So, I bought all these records from someone this morning and I'm in no mood to hang on to them. I am having a yardsale at 10:30 a.m. this Saturday at 1626 Fairview Street, Berkeley 94703. Everything will be 50 cents a piece. I obviously picked out the heavy titles for myself but there are still tons of common classics and probably some stuff I overlooked. The vast majority of it is soul, funk, disco, r&b, early hip hop, etc... So if you happen to be in Berkeley tomorrow, stop by. I wouldn't necessarily say it's worth traveling out of your way though. Here is the ad I put on Craigslist.Come by for a yard sale Saturday where you can choose from more than 1,000 LPs for 50 cents a piece. The bulk of the vinyl is 60s, 70s and 80s soul and r&b. There is also a lot of jazz, some old school hip hop, classic rock, etc... Very little easy listening or classical. The condition of the records is mixed, with some in very nice condition and others in not-so-nice condition. I have gone through and gotten rid of anything that looked truly atrocious. We will also be selling some clothing and books. The sale starts at 10:30 sharp - absolutely no early birds allowed. We will probably end the sale around 2:30 unless people keep showing up. Look for the boxes of records on the lawn in front of 1626 Fairview Street, Berkeley.
details please
You'd have to ask him. I believe it was 415, but I didn't catch the title.