Logo/Promotional position Strut.

batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
edited May 2011 in Strut Central
Lets say youve been holding down a residence/party for a long ass minute and you get Starbucks to promote it.

They fund most everything.

Does your flyer have their name more prominant than your functions name?

Starbucks Presents "Music Night".

Lets say their LOGO is more prominant than the parties LOGO.

Is there legal language that explains these relationships?


  • TheKindCromangTheKindCromang 1,463 Posts
    Just change the name of your party to "Starbucks" and that will solve most of your flyer issues

  • It all depends on the terms of their sponsorship. Usually when a company, especially a huge one such as Starbucks or Red Bull or Scion, decides to contribute money to an event, they'll very clearly lay out what they expect of you in return, sometimes down to details such as acceptable colors to use on the flyer, placement of their logo on the flyer and at the event, etc. If they just gave you money and didn't ask for anything in return, consider yourself lucky and just plop their logo on the bottom of the flyer with all the others.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    As a person who has to deal with funder credits far more often than I would like, I can tell you that our institutional brand is never subsumed by the funder brand. That said, it's a negotiated situation, and there's a lot of flexibility. If your liason with Starbucks hasn't asked for approval over marketing materials, you can pretty much do whatever you want. But I'd be surprised if they're just handing you the money without any expectation of logo usage approval.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Looks like TheeCasualMale beat me to the punch.

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,537 Posts
    yeah, i think if it gets down to an actual conflict between sponsor and sponsoree, i think that you capitulate to the "whoever signs the cheques gets final say" rule unless otherwise negotiated.
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