DC Record Fair 2/12/12
1,743 Posts
11:00 ??? 12:00 DJ Pari | Soulpower RVA
12:00 ??? 1:00 Sean Marquand | Phenomenal Handclap Band
1:00 ??? 2:00 Patrick Kigongo | Ra Ra Rasputin
2:00 ??? 3:00 Cerphe Colwell | Cerphe???s Progressive Show
3:00 ??? 4:00 Will Eastman | Volta Bureau
4:00 ??? 5:00 DJ Roz | Champion Sounds
11:00 ??? 12:00 ??? $5 Early Bird Admission
12:00 ??? 5:00 ??? $2 Admission
editors top picks !
"DJs spin, drinks flow and vinyl aficionados crate-dig to their hearts' content at this popular record sale,
which moves to Riot Act. Bring cash for shopping; the event falls on Valentine's weekend,
so it's a perfect time to snag a record for your beloved."