Michael Sam / Dale Hansen / Stereotypes (NRR)

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited February 2014 in Strut Central
Dale has been the most popular sportscaster in the D/FW area for almost 30 years.

This commentary is beautiful and hopefully will help us all break some stereotypes.

Including the ones about Texas and the South.


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    The overwhelming positive response this has received is encouraging.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    First openly gay NFL player since Jeff Garcia.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Spoken plainly, honestly and from the heart.

    My favourite part about this, other than the obvious, is that he acknowledges his discomfort and does not conflate how he feels with homosexuality as a problem or something wrong.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    bassie said:
    Spoken plainly, honestly and from the heart.

    My favourite part about this, other than the obvious, is that he acknowledges his discomfort and does not conflate how he feels with homosexuality as a problem or something wrong.

    Exactly....and he has said he was afraid that him stating said discomfort would be taken the wrong way.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:
    First openly gay NFL player since Jeff Garcia.

    Just when you thought the stereotype was broken, Harvey snatches defeat from the jaws of victory.

  • Comedy Central is pretty stush about their int'l web broadcasting, but if you can see it, search out the daily show's "last gay standing" piece by al madrigal.

  • Rockadelic said:
    Dale has been the most popular sportscaster in the D/FW area for almost 30 years.

    This commentary is beautiful and hopefully will help us all break some stereotypes.

    Including the ones about Texas and the South.

    The stereotypes about Texas and the South have a strong basis in fact, which is the real reason Hansen's comments are getting so much attention.

    If a sports anchor up here made similar comments - and most of them have - there wouldn't be the same sort of resonance because no one would be surprised, and that's because we simply do not elect hateful tumors like this guy:


    Good for Hansen.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Most stereotypes are based in some shred of fact.

    A racist will make sure to point out every time a black man commits a crime to support their bigoted stereotypes.

    You do the same with Texas and the South.

    Your bigotry is no different than that of the most staunch racist.

    Keep up the good work.

  • Texas isn't the South.


  • Rockadelic said:
    Most stereotypes are based in some shred of fact.

    A racist will make sure to point out every time a black man commits a crime to support their bigoted stereotypes.

    You do the same with Texas and the South.

    Your bigotry is no different than that of the most staunch racist.

    Keep up the good work.

    Sorry, but that's just pure bullshit.

    I don't vote in Texas. Texans do. That you live in a state that is dominated politically by bigots and dimwits isn't something I'm making up.

    If I said every Texan was like that then I'd be the bigot you claim I am, but I've never said anything close to that.

    And I've never said anything about Texas that was as crazy as your claim that it's the best place in America to raise a child.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Most stereotypes are based in some shred of fact.

    A racist will make sure to point out every time a black man commits a crime to support their bigoted stereotypes.

    You do the same with Texas and the South.

    Your bigotry is no different than that of the most staunch racist.

    Keep up the good work.

    Sorry, but that's just pure bullshit.

    I don't vote in Texas. Texans do. That you live in a state that is dominated politically by bigots and dimwits isn't something I'm making up.

    If I said every Texan was like that then I'd be the bigot you claim I am, but I've never said anything close to that.

    And I've never said anything about Texas that was as crazy as your claim that it's the best place in America to raise a child.

    "Some of my best friends are Texans"


    Get back to me when you raise a child

  • Rockadelic said:
    LazarusOblong said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Most stereotypes are based in some shred of fact.

    A racist will make sure to point out every time a black man commits a crime to support their bigoted stereotypes.

    You do the same with Texas and the South.

    Your bigotry is no different than that of the most staunch racist.

    Keep up the good work.

    Sorry, but that's just pure bullshit.

    I don't vote in Texas. Texans do. That you live in a state that is dominated politically by bigots and dimwits isn't something I'm making up.

    If I said every Texan was like that then I'd be the bigot you claim I am, but I've never said anything close to that.

    And I've never said anything about Texas that was as crazy as your claim that it's the best place in America to raise a child.

    "Some of my best friends are Texans"


    Get back to me when you raise a child

    I see you yapping about NFL players all the time.

    I'm not familiar with your NFL career. If that's your standard, stop offering up brilliant observations like the one about spoiled, over-daddied brat RG3 being "the future of the NFL."

    I know you don't consider the fact that Texas leads the nation in uninsured children to be a negative mark against your state, but rational observers generally disagree. Maybe you meant to say, "Texas is the best place in America to raise an upper-middle class white kid," and I missed the nuance.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Keep proving me wrong

    You're killing it.

    Have a blast showing your ass

    Jaws of victory indeed

  • Rockadelic said:
    Keep proving me wrong

    You're killing it.

    Have a blast showing your ass

    Jaws of victory indeed

    Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert thank you for your support.

    I'm totally wrong. There's nothing rotten in Texas and the place is a beacon of enlightenment for the whole world of homo-hating wimmen-despising fundamentalist fanatics who hate the n*gg*r in the White House and want to strap teenagers with 65 IQs onto death penalty gurneys. It is Paradise By the Pick-Up Dashboard Light for a nation of Angry White Guys.



    That Wendy Davis is a HO-AH.

    That Kenyan Muslim Common-ist in the White House needs to get his ass impeached with Cruz and Gohmert and Stockman leading the charge like um at the Alamo and shit.

    Now let's get back to teaching creationism because Jeezus! Freedumb!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Oh the irony.

    In a thread that shows the hypocrisy of a group that embrace people who cover up murder but ridicule those who have a lifestyle they don't agree with or understand, a guy from a state whose most embraced political family cover up murder(s), ridicules those who he doesn't agree with or understand.

    Go ahead and have the last word that your psychosis demands.

    You win.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Tangentially related. Pretty big look for the lass.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    bassie said:
    Spoken plainly, honestly and from the heart.

    My favourite part about this, other than the obvious, is that he acknowledges his discomfort and does not conflate how he feels with homosexuality as a problem or something wrong.

    Exactly....and he has said he was afraid that him stating said discomfort would be taken the wrong way.

    Not here. Good on him. That's the honest response of a decent human being, and it's the best thing someone in his position could possibly do.

  • Rockadelic said:
    Oh the irony.

    In a thread that shows the hypocrisy of a group that embrace people who cover up murder but ridicule those who have a lifestyle they don't agree with or understand, a guy from a state whose most embraced political family cover up murder(s), ridicules those who he doesn't agree with or understand.

    Go ahead and have the last word that your psychosis demands.

    You win.

    You don't know what irony is. And what "murder(s)" are you talking about, chuckles?

    You've been living in Alex Jones country for too long. You're officially a RWNJ, swimming in the conspiracy pool with Harvey. Did he lend you a tinfoil thong?

    Mostly I think you're pissed because people keep handing you Duck Dynasty souvenirs and asking you to autograph them.

  • LazarusOblong said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Oh the irony.

    In a thread that shows the hypocrisy of a group that embrace people who cover up murder but ridicule those who have a lifestyle they don't agree with or understand, a guy from a state whose most embraced political family cover up murder(s), ridicules those who he doesn't agree with or understand.

    Go ahead and have the last word that your psychosis demands.

    You win.

    You don't know what irony is. And what "murder(s)" are you talking about, chuckles?

    You've been living in Alex Jones country for too long. You're officially a RWNJ, swimming in the conspiracy pool with Harvey. Did he lend you a tinfoil thong?

    Mostly I think you're pissed because people keep handing you Duck Dynasty souvenirs and asking you to autograph them.

    dude, what the actual fuck is wrong with your brain?

    way to argue for tolerance smart guy.

  • vintageinfants said:
    LazarusOblong said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Oh the irony.

    In a thread that shows the hypocrisy of a group that embrace people who cover up murder but ridicule those who have a lifestyle they don't agree with or understand, a guy from a state whose most embraced political family cover up murder(s), ridicules those who he doesn't agree with or understand.

    Go ahead and have the last word that your psychosis demands.

    You win.

    You don't know what irony is. And what "murder(s)" are you talking about, chuckles?

    You've been living in Alex Jones country for too long. You're officially a RWNJ, swimming in the conspiracy pool with Harvey. Did he lend you a tinfoil thong?

    Mostly I think you're pissed because people keep handing you Duck Dynasty souvenirs and asking you to autograph them.

    dude, what the actual fuck is wrong with your brain?

    way to argue for tolerance smart guy.

    It's more important to point out genuine stupidity and bigotry than it is to "tolerate it" in the hope that it will just go away.

    In Florida a jury is taking days to deliberate the fate of a murderous freak named Michael Dunn. Based on some of the questions they're sending out from the jury room it seems like better than even money he'll get off.

    So when Rock says I'm no different from a "staunch racist" because I smell the rot coming from the right-wing mortuary, no, I don't tolerate it. Both sides are NOT the same. One side IS worse. And it's the side he always chooses to defend.

    Now how about those Seahawks?

  • Meanwhile there's a new milestone in the history of human stupidity:

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