Great Songs About NYC (No Empire State of Mind)
4,154 Posts
can't think of another city that has more songs about it. post some of the better ones, ie not "empire state of mind":
I know it's probably nobody's cup of tea. But I spread a little love for a all girl Canadian indie rock band who did a New York song that got covered and made kinda big by They Might Be Giants.
I have a vintage fully operational Mr. Softee truck that drives around my neighborhood out in the sticks of D/FW
Prolly couldn't see as high as I be?
I wanted to post this tune in this thread when it first popped up but I couldnt remember the name. Anyway found it - great tune and btw what is up with dreams - brecker brothers and cobham - all the songs they recorded were played live and improvised according to what i read, just two albums - is this group slept on or underappreciated?
also this
Rest in peace