This case should have gone to a jury, IMO. Probable cause existed when multiple people contradicted the officer's story about what happened.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    Love how some of you never fail to mention Brown was "unarmed",
    as if that has any bearing whatsoever.
    Unless cops are supposed to see through clothes?

    Good grief. Cops are trained, or at least they are supposed to be, to identify an armed suspect.

    No one claimed Brown brandished a weapon.

  • Wait a sec, let's go back...
    why shouldn't I believe the Grand Jury result again?
    I missed that.
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