Canadians - Vote Strut 2011

DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
edited April 2011 in Strut Central
Advanced voting starts today.

I'm curious. Is there a Conservative voter on the strut? Or anyone that could defend their actions as of late?

What's going on in Quebec? NDP surging over everyone (The Bloc is kinda shocking)... Will that truly transfer into votes?

I'm hitting up my advanced station today. Anyone else going in early?


  • HollafameHollafame 844 Posts
    Philosophically I align with the liberals, but damn I cannot stand Ignatieff.

    Is Trump running up here, too?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    HOLLAFAME said:
    damn I cannot stand Ignatieff.

    To say the least.

    They can all go to hell.
    When will this drought be over? Living in Toronto, I find every level of government riddled with used car salesmen and devils.
    I can't stand to waste something as valuable as a vote on any of these assholes.
    Yea, I'm pissed and feeling hopeless.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    same here in montreal
    provincial had one crook taking over for another
    municipal had a HUGE scandal and easily reelected
    Ignatieff is a snug patronizing bastard and his government acts like they own the position
    the liberals officially fucked up the money when paul martin made power moves and got caught in a scandal that allowed a conservative frankenstein to rise from the ashes

    the NPD poll in quebec is bullshit, these new youtube scandal audio sound convincing but it won't be heard outside of quebec and the conservative voters in QB love their monstertruck promoting, nordiques well wishing immigrant hatting representatives too much

    last time around we elected 8 new conservatives and 1 NPD (maudit anglais related)
    now NPD has a chance but i dont think it will materialize in many new candidates
    basically most high income ridings are liberal (and loyal as fuck), the rest are loayl to bloc with some conservative pockets and the low level split the vote between token ''multicultural'' candidates and a hardline bloc vote

    canadian politics= the status quo + slightly worsening since 1970
    i mean all the stuff harper did to appease the xian right is horrible but he has to play both sides
    prove to them that he is down by allowing his cabinet to go to concert-church and have jesus paintings in there office but then vote against them on abortion (but backhandedly do all he can to fight planned parenthood organizations)
    build more prisons and add more senteces for the youth= the canadian way apparently
    canada we need a fucking tsunami to rock the boat or else we just keep voting the same way
    general people ask themselves what has harper done horribly wrong so far and they can't comeup with an answer unfortunately

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    HOLLAFAME said:

    I can't stand to waste something as valuable as a vote on any of these assholes.

    a vote still gives the party $$$
    that is unless conservatives get their way (they have their $$ machine ready to go and want the competition to dry out)

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    Obvious the choices are lacking to say the least. But Hell no I don't want a conservative majority. I can't believe with all the shit they've pulled as of late that could even be a possibility.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    it's cheezy
    but we need to get the youth vote out! before its too late

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    this is agreat tool to help strategize your vote to avoid a harper majority

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    bassie said:
    Living in America, I find every level of government riddled with used car salesmen and devils.

    Sorry to hijack, please resume.

  • i really like my liberal ward leader, but i also absolutely can not STAND michael ignatieff. she sat down and had a pint with some friends and i [a group we call 'the party party'], and we laid out all of the concerns we had with voting for her party, which represents us, with a leader that does not.

    she was very forthcoming, understanding, eloquent and above all accomodating. which earned her vote back from us. which is a good thing because i was starting to lean towards the libertarian party what with all the lack of choices going to the polls from a federal standpoint.

  • oh, and listening to the leaders make promises on 5 year goals inside a 4 year term makes me want to put a brick through my tv.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts


  • The-gafflerThe-gaffler 2,190 Posts
    how does Duceppe stand on building the bridge?

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,180 Posts
    I voted last week in a special poll (we left he country last weekend and are away until after election day). I voted NDP. If the Cons wins a minority again (highly likely and highly sh*tty), I'd like them to continue to have the power to influence Harper's decisions, as has been the case over the last term. And I'd love for them to become more mainstream so that more left-leaning Liberal consider them as a viable party to support. The Liberals seem uninterested in changing the status quo - and Iggy is a blank slate. (Where has his voice been over the last few years?)

    Although I agree that the NDP are far from perfect. I like Layton, but I was particularly let down during the English debate when he challenged Harper on the experiments with "alternative" models for health care delivery that are currently allowed to exist (e.g., the "health care clubs" that the wealthy and some corporate executives have access to). It was a great moment, and he had Harper on the ropes, but when Harper framed this as an effort to experiment with new models of care delivery and financing to keep the system financially sustainble, Layton had no response, which made Harper's point seem salient. I don't think Layton actually has a grasp on the negative implications for health equity, nor how these clubs essentially violate the Canada Health Act (and would do so on a grand scale if went from small experiments to mainstream options). And if the leader of the NDP doesn't get it, then what hope is there...

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    Do you guys require Birth Certificates up there for your politicians?

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,180 Posts
    ^ HELL NO. You just have to be a citizen.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    I believe you just need to be a citizen and 18 or older.

    But our system is completely different than the American one. And it pisses me off to no end hearing Harper go on about coalition governments and the rights of opposition parties to form government.

    I just finished voting. Not that my MP needed my vote. But I still like the guy and wish he was running the party.

  • dwyhajlodwyhajlo 420 Posts
    pcmr said:
    this is agreat tool to help strategize your vote to avoid a harper majority

    My friend and the company he works for are building a strategic voting app that will be available very soon. It matches up Liberal and NDP voters from different ridings so that they can "trade" one vote for another.

    I'm probably voting Liberal. The local candidate is big on getting Lake Winnipeg cleaned up, which is really important to me.

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    I'm voting Green, my riding's going NDP so the Green might as well get my 2 $.... it might be the last time they get it if Harper get's his way. My god, a Conservative Majority would = a 4 year migraine.
    I really hope it doesn't happen but Ignatieff's a joke, I thought that with a little more exposure to him during the campaign I might start liking the guy. Unfortunately the opposite's been true. He comes across and arrogant, which I expected, and stupid, which I did not.

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    I spent the last week in Whistler. Nominally, it's Canada. As I drifted off to sleep one night, I think I heard a mission statement from a "rhinoceros party." I could google it to verify, but I dont want find out I was hallucinating.
    Is there a Rhinoceros Party? (please only answer if the answer is YES)

    There was a serious bald dude who seemed to be the guy I'd vote for. He was DDR or DDT or NDP or something, and he almost called the current dude a liar. Shot was tite.


  • Options
    I don't know who the craziest Canadian politician is, but he or she would probably be considered to be a dangerous socialist by most Oklahomans. (To pick on a different state for a change.)

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    dukeofdelridge said:
    Is there a Rhinoceros Party? (please only answer if the answer is YES

    The answer is yes there is and it's primary mandate is "to promise to keep none of our promises" if elected. The party claims to be the spiritual descendants of Cacareco, a Brazilian rhinoceros who was elected member of S??o Paulo's city council in 1958.


    No Rhino's in my riding, but still :

    dukeofdelridge said:

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    LoopDreams said:
    I'm voting Green, my riding's going NDP so the Green might as well get my 2 $.... it might be the last time they get it if Harper get's his way. My god, a Conservative Majority would = a 4 year migraine.
    I really hope it doesn't happen but Ignatieff's a joke, I thought that with a little more exposure to him during the campaign I might start liking the guy. Unfortunately the opposite's been true. He comes across and arrogant, which I expected, and stupid, which I did not.

    I think it's ridiculous May was not allowed in the debate...but it does drive me crazy that the party is invisible for 11 months and then they show up for the election. It may differ across the country, but they are no where to be seen or heard around here until it's ballots time.

    This is so painful. His PR people must be Conservatives to allow this out the editing room. Him summoning Springsteen is only slightly better than Harper singing Imagine...that was absolutely shameless. John Lennon would have slapped his mouth.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    There are way worse ads. Check out this Conservative ad, which is pretty much a Tea Party ad.

    Note: Tea party ad first and then the conservative one comes in.

    For you Parti Rhinoc??ros lovers.

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    ^^^ That Rhino add's hilarious

    bassie said:
    LoopDreams said:
    I'm voting Green, my riding's going NDP so the Green might as well get my 2 $.... it might be the last time they get it if Harper get's his way. My god, a Conservative Majority would = a 4 year migraine.
    I really hope it doesn't happen but Ignatieff's a joke, I thought that with a little more exposure to him during the campaign I might start liking the guy. Unfortunately the opposite's been true. He comes across and arrogant, which I expected, and stupid, which I did not.

    I think it's ridiculous May was not allowed in the debate...but it does drive me crazy that the party is invisible for 11 months and then they show up for the election. It may differ across the country, but they are no where to be seen or heard around here until it's ballots time.

    I'm in Ottawa, so there's probably a lot more Green activity around here the the rest of the country: several people I know are active w/ the Greens and working in their office. It's true they don't get any exposure nationally: it would have been nice to get May into the debates (though depending on who you talk to she could be part of the problem with the party these days). Also I think the last few years have been tough ones for the enviro movement: the Economy tanked making expensive Green initiatives look frivolous. Last election Dion ran on a Green platform and made a farce of it (notice no talk of the environment this election from the Lib's, hardly a peep from the NDP). In Ontario McGuinty's been spending billions on windmills, but outsourced all the work to foreign company's , and he's done a poor job selling the initiative to voters. As a result most people are against it. And in the wild west, well tar sands = jobs = $$$. So much for Green.
    We need an environmental movement though, so I hope the Green's keep on keeping on despite playing with a stacked deck.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    The NDP's promotional budget is BIG in quebec
    the hood i work in was plastered with the terrible digitized layton face
    youtube had a HUGE NDP banner yesterday!

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    Big day!

  • erobertseroberts 36 Posts

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,538 Posts
    i just voted the fuck outta that vote.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    shit is looking terrible
    already the conservatives seem to be winners (no majority inchallah!)
    and i am glad the orange wave has taken many people with it
    however the liberals are taking a beating
    with all that infighting they really fucked up the money
    bob rae could have avoided us harper, not dion and ignatieff in the second act
    the bloc is getting chipped in a major way
    i should have known the last time when i started seeing diversity in the core of conservative candidates and when they tried to recruit my dad
    ontario's cultural communities are getting rope-a-doped
    the conservatives started the race with a good lead in the eastern townships
    rocky terrain through quebec with the orange tracksuit closing in
    but from ontario to the finish line there will be blue gatorade pouring in
    they pulled every demographic trick in the book (including the autodial)
    if we have the conservative frankenstein for 4 years i will be really depressed
    cuts to party funding and other measures to solidly anchor this POS party in our nation's fabric will abound!
    bleak i know...anything can happen but...

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    Quebec is doing its part in a major way
    The rest of the parties combined are chickenscraps
    but damn the connies are close to the dreaded magic number
    BC we need you!
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