Soul Strut 100: # 49 - Isaac Hayes - Hot Buttered Soul

I will slowly be unveiling the Top 100 Soul Strut Related Records as Voted by the Strutters Themselves.
# 49 - Isaac Hayes - Hot Buttered Soul

The album almost never came to be. Hayes' solo debut, Presenting Isaac Hayes, had been a poor seller for Stax Records, and Hayes was about to return to his behind-the-scenes role as a producer and songwriter at the venerable soul label when it suddenly lost its complete back catalog after splitting with Atlantic Records in May 1968. Stax executive Al Bell decided to release a new, almost instant, back catalog of 27 albums and 30 singles at once, ordered all of Stax's artists to record new material, and encouraged some of Stax's prominent creative staff, including Hayes and Steve Cropper, to record solo albums.
Burned by the retail flop of Presenting Isaac Hayes, Hayes told Bell that he would not cut a follow-up unless he was granted complete creative control. Since Bell had encouraged Hayes to record Presenting... in the first place, he readily agreed.
The album was notable for its use of innovative Bell/Hayes production and Terry Manning engineering techniques, and has deeply influenced a great deal of subsequent soul, hip hop and Motown music. Both "Walk on By" and "Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic" have been sampled extensively, the former showing up on tracks by the likes of Compton's Most Wanted, 3rd Bass, MF DOOM, Wu-Tang Clan, Hooverphonic and Notorious B.I.G., while the latter song was sampled by Public Enemy for "Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos". "Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic" also appears on the soundtrack to the film Zodiac, while "Walk On By" appears along with Hayes' version of "The Look Of Love" on the soundtrack to the film Dead Presidents.
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# 49 - Isaac Hayes - Hot Buttered Soul

The album almost never came to be. Hayes' solo debut, Presenting Isaac Hayes, had been a poor seller for Stax Records, and Hayes was about to return to his behind-the-scenes role as a producer and songwriter at the venerable soul label when it suddenly lost its complete back catalog after splitting with Atlantic Records in May 1968. Stax executive Al Bell decided to release a new, almost instant, back catalog of 27 albums and 30 singles at once, ordered all of Stax's artists to record new material, and encouraged some of Stax's prominent creative staff, including Hayes and Steve Cropper, to record solo albums.
Burned by the retail flop of Presenting Isaac Hayes, Hayes told Bell that he would not cut a follow-up unless he was granted complete creative control. Since Bell had encouraged Hayes to record Presenting... in the first place, he readily agreed.
The album was notable for its use of innovative Bell/Hayes production and Terry Manning engineering techniques, and has deeply influenced a great deal of subsequent soul, hip hop and Motown music. Both "Walk on By" and "Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic" have been sampled extensively, the former showing up on tracks by the likes of Compton's Most Wanted, 3rd Bass, MF DOOM, Wu-Tang Clan, Hooverphonic and Notorious B.I.G., while the latter song was sampled by Public Enemy for "Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos". "Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic" also appears on the soundtrack to the film Zodiac, while "Walk On By" appears along with Hayes' version of "The Look Of Love" on the soundtrack to the film Dead Presidents.
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that said, the rare occasion i put it on, i am always blown away. first thing i do when i get home tonight is to put this record on and ease back. he had other good records but it never really got better than this one.
I just posted on FB about this very thing.
It is one of a handful of perfect recordings.
I know every record that places before the Top 10 or Top 5 will have someone saying "Why is this not in the Top 10?" "Why is this not in the Top 5?"
This record definitely belongs in the Top 5, especially on a site like this. It touches almost everything we appreciate in one way or another.
And if you don't own this - we can't be (e)friends.
The organ chord change at 8:42 on Phoenix is my shit
Desert Island Album.
Gangsta Funk
Pimp Funk
The Blues
Extended Rock-Funk Guitar Workouts
Proto Rap
Love Stories
Beats Yo
Orchestra Soul
I'd put the Bar-Kays in the ring with any Funk band.
Dookie Rope Chain Cover
Great Background vocals
What he said.
Yup. I don't think I've listened to this album in at least a couple years. Remedying that tonight for sure.
One of my first digging "A-ha!" moments (re Biggie sample).
I love this list.
I love this record so much I named my son after Mr. Hayes.
when i first started looking for old records, there was a certain mystique laden group of album covers that i had seen at record digging friends' houses and seemed to hold mysterious secrets and deeper musical worlds. every time i see those covers, i still treat them like hallowed objects that ushered me into decades of music exploration. Hot buttered Soul, was definitely one. others: Isaac-to be continued, eddie kendricks-People Hold on, dexter wansel- life on mars, cymande, kool and the gang-spirit of the boogie
Well said Tony. I share the sentiment about "Spirit of the Boogie" "Hot Buttered Soul",etc . Gateway records that will always be cherished.
Unbelievable string arrangements and harmonies,the ups and downs. One Woman probably the greatest song written about infidelity and of course Walk On By and Hyperbollic are almost faultless.
It's a good thing for you that this album is so easy to find.
For real. If you're going to lose a record, may as well be something easy to replace.
elegant yet gritty
what a juxtaposition it is
no one will ever make a record like this ever again,not even the dapkings
i was very upset when the man passed,
yet his legacy is assured if he produced only this lp.
Also interesting to see Wu Tang sample and collab with him and explicitly talk about the assasinations of King, JFK, Malcolm, etc on the same record. In RZA's interview with rap genius he says he has unreleased versions of I Can't Go To Sleep where Hayes and some other musicians completely replay and flip all the parts...
it's somewhere in this podcast -
I love this record, and Crabmongerfunk pretty much summed up my sentiments. I played "Hyper (sp?)" and "Walk on By" joints the other day and ended up starting the record from the beginning and vibin' to it. Isaac's music had such lush, beautiful arrangements which is my 'sweet spot' musically. Still, the man kept the rhythms funky along with the silky smooth accents. His sound is one that will never be duplicated, and I'm glad to see that "Hot Buttered Soul" was recognized here on the Soul Strut 100.
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