Eurovision brilliance

Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
edited May 2012 in Strut Central
I think this is the full realisation of all that is Eurovision.


  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    I do need new poetic aesthetic though. He's right.

    Who is in charge of Eurovision Song Contest?

    On one hand I can't help but think it's some assholes who keep it around to book shitty acts who can help reinforce their stereotypes of poorer, uncool countries.
    The less pussified part of me thinks, "comeon Montenegro, you have e-Nets--you should know better than ESL superscientifical nonsense rappz."

    Rambo Amadeus though.

    Does he win? He should win. Rambo Amadeus!

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    The dozen or so 200yo babushka grannies should have won.
    Instead it was some faceless Swedish mob.
    The GB entry was the whore Englebert Humperdink, who sailed home second last.


    Let's face it, nothing will ever top that Finnish satanic gargoyle death-metal combo from a few years back.

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    skel said:
    The dozen or so 200yo babushka grannies should have won.


    I haven't watched a the Eurovision Song Contest in it's entirety since the 70s/80s when it was just sappy ballads, schlager and the occasional novelty like disco Dschinghis Khan. The gradual addition of the east euro contingent over the years has definitely increased the WTF factor.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    dukeofdelridge said:
    I do need new poetic aesthetic though. He's right.

    Who is in charge of Eurovision Song Contest?

    On one hand I can't help but think it's some assholes who keep it around to book shitty acts who can help reinforce their stereotypes of poorer, uncool countries.
    The less pussified part of me thinks, "comeon Montenegro, you have e-Nets--you should know better than ESL superscientifical nonsense rappz."

    Rambo Amadeus though.

    Does he win? He should win. Rambo Amadeus!

    See, I think our man Rambo is self-aware and this is some high-level troll. Nobody is this clueless in the age of the internets.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    They unrolled a banner saying Give me a chance to refinance. Reminds me that I heard some countries cannot afford to host the Eurovision, so purposefully send crap entries. Even this sounds like a lottery, as you never know if the eastern bloc is going to go crazy for Humperdink, or Rambo Amadeus.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Them eastern Euroman countries.
    They either use too many, or too few vowels.
    Never quite the right amount.
    WTF is up with that?

    Good usage of the seldom seen consonants though, got to give them that.

    Duder, this should have been our opening gambit with hatchet-faced blondie barmaid.

  • JimsterJimster 6,934 Posts
    Some great memories from the one WOGAN regarding his stint at the Euro-face:

    In 1998, following a rare win for the United Kingdom by Katrina and the Waves, I presented the Eurovision Song Contest on stage from Birmingham, along with the lovely, lively Ulrika Jonsson. Since I was also doing the BBC???s television commentary, this involved introducing the acts from the stage, and then running smartly round the back to a commentary booth. I lost weight that night, not least because the winner for Israel, the aforementioned Dana International, decided to change her costume to receive the Grand Prix, leaving me to make it up as I went along for several minutes in front of half of Europe.

    The following year, the fates took their revenge. Sitting at a table on a warm night in Jerusalem, watching Manchester United win the European Champions League, the match back-projected on to one of the Old City???s ancient walls, was hardly as satisfying as the night of the contest itself. Not the singers, not the songs, but the finale. The prize was to be presented by the previous year???s winner. Dana International teetered forward on six-inch heels, and as she reached the podium, staggered and fell. Fearing a terrorist sniper, four members of Mossad immediately flung themselves on top of her. Poetic justice, I thought it???

    When Abba won, I was commentating on BBC radio, and as soon as the thing was over, we crowded them into our little outside broadcast van. The first interview, with a group that were about to become superstars! Even as I put my first question, the lights went out, never to return. The TV producer, eager for a reviving brew, had ordered all the plugs pulled out. I never got close to Abba again.

    Despite putting the kibosh on a boy broadcaster???s dreams, that producer and I were friends, and worked together on many a Eurovision. I remember he and I, neither of us small men, jammed into a tiny commentary box in Malmo, Sweden, as we watched, near to suffication and hysteria, an interval act based on the legend of William Tell. You know, the one with the arrow and the apple. This interpretation involved flashing lights, as the arrow flew its circuitous route through a tunnel, finally to impale the golden apple on a little chap???s head. It worked in rehearsal, but on the night, the arrow missed. Nobody died, thankfully, and the director had shrewdly kept a recording of the successful rehearsal. Seconds after hundreds of millions of viewers had seen it miss, we saw it strike the apple fair and square. And I still get asked if I really liked doing the Eurovision.

  • orangefunkorangefunk 14 Posts
    As someone who might be entering the contest in the next years (I play with a singer in Norway who is really into all this stuff) this is really interesting.... an actual song I like!! Apart from the rather cheesy chorus (a concession to atypical Eurovision I feel) the whole feel and vibe of the song is excellent... great look of the guy too...


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    How does it feel to get beat by Englebert AND England in one weekend, Norwayman?

    Huh? Huh?

    I keeed


  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Jspr said:
    Danno3000 said:
    dukeofdelridge said:
    I do need new poetic aesthetic though. He's right.

    Who is in charge of Eurovision Song Contest?

    On one hand I can't help but think it's some assholes who keep it around to book shitty acts who can help reinforce their stereotypes of poorer, uncool countries.
    The less pussified part of me thinks, "comeon Montenegro, you have e-Nets--you should know better than ESL superscientifical nonsense rappz."

    Rambo Amadeus though.

    Does he win? He should win. Rambo Amadeus!

    See, I think our man Rambo is self-aware and this is some high-level troll. Nobody is this clueless in the age of the internets.

    He was clearly also very drunk.

    What is this dude's poison though? Am I getting nationalist if I assume it's a liqueur?

  • orangefunkorangefunk 14 Posts
    skel said:
    How does it feel to get beat by Englebert AND England in one weekend, Norwayman?

    Huh? Huh?

    I keeed


    Great because I'm English and living in Norway...

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Ha, sweet!

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    At this very moment, Rambo Amadeus World Kilo Tsar is flying home from Baku and contemplating the elusive semantics behind the word ???OSTENSIBLE???.

    My favourite new blog.

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    First I thought this was on a beyond-WTF level of cornyness but after repeated listen I thought it was a great trolling attempt at the Eurovision cheese-fest.

    Seeing the guy being interviewed made me even like him more. Seems to be quiet a character.

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