Break Yourself: Dope Music Record Sale DRUNK!

FIVE BUCKS BEFORE 12:00! Ladies free B4 11...Saturday April 16thT H E B R E A K S at Club Six. (6th and MoaRket in San Francisco) Another dope evening of the past (Soul, Funk, Latin, )to bring you the present (hip-hop, new-soul etc..)Disc Jockeys:Spair (Oakland Faders/Future Primitive)Ross Hogg (Ital Selectiones)King Most (A.A.S.)Satva (Masterplan Ninja)Slow Poke (AY YO!)5$ bucks before 12:00/Ladies free before 11:0010-'till we throughneva scuuuurrreed/a dress codeNOTE: Don't forget! RECORD SALE will be going on formost of the night UPSTAIRS...B-Cause, King Most,Slopoke and many others will be slanging Hip-Hop,Soul, Disco, Funk, Breaks etc. at fair and decent though sometimes too cheap prices.

Patrick looks weird in that picture.
Dude, it's easy:
Take 405 North to 5, take 580 West towards Tracy, merge onto 80 West towards SF, exit 5th Street, right on 5th, left on Howard, right on 6th. There's a parking lot across the street.
You and Shig are on the list. He'll fade a tank of gas, too.
See y'all tomorrow!
if only i could...
soon though...
Out of everything I pulled, I'm giving most of it the nice price of 2-8 and a few 10 dollar jawns. Not trying to shake you little dudes out of y'alls milk and wax poetics money.
Unrelated: I can't believe I actually miss the days when import singles were $7.99...
Ahhh yes, I've heard you wax fondly of the day you caught "Fast Eddie", "Derek B", and Technotronic's "Spin that wheel" on "the cheap".