Answering Questions From Potential Bidders On Ebay

Q - Can you please send me a close up photo of the back cover?
My Reply - The back cover looks exactly like the front cover except it has the band members names, addresses and current phone numbers.....hope that helps.
Q - Can you please send me the band members names?
My Reply - I heard a rumor that one band member was featured on America's Most Wanted last week so I'm not sure giving out his info is a good idea. If you are wondering if a specific person is a band member send me his name and I'll confirm or deny.
Q - I have a few questions about your sealed XXXXX LP. Is the shrinwrap torn anywhere? Can you read the words on the spine or do the overlap onto the front or back cover. Are all four corners of the LP sharp? Is the front cover slick perfectly centered or is it crooked in any way?
My Reply - In my experience someone who asks these types of questions will find a reason to be unhappy with their purchase. Do us both a favor and please don't bid on this item.
Q - May I ask you how did you get this record?
My Reply - It's a long story and I don't want to bore you with all the details but I will say it involved hijacking a plane, cocaine and a well known organized crime figure.
Q - Is this record any good?
My Reply - Well I guess that depends on who you ask. My tropical fish seem to like it but my hamster died while I was playing it and my wife suspects he may have comitted suicide.
My Reply - The back cover looks exactly like the front cover except it has the band members names, addresses and current phone numbers.....hope that helps.
Q - Can you please send me the band members names?
My Reply - I heard a rumor that one band member was featured on America's Most Wanted last week so I'm not sure giving out his info is a good idea. If you are wondering if a specific person is a band member send me his name and I'll confirm or deny.
Q - I have a few questions about your sealed XXXXX LP. Is the shrinwrap torn anywhere? Can you read the words on the spine or do the overlap onto the front or back cover. Are all four corners of the LP sharp? Is the front cover slick perfectly centered or is it crooked in any way?
My Reply - In my experience someone who asks these types of questions will find a reason to be unhappy with their purchase. Do us both a favor and please don't bid on this item.
Q - May I ask you how did you get this record?
My Reply - It's a long story and I don't want to bore you with all the details but I will say it involved hijacking a plane, cocaine and a well known organized crime figure.
Q - Is this record any good?
My Reply - Well I guess that depends on who you ask. My tropical fish seem to like it but my hamster died while I was playing it and my wife suspects he may have comitted suicide.
Totally! What a random exchange. How does a guy/girl like that purchase anything on ebay?!
I guess I wasn't very clear...these were 5 different questions from 5 different bidders.
These types get under my fucking skin. To be honest, when I receive these messages I block the buyer ASAP. This shit is headed for nothing but a headache.