work is just picking up again for the year. still a touch early and cool for germination, so i haven't overseeded yet, but getting some more growth now. just put down the first application of organic nitrogen. hope its a good year. aerate the soil profile! can't stress that enough
Any other strutters gearing up for gardening season?
Could be a good time to germinate dem seeds now.
cannabis sativa hollandica
I think I'm plant some radish, some peppers, maybe a golfball size tomato variety if I can find, and some carrots this year....hmm, what else?
is so 2003. but i'll admit is very tasty, sometimes reminiscent of applejacks.
anybody tried the chocolope?
chocolate thai(maybe chocolate chunk with cantaloupe haez
btw anthony bourdain needs to visit northern northern Cali to explore the local flavs.