Horrific shit in Egypt.

Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
edited February 2011 in Strut Central
There's a truly horrific video on YouTube that I wish I didn't see. It ruined my night and made me sick to my stomach. I don't have the heart (or stomach) to repost it, but here's the title in case you want to seek it out yourself:

The diplomatic car that ran over 20 people in cairo (28th-Jan-2011)

I doubt it will be up long.

The revolution may not be televised, but it sure as hell will be on the internet.


  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts
    that is sickining stuff

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Herm said:
    There's a truly horrific video on YouTube that I wish I didn't see. It ruined my night and made me sick to my stomach. I don't have the heart (or stomach) to repost it, but here's the title in case you want to seek it out yourself:

    The diplomatic car that ran over 20 people in cairo (28th-Jan-2011)

    I doubt it will be up long.

    The revolution may not be televised, but it sure as hell will be on the internet.

    Looked more like a police van to me unless you're talking about a different video.
    Terrible shit indeed.

    This whole situation could go so many ways, unfortunately most of them far from good.

    Check out the pictures here:
    It's a German news site but the images in themselves are pretty incredible and show what people do in order to protect themselves from Mubarak supporters throwing shit from roofs. There have been people wounded by rocks, concrete blocks, fridges, glass and sulfuric acid all tossed from the roofs of buidlings. Sometimes I don't get what is wrong with people. Especially since reportedly most of the Mubarak supporters are peasants, hired for pocket change and brought into town by the bus load...

    On a side note, Berlusconi is out in support for Mubarak today... how much I wish the Italians would return to their traditional ways in disposing fascist leaders (lamp post related).

  • al jazeera aired this video (crediting liveleak)

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    fejmelba said:
    that is sickining stuff

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    Mubarak and the military are angling to either keep him in power or replace him with his VP who is a military man and was head of intelligence. Basically replace the head man if need be, but preserve the system. The U.S. has their heads up their ass and have basically signed onto this idiotic plan. That's what they mean by "stability."
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