i like 4 songs on the new u2 album

Mek_JaggerMek_Jagger 322 Posts
edited September 2014 in Strut Central
3 in fairness. dangermouse was not a good choice for that record. mix is brutal


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Mediocre pretentious bullshit

  • cut your hair bro. there's 4 songs on there.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,132 Posts
    it's weird that u2 named their album Songs of Innocence and are calling their next album Songs of Experience, right? is there some common other source for those titles, is someone on the team an axelrod fan, or is this a cowinkydink?

  • ketan said:
    it's weird that u2 named their album Songs of Innocence and are calling their next album Songs of Experience, right? is there some common other source for those titles, is someone on the team an axelrod fan, or is this a cowinkydink?

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,132 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    ketan said:
    it's weird that u2 named their album Songs of Innocence and are calling their next album Songs of Experience, right? is there some common other source for those titles, is someone on the team an axelrod fan, or is this a cowinkydink?

    thanks! i guess i never read the liner notes on the albums, because i had no clue the songs are interpretations of the poems.

    edit: the poetry being spoken over the songs make more sense now...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    i like 4 songs on the new u2 album"

    My first thought when I saw this was, prepare for the hate.

  • better than lewis

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Brave thread.


  • Unherd said:

    It's funny, but also sad that people with mini computers in their hand feel like they should run and tell the world before doing even the smallest bit of research.

  • still better than lewis. also better than konrad

  • soon as i saw that shit on my ipod last friday night after i tranferred some tracks i damn near threw that piece of shit out the car window on my way out the highway..

    um not a U2 hater, but i dont want to have their fuckin bullshit forced on me, i feel like my ipod was rickrolled

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    It's taken U2 roughly ten years to go from being one of the biggest rock bands on Earth (which, in fairness, they still are, despite all this) and comfortably able to sell 10-12m albums in a depressed market, to being pretty much unable to give a new album away.

    I was actually surprised to learn that they gave McGuinness his P45 last year and are now managed by Guy Oseary who used to run Madonna's Maverick label. He's got off to a flying start, hasn't he? I read an interview with him the other day where he claimed they'd anticipated the backlash, and in any event they were hoping the freebie would lead to a spike in catalogue sales, which it appears to have done - 2m up, or so I was told the other day. Being briefly derided as the first major act to release an album as spam seems a small price to pay.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    ...pretty much unable to give a new album away.

    Surely their most profitable income stream is scalping folks for arena gigs, for which the new albums are digital flyers? I don't think they give a monkeys whilst they are packing them in for $100 a go. Fair do's, as I believe they put on a good show.

    I am out of the loop, but in terms of paid-for-downloads, what demographic is actually paying for music? Someone must be lining the pockets of Cowell and dem, but surely not the generation of folks who ride for "Mature" (eg. non-"Talent" TV-spawned) acts?

    Or can actual musicians still make a living, purely from selling recordings?

  • ketan said:
    Horseleech said:
    ketan said:
    it's weird that u2 named their album Songs of Innocence and are calling their next album Songs of Experience, right? is there some common other source for those titles, is someone on the team an axelrod fan, or is this a cowinkydink?

    thanks! i guess i never read the liner notes on the albums, because i had no clue the songs are interpretations of the poems.

    edit: the poetry being spoken over the songs make more sense now...

    Bono is the new Blake.

  • residentgiant said:

    time is a flat circle

  • I've still not quite figured out if it's ironic that the album art for the free digital album was a record. What does that mean, man?

  • white_tea said:
    I've still not quite figured out if it's ironic that the album art for the free digital album was a record. What does that mean, man?

    Vinyl is making a comeback!

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    white_tea said:
    I've still not quite figured out if it's ironic that the album art for the free digital album was a record. What does that mean, man?

    Vinyl is making a comeback!

    Someone should write an article about this exciting trend.

    Speaking of which:
    J i m s t e r said:

    I am out of the loop, but in terms of paid-for-downloads, what demographic is actually paying for music? Someone must be lining the pockets of Cowell and dem, but surely not the generation of folks who ride for "Mature" (eg. non-"Talent" TV-spawned) acts?

  • so nobodys actually listened to it? weirdos.
    i don't even have it (not an itunes customer), just heard the full stream when dave fanning did the radio premiere. was about to turn it off and thoughtno maybe it'll be alright. so i cracked a beer, fired up the arcade machine and let it run in the background. i hated 7 tunes, i liked 4. then i moved on.
    the outrage is great.

  • Outrage? Hmm. I don't think so. In fact, their giving away an album for free isn't entirely surprising for a band that once gigged in an NYC K-Mart as a publicity stunt.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I haven't listened to it, no. It almost feels like there isn't enough time to listen to the stuff I'm actually interested in these days. I used to like them a lot when I was younger, but I haven't really paid that much attention to them since the days of Rattle and Hum. All the self-mythologising became a bit much after a while.

    I agree that some of the reactions have been hysterical, though. People acting as if they found animal porn on their iPhone or something. "How do I get rid of this, how dare Apple/U2 do something like this without my permission, what if someone sees it and thinks I actually bought a U2 album?", etc., etc.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jaggerz said:
    still better than lewis. also better than konrad

    Not sure why these two mega-obscurities were chosen to make a comparison with....I've certainly never touted either.

    If you like "fast food" pop songs produced to have mass appeal to the lowest common denominator, I bet this LP is 40% good as you claim.

    As someone who is bored to tears with 2014 rockist pop music, it is pure pablum to my ears...and yes, I listened to it.

  • Not sure why these two mega-obscurities were chosen to make a comparison with....I've certainly never touted either.
    no it wasnt directed at you. i do not get that lewis record. konrad is pretty cool in fairness

    If you like "fast food" pop songs produced to have mass appeal to the lowest common denominator, I bet this LP is 40% good as you claim.
    well now you're just trying to hurt my feelings. i have maybe 7 or 8000 records and theres not a 'fast food pop' record to be seen. no u2 records either!

    As someone who is bored to tears with 2014 rockist pop music, it is pure pablum to my ears...and yes, I listened to it.
    cant argue with that. you listened to it, unlike 90% of the geniuses slating it.

    all in all, i enjoyed a few of The Bono's new songs while playing cider pacman the other night. but it spawned my most successful SS poast to date. i'll try it again in a couple months when their next album drops.

  • white_tea said:
    Outrage? Hmm. I don't think so. .

    dj cityboy almost threw his ipod out the damn window.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Jaggerz said:

    This is awesome!

    I haven't listened to the new album yet. Loved U2 from the Joshua Tree/Rattle and Hum days. Whoever said that they're sick of the self-mythologising (Horseleech?) pretty much nailed why I stopped listening years ago in addition to the music just going shitty.

    Also, even though it's not animal porn, I am a bit pissed that this shit just appeared after an iOS update.

    It's not as bad as malware/spyware, but it's not that far off in the sense that I got something I didn't want, it's taking up space (minimally, yes, but still). I want it removed, and it's not simple to just get rid of.

    Fuck U2, and fuck Apple...

    Still getting the 6 tho

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    OK, I caught the Apple ad with the U2 song, so I've now heard a little bit of it. If that song's any reasonable measure, I don't think I want to hear anymore. It sounds like something a production music house would commission to fit a brief like "modern pop-rock in the style of U2". OK, they've been at it for 35 years now, and the well was bound to go dry eventually. But after their so-called "experimental" period didn't really click with their audience and they decided to go back to the "classic" U2 sound, they still had enough in the tank to write a few legit international hits. Dunno if that's the case here. We'll see, I suppose.

  • Jaggerz said:
    playing cider pacman

    I would like some more information on this aspect of your post if possible.

  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    Why did I read the title as new Wu LP.? Smh

  • johnblack said:

    I would like some more information on this aspect of your post if possible.

    drink cider
    play pacman
    listen to the bono
    call people cunts

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