Vinylmania Popup Shop -Vinylmania Still Alive at Zakka
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Who said Vinylmania is dead?
Owner Charlie Grappone opened the Vinylmania???s doors in 1978. He opened the store with a sparse selection of Rock records, but after crowds from the Paradise Garage started showing up, he realized his market was with the house heads. Vinylmania quickly became the goto spot for house in NYC, eventually spawning a record label under the same name, and it???s legacy began. Sadly Vinylmania closed its doors in 2007 after almost 3 decades of business. Charlie has since moved his inventory into Downtown 161, a record distributor in Lower Manhattan, where he opens one day a week for a select group of shoppers.
DailySession and Charlie Grappone are going to revive the life and legacy of New York???s premiere House record store ??? Vinylmania. The doors may have closed in 2007, but Charlie???s love for records still lives on. DailySession will open the Vinylmania pop-up shop in Zakka. So all you people who thought the record store ended when the lights went out, come into Zakka to feel the beat again.
Opening Party
March 4th/5th 6pm~8pm
Zakka 155 plymouth st, Brooklyn, NY 11201