Break Yourself: Dope Music Record Sale DRUNK!

peacefulrotationpeacefulrotation 3,481 Posts
edited April 2005 in Announcements
FIVE BUCKS BEFORE 12:00! Ladies free B4 11...Saturday April 16thT H E B R E A K S at Club Six. (6th and MoaRket in San Francisco) Another dope evening of the past (Soul, Funk, Latin, )to bring you the present (hip-hop, new-soul etc..)Disc Jockeys:Spair (Oakland Faders/Future Primitive)Ross Hogg (Ital Selectiones)King Most (A.A.S.)Satva (Masterplan Ninja)Slow Poke (AY YO!)5$ bucks before 12:00/Ladies free before 11:0010-'till we throughneva scuuuurrreed/a dress codeNOTE: Don't forget! RECORD SALE will be going on formost of the night UPSTAIRS...B-Cause, King Most,Slopoke and many others will be slanging Hip-Hop,Soul, Disco, Funk, Breaks etc. at fair and decent though sometimes too cheap prices.


  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts

  • Word.

  • Patrick looks weird in that picture.

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    why you muhfukaz gotta live in the yay...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Word. [/b]

  • why you muhfukaz gotta live in the yay...

    Dude, it's easy:

    Take 405 North to 5, take 580 West towards Tracy, merge onto 80 West towards SF, exit 5th Street, right on 5th, left on Howard, right on 6th. There's a parking lot across the street.

    You and Shig are on the list. He'll fade a tank of gas, too.

    See y'all tomorrow!

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    why you muhfukaz gotta live in the yay...

    Dude, it's easy:

    Take 405 North to 5, take 580 West towards Tracy, merge onto 80 West towards SF, exit 5th Street, right on 5th, left on Howard, right on 6th. There's a parking lot across the street.

    You and Shig are on the list. He'll fade a tank of gas, too.

    See y'all tomorrow!

    if only i could...

    soon though...

  • So yeah, the Salt 45's are gonna be pricey..possibly upwards of $5.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    So yeah, the Salt 45's are gonna be pricey..possibly upwards of $5.

    Out of everything I pulled, I'm giving most of it the nice price of 2-8 and a few 10 dollar jawns. Not trying to shake you little dudes out of y'alls milk and wax poetics money.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    why you muhfukaz gotta live in the yay...

    Dude, it's easy:

    Take 405 North to 5, take 580 West towards Tracy, merge onto 80 West towards SF, exit 5th Street, right on 5th, left on Howard, right on 6th. There's a parking lot across the street.

    You and Shig are on the list. He'll fade a tank of gas, too.

    See y'all tomorrow!

    if only i could...

    soon though...

  • Not trying to shake you little dudes out of y'alls milk and GAMM money.


    Unrelated: I can't believe I actually miss the days when import singles were $7.99...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Was this when you used to hang out at "SPUNDAE" on the "reg."?

  • Was this when you used to hang out at "SPUNDAE" on the "reg."?


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Was this when you used to hang out at "SPUNDAE" on the "reg."?


    Ahhh yes, I've heard you wax fondly of the day you caught "Fast Eddie", "Derek B", and Technotronic's "Spin that wheel" on "the cheap".

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