Advice on doing "a mix"?
8,729 Posts
Well, it won't actually be "mixed", so I guess it's a ghetto comp of sorts. Anyhow, I'm trying to do one for the CD swap & am having trouble cause I've never done this kinda thang before. I know all of you have made like infinity of these, so helpful advice would be ap-pre-shitted.Should I have a theme? Like, at first, I thought of using all xian records/songs. But then I thought no, I should not limit myself.And then, I thought, "must use only unknown raers!" - cause If my person has even heard of a track I use then I have not made a good one, right? Then, I thought, "no, that is stupid."I think I'm overthinking the whole thing. Maybe that is my problem... Why must every aspect of my life resemble some lame Woody Allen-esque inner conflict?I don't even like Woody Allen. Thank you for your time.
haha! oh shit, I forgot to make you a disc of that.
thats the beauty of it!
I already have a slick name: "Rusty Kuntz Summer Yams"
I'll send you wahtever I end up doing. And, if I do not include "rock me Greek" on it, I will add it special to yer copy.
Then you have Rape_Donkeys as your cd swap buddy
I knew I had more in common with my sworn enemy than a love of the irreverent.
i'd like to pre-order 100 copies
I say keep switching the style up, but dont make the mix totally 100% alien to everything your fellow strutter brethren know.
Theres nothing like a mix where you have no idea whats coming next, but you know it'll be some quality shit, yaoming.
Also, suspense and contrast are two sureshot bomb styles in mixes if used in the right places.
In short, music should never stand still.
How bout a mix cd of crippled midget records? Sent yr rackord out this morning man.