Its Bob Dylans Birthday Today, He is Old

I thought someone should mention this here. I was thinking earlier this morning that millions of people have used the same chord progressions over and over, but only a few do it well. Bob Dylan is a perfect example of this. The alchemy of good songwriting incarnate.
Here is a touching video of Dylan at the Newport Folk Fest (1yr pre-electric heresy) with a nice little introduction by the still-kicking Pete Seeger. (via NUBLU records' Facebook page)

Please share your favorite tunes, stories, or profoundly disappointing post-1980 live concert experiences if you so wish.
Here is a touching video of Dylan at the Newport Folk Fest (1yr pre-electric heresy) with a nice little introduction by the still-kicking Pete Seeger. (via NUBLU records' Facebook page)

Please share your favorite tunes, stories, or profoundly disappointing post-1980 live concert experiences if you so wish.
My favorite Dylan song by far.
Saw him with the Band at the Largo Arena, early 70s.
Good memories, glad to see a legend even in a giant sports arena.
Saw him last summer. His show was terrible.
He became the voice of a generation that he didn't particularly like or respect.
Blood On The Tracks is by far his best LP as it doesn't pander to a perceived marketing or political responsibility.
He should have stopped singing by 1976
Greatest songwriter of our time if you understand his lyrics were not what the general public perceived them to be in many cases.
A musical huckster +1
No dude....I'm not an Eagles fan.
It's because it's the first LP that pseudo intellectual upper middle class Liberals who were educated way beyond their level of intelligence couldn't "interpret" his lyrics to support their misguided political views and causes.
"A Hard RaiN's Gonna Fall" is about the Cuban Missile Crisis Maaaan! Liberace & Bob laughing all the way to the bank.
It's like the Yankees....I'm sure most of the players themselves (sans A-Roid) are pretty good guys but I could never, ever root for them because their fans are such assholes.
Dylan's lyrics, starting with Another Side are opaque. Thus open to interpretation, especially interpretation by the a fore mentioned piumclwwewbtloi.
Given that criteria I would think something like Nashville Skyline or New Morning or Self Portrait, where the lyrics are less opaque, would be your favorite.
Not that you can't choose what ever LP you want as your favorite, I just don't follow your reasoning on why that one fits your criteria.
For favorite lp I have to go with the obvious choice of BIABH and H61R.
Personally I don't see much in the way of politics in any of his records from this period on, accept for Hurricane, a personal crusade he took on for opaque reasons.
Blood On The Tracks marked a rebirth for Dylan and brought him an entirely new fan base.
If only you were a Yankee fan my cipher would be complete.
This performance was what got me into listening to Dylan. Have to agree that BOTT is my favourite along with Blonde on Blonde.
Dylan covers tend to be better than the original.
Staple Singers and Nina Simone covered a number of Dylan songs.
I looked for the Staples version of John Brown on youtube, but no luck.
"Blowin' In The Wind" was about Chemtrails.......dude was way ahead of his time.
No shit....this Dylan dude is old enough to be my Father.