sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
edited July 2012 in Strut Central
I'm thinking of letting the website die at the end of the month.

Reasons for death:

I haven't updated it for at least two years.
It's a pathetic home made design that has never been imporved upon.
Links are broken, counters are broken.
I now have a serious job, a serious mortgage and (soon) two not-so-serious children.

Reasons to keep going in some form:

Its been up for almost a decade.
I still have lots of music.
Pretty sure I have the equipment to make a permanent set-up in the basement so it would make it easier to rip and post music.


  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Complete lack of response also weighs in favor of discontinuance.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    If you've got stuff to share, mixes, reviews, scans and stuff, why not poast 'em on SoulStrut instead? The maintenance side of things is taken care of, you don't have to worry about infrequent content updates, and you'll inform a lot of people about latin stuff and probably get more feedback...

  • leonleon 883 Posts
    I agree on sharing the stuff on SS, plus congrats with your pregnancy! :-)

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    If you've got stuff to share, mixes, reviews, scans and stuff, why not poast 'em on SoulStrut instead? The maintenance side of things is taken care of, you don't have to worry about infrequent content updates, and you'll inform a lot of people about BRAZILIAN stuff and probably get more feedback...

    I agree.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    How do people currently find out about your site? Maybe you need to think of new ways to drive traffic. Didn't even know you had a site but just looked and it has amazing content. Needs a design refresh but would be shame to lose all that work.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Do what everyone else does nowadays - set up a tumblr. If you want to keep the "brand" active without the headache involved in maintaining an actual website, it's as good an option as any other out there.

  • Options
    It sounds like it is already dead.

    Take it down and give yourself the opportunity to start something new.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    i for one always appreciated your website
    the scans and sounds were top notch
    you could musterup more interest via facebook groups dedicated to brazilian music (ask edson)
    also tumblr might be a simpler option
    that vinyl porn thread has one that would seem suited to your needs (simpler better design)
    you can keep ripping and posting and people will get a quick view of all you have to offer (keep them fed for a while) without havong to go through every link
    KEEP SABADABAda alive though!

  • PattrickPattrick 57 Posts
    Keep it there!

    The Internet has been around long enough now for people to get nostalgic about sites they used to enjoy. Even if Sabadabada is not getting the traffic it once did, that's more about the fact there are more sites to browse these days. I used to check out Sabadabada a lot and revisiting it yesterday was an enjoyable experience. So people who already know of your site can still get a buzz out of it.

    Think also about younger Internet users and how much useful reference material you've got there regardless of broken links etc.. There will also be younger music fans who are just entering the olde world of vinyl records and crate-digging. They'll be delighted to find your site.

    Don't kill it just because numbers on a site visit clicker thing are low. There may be one day when just one person views your site but that one person could be a vinyl / Latin newbie hungry to learn stuff and will be thrilled. On that one day and for that one person you've done something very worthy and very cool.

    Let it be, let it stay in cyberspace for future generations and I guarantee that in a few years time when your circumstances change again you'll get your appetite back for building it up again, refreshing it and you will also look back over all your hard work from when you were younger and be proud of it.

  • Here's reason #1 to keep it up:

    Is it piles dr? im afraid not, its??dolo!
    Published July 1, 2007 Uncategorized 2??Comments
    yeah saba, thats why your ass be so sore. My blog leaps from snow covered peak to snow covered peak, its ascent ever higher. All the while your pitiful site sinks into the bog, hopeless and pathetic, soon to be a grave without a headstone.?? Thats why you mad. Im krs and you Pm dawn, and your ego is the front row. Youll never be dolo

  • I forgot to the pay the bill when i had no electricity for two weeks and I think sabadabada was auctioned off to a loan company. Oh well. It was a good run, I think it was eight years in September. I guess dolo was right after all, maybe just not as soon as he thought.

    Going back and looking at the archived pages, I cant believe I had over 20,000 visitors in the first three months.

    Its comforting to know that some stupid schnook paid $338 for the domain. See that, just eight years and I turned nothing into a multi-hudred dollar brand.

  • Shit, did you lose all of the content?

    I enjoyed looking at your site - lots of cool Bossa/Jazz records I've never seen irl.

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts

    I enjoyed many a great records from your site.


  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    What with the demise of Loronix, then Um Que Tenha shitting the bed and now this, these are hard times for Brazilian music blogs.

  • I'll probably start up something again as soon as I get settled in my new home. Right now two thirds of my records are still in boxes in the basement. I still have all the old picture files, but I'm thinking of something a little less ambitious as far as record covers but that will be updated more frequently. I still have tons of stuff I never got a chance to post the first time around.

  • Where you bin man!!!

    We haven't heard from you in soo lonnngg.

  • Bought a house in March and its been hard to get the records set up properly. In the apartment I had almost 20 years to grow it organically and its hard to just unpack two or three thousand records. I'm not sure I want them all in the living room any more but I dont really want them in the basement either. I need to go through them and decide which one's make the upstairs cut and then organize them and like I have time to do that. Oh, and my turntable is only playing one channel out of both speakers, so I haven't really listened to a stereo record in while because I'm trying to pretend like the problem doesnt exist.

    Between wifey and the little booger, I never get a spare minute.

    But look at that little punum.

  • Good to hear your voice (read your typing).

    Enjoy everything, thank you.
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